Chapter 124: Garp: I’m not here to fight—

"This is really unpleasant." Aokiji glanced around and said 'awkwardly', "Robin, you embarrass me so much. The ice I just made is gone."

"Since you feel embarrassed, how about giving up fighting with me?" Robin smiled, "When I was in Ohara, you let me go."

"This time, I will let you go, too."

When Ohara encountered Buster Call, Aokiji was also there as a Vice Admiral.

Robin should hate him, but in the end, it was Aokiji who let her go.

Therefore, for Aokiji, Robin's feelings are very complicated.

"Hey, hey, I haven't lost yet." Aokiji scratched his hair. "But forget it, if we continue to fight, you may be really serious."

"When the time comes, it won't be easy to stop."

Next to Aokiji, the huge trees are shaking constantly. He believes that as long as Robin is willing, they will immediately attack him~.

Although Aokiji is not afraid of these trees, for Robin's Wood Technique, Aokiji feels that she can definitely hurt him badly if he fights her for real.

Aokiji was originally planning to test Robin's power, and now that she has indeed learned a good Wood Style power from Rifan, he has no idea of continuing to fight.

Originally, he was sent by Sengoku to capture Robin if he met her, but is capturing her that easy? Especially now that she has become a disciple of Rifan?

"In that case, please, huh?! Someone has come in?" 

Robin was about to say something, and suddenly she sensed at the edge of the forest, a powerful breath was approaching here.

Aokiji obviously sensed something too, turned around and looked behind him.

After a few seconds, a burly figure shattered a giant tree and fell in front of Aokiji.

"Garp Vice Admiral, you are here too."

Seeing that the person who came was Garp, Aokiji immediately put down his guard.

It was Robin who was on alert in an instant.

If it is said that against Aokiji, relying on the ninjutsu taught by Rifan, Robin still has the confidence to be unbeatable.

But with Vice Admiral Garp here, Robin realized she couldn't win.

Even facing Garp alone, Robin felt that she had almost no chance of victory.

Unlike Aokiji, a strong taijutsu user like Garp is far more troublesome than a devil fruit user, especially against her fighting style.

"Hahaha, it really is you, Aokiji." Garp laughed loudly, "There is ice outside the forest, I guess it is you."

"So, your opponent is Nico Robin?" Garp looked at Robin, "She really became a student of Rifan. It seems that Rifan gave her the Wood Style award. "

Thinking of the strong Hashirama using Wood Style in the demo, Garp looked at Robin and his gaze was full of exploration.

"Wood Style, Wooden Golem Jutsu!"

Robin put her hands together and whispered, passing her Chakra to the surrounding trees, allowing the trees to grow rapidly, and grow into a Wooden Golem as tall as a hill.

The height of Wooden Golem has even exceeded the height of the tallest tree in the wood forest that Robin used.

The two wooden dragons merged into one and wrapped around Wooden Golem's body. 

Together with Wooden Golem, they stared at Garp and Aokiji intently.

"Hey, hello! Looking up close, it's more shocking than the presentation of the golden list!" Garp widened his eyes and looked at the tall Wooden Golem. "Did Nico Robin even learn the Wooden Golem Jutsu?"

"Rifan should have also taught her the [Deep Forest Bloom]."

"If that's the case, it would be troublesome." Aokiji frowned and looked at Robin standing on the Wooden Golem.

[Deep Forest Bloom] The pollen it produced 'killed' Ito one of the five elders without any resistance.

Although Robin is definitely not as good as Rifan, if she can do this trick, it will definitely bring him and Garp a lot of trouble.

"Are you talking about the [Deep Forest Bloom] that teacher Rifan used previously? Actually, it has never been the strongest technique in Wood Style." Robin said with a mysterious smile upon hearing Garp and Aokiji's discussion. "Are you interested in experiencing it?"

"The Strongest Wood Style?" Garp embraced his arms and shouted, "What is that, such a Wood Style, can you really do it?"

"If you two want to catch me, maybe you can experience it, haha." Robin stroked her black hair, a light flashing in her eyes.

Faced with the combination of Garp and Aokiji, Robin does not want to fight with them.

At this time, she was already considering how to join forces with Vivi, or return to Rifan's Dojo to seek asylum.

"Don't be so nervous, girl, I don't mean to fight you." Garp waved his hand. "I came to see Golden Lion Shiki. I heard that it has been a few days since he arrived in this country. Do you know where he is?"

Robin didn't completely believe what he said and just when she was about to say something, she suddenly sensed that there was a large swath of giant objects falling toward the ground above her head.

Raising her head, what was printed in Robin's eyes was the Sky Island fragment that obscured the sky.

Although the Sky Island fragments were chopped into pieces, falling at this speed, the capital of Alabasta would definitely suffer damage.

And behind the Sky Island fragment is Vivi, who is controlling the complete Susanoo as she quickly rushes over.