Chapter 125: Shiki who runs away—

"Robin!" Vivi came to Robin's side, "Help me keep the gravel down together. We can't let them fall like this."

"Yeah! I understand." Robin nodded, and an extremely large Chakra began to condense on her body.

"This… looks like the Golden Lion clash with Princess Vivi." Aokiji touched his chin and asked Garp, "Mr. Garp, what should we do?"

"What else can we do, of course, is to help clean up the rubble." Garp rubbed his fist. "Anyway, we can't let the rubble hurt the civilians."

"Well, that's what I said." Aokiji nodded.

However, as soon as the two of them stepped on Moonwalk and flew into the sky, the originally silent forest suddenly surged.

The two hurriedly stopped and looked around guardingly.

However, the surging forest did not attack the two of them but rushed toward the higher sky with a surge.

"Nico Robin, do you want to catch the rubble with this trick?" Aokiji frowned and looked in the direction where Robin was.

However, at this moment, Robin's location was already covered by a forest that obscured the sky.

Under the stimulus of Robin Chakra, the originally vast forest has expanded even more, and in a blink of an eye, the towns not far away will be covered.

These dense trees formed a natural protective shield to completely block the gravel from falling toward people.

A few minutes later, when Robin dispersed the forest, no one was injured.

"Fuh–" Robin exhaled, and when her feet softened, she was about to fall to the side.

Vivi wanted to hold Robin, but after seeing the person who suddenly appeared next to her, Vivi stopped.

"Teacher Rifan!" Vivi exclaimed respectfully.

"Yeah." Rifan nodded, "Cancel your Susanoo  first, Vivi, if you always use it like this,  I will make you wear a pair of glasses on your beautiful eyes sooner or later you know."

"Well, I think it's not bad if you wear glasses, you must be pretty if you wear one."

"Really, Teacher Rifan, you can really boast." Vivi pursed her lips and dismissed Susanoo obediently, jumping to Rifan's side.

"Are you okay, Robin." Rifan said while channeling his Chakra to Robin.

"I'm okay, Teacher Rifan." Robin shook her head, "I'm just a little bit weak. But with your Chakra, I'm much better now."

Rifan nodded, helped Robin to stand, and took over the control of the wooden golem that supported the three of them and fell in front of Garp and Aokiji.

After landing, the surrounding trees, wooden dragons and huge Wooden Golem melted to the ground and eventually disappeared.

"So, you are fighting with them?" Looking at Aokiji, who was on guard, and Garp, who was looking at him with interest, Rifan asked the two women beside him.

"Although I am a little interested in the power of the two of them, I haven't been here for a long time, so I haven't fought with them."

Garp laughed.

"Teacher Rifan, it's actually Golden Lion Shiki." With that, Vivi slowly told the story about the arrival of Shiki.

"So it's like that." Rifan rubbed his temples, "That guy, he is really daring enough."

"He didn't honestly wait for the rewards from the golden list, but instead came to Alabasta to make trouble."

"He even thought of taking your eyes, but it seems I didn't teach you for nothing, and you used your own strength to drive that guy away."

Between Rifan's words, he was satisfied with Vivi's performance.

Although she has mastered Water Style and Sharingan, the actual combat effect of Vivi is not very good due to her lack of fighting experience.

Originally, Rifan also felt that Vivi would struggle very hard when facing a strong or comparable figure…

But facing Shiki, she drove him away alone.

That is not the disabled version of Golden Lion Shiki, but the Golden Lion Shiki that has completely recovered from the injury.

Rifan felt that even though his strength was weakened due to age, it would definitely not be much worse than the current Whitebeard.

It is for this reason that Rifan is extremely pleased with Vivi's performance.

"But, I let him escape." Vivi pouted, "Furthermore, let him toss the broken islands down."

"Well, it can only be said that he is too cunning. He used the citizens of Alabasta to restrain you." Rifan patted Vivi gently on her head, "Keep working hard. When you become stronger, you can find Golden Lion personally if you want to settle an account with him."

"Teacher Rifan won't avenge Vivi?" Robin asked as she laughed, as she stood on the ground on her own.

"If I have to take care of everything, what's the use of teaching you skills?" Rifan shrugged, "Moreover, with Vivi's potential, she will definitely be able to easily defeat Golden Lion Shiki in the future. I believe Vivi can do it by herself."

"Speaking of which, there are traces of ice here, Robin, did you fight Aokiji?"

Robin looked at Aokiji and nodded.

"That's it." Rifan glanced at Garp and Aokiji. "So, what do you two want to do? Do you want to continue?"

"No need." Aokiji shook his head, "I saw Nico Robin and her prowess, and the Golden Lion has run away. We don't have to stay here anymore, right? Garp Vice Admiral?" 

"Garp Vice Admiral?"

Seeing that Garp ignored him, Aokiji yelled loudly.

"It's okay, Kuzan." Garp waved his hand and walked towards Rifan, "Hey, Rifan, are you free."

"Why don't we have a fight."