Chapter 120: Rebecca’s growth—

When you concentrate on training, time always flies quickly.

In a blink of an eye, the use period of the time training chamber is approaching two years.

On this last day, Rifan was not eager to continue training Rebecca, but let her take a good rest so that she could enter the epiphany room later.

That's right, Rebecca is currently in a bottleneck state.

Of the 4 major systems of Shinigami, Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō, Rebecca has trained all.


Tl/n: For those who don't know, here is an explanation from Mr. G.

Zanjutsu: Sword fighting techniques for the Zanpakutō. The most basic fighting technique.

Hakuda: An unarmed fighting technique that makes use of one's own body in a fight.

Hohō: The name for all high-speed fighting movements based on the art of Shunpo.

Kidō: Advanced spells that require strong spiritual power: Hadō and Bakudō.


Even Shihouin Yoruichi's signature technique, combined with the skills created by Hohō and Kidō [Quick Opening], has been learned, and her Reiatsu has also reached the level of captain level.

But only Senbonzakura's Bankai was not able to be learned.

Fortunately, even so, Rebecca has already touched the threshold.

Rifan believes that as long as she concentrates on training for a period of time in the Epiphany Room, she will definitely be able to master the power of Senbonzakura.

At that time, defeating the Donquixote Family, Rebecca does not even need the help of others and can complete it alone.

"Teacher Rifan, let's play together!"

At this time, by the water, Rebecca, wearing a cool swimsuit, waved her hands to Rifan.

"Rebecca, it's almost time to leave." Rifan smiled.

"Oh…" Rebecca nodded when she heard Rifan's words, ran to Rifan's side quickly, and took Rifan's hand, "Let's go, Teacher Rifan, let's change clothes first, hehe. "

"Yes." Rifan agreed and walked towards the house not far away with Rebecca.

Rifan could clearly feel the silky touch of her hands while walking around.

This can't help making Rifan a little dazed.

'Women in Pirate World, the developmental ability is a little too good. '

'From the age of 14 to 16, in just two years, Rebecca's body is about to catch up with the 20-year-old Nami.'

'When Nami was 18 years old, she didn't have such a figure. '

'When she reaches 20, I don't know what Rebecca looks like.'

'Speaking of which, her aunt Violet seems to be quite popular.'

While thinking about it, Rifan and Rebecca quickly returned to the room and changed their clothes.

Seeing Rebecca who was neatly dressed with Senbonzakura pinned to her waist, Rifan reached out and put her hand on Rebecca's head.

The next moment, the two returned to Dressrosa's gym.

"Huh?! This is Rebecca?" Rifan and Rebecca appeared, and Nami immediately looked over.

When she first saw Rebecca, Nami couldn't believe her eyes.

Not only her, but even Nojiko and the others were also very surprised.

Sadi looked at Rebecca and then at herself, and was surprised to find that she had lost to her in terms of body shape!

"Teacher Rifan, what have you done to Rebecca in the past two years? Why is her figure so good?"

Sadi, who had not been to the time training chamber, ran behind Rebecca and hugged her body in Rebecca's exclamation.

"Whether it is Yamato or Rebecca, after going to the time training chamber, their body has improved a lot!"

"Did you take advantage of these two years to do shameful things to them!?"

While speaking, Sadi's tone was a little bit sad.

"Speaking of which, after going to the time training chamber, Nami has improved a lot."

Nojiko covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Ah, what are you talking about, Sadi." Rifan was a little speechless, "If you're asking why Rebecca's development is so good, I think it's her genes."

"Besides, she is a minor. Am I going to do that to her?"

"She was only 14 years old before training, and now she is only 16 years old. I really don't know what's going on in your head."

"Okay, don't knead it anymore, no matter how you knead Rebecca, yours won't grow up."

"Let's go, Rebecca, I will take you to a new training room."

With that, Rifan rescued Rebecca from Sadi's hand.

At this time, her face was already flushed.

Although she had the power to break free from Sadi, she was suddenly attacked and Rebecca's head went blank for a while, and she even forgot to escape.

As she walked, Rebecca's face became even redder when she thought about how Rifan saw the scene just now.

She was even brought into the epiphany room without her knowing.

Rebecca didn't react until Rifan called her several times.

"Okay, don't think about Sadi anymore, just calm down and train."

"Put Senbonzakura on your lap and communicate with it well.

"It will definitely respond to you."

Upon hearing this, Rebecca shook her head vigorously, and after driving away the chaotic thoughts in her mind, she sat cross-legged as Rifan said and placed Senbonzakura on her lap.

"Rebecca, I have already told you how to do it."

"Just keep trying to communicate with her just like what I told you and you'll definitely master her."

"I still need to train Sadi and Nojiko, so I won't be here with you."

"However, I will always pay attention to your situation, so don't worry."

Rifan smiled and stroked Rebecca's hair, then turned and walked out of the epiphany room. 

Rebecca quietly opened her eyes and glanced at Rifan's back.

'Teacher Rifan, don't you like girls who are too young?'

'Then wait two more years, but will Teacher Rifan like me?'

Rebecca pursed her mouth, seeming to think about how she was getting along with Rifan in those two years, and the corners of her mouth slowly rose.

A few minutes later, after Rebecca gradually calmed down, she gradually entered a state of spiritual training and methodically tried to further master Senbonzakura.

At the same time, Rifan trained Nojiko, Sadi and others in the Dojo.

What Rifan didn't know was that at this time, Golden Lion Shiki was rushing towards Alabasta quickly.