Chapter 127: Feeling—

Rifan's right fist from bottom to top slammed into Garp's chin.

His fist 'turned' into a blue dragon, and before it attacked Garp's body, all his hairs were standing up.

Subconsciously, Garp withdrew his fist to attack Rifan, and while retreating, Armament Haki directly covered his whole body.


With a dragon roar, Rifan's fist happened to pass in front of Garp.

However, although Rifan's fist did not hit Garp, the blue dragon rising from his fist took Garp to a high altitude.

The azure dragon opened its huge mouth, bit Garp and flew straight for several hundred meters before dissipating.

Garp, who lost his power, quickly began to fall.

"Garp Vice Admiral!" Aokiji hurriedly used his fruit ability to construct an ice slide where Garp had fallen.

Let Garp follow the slide as he reached in front of him safely.

"Cough, cough!" Garp coughed heavily, bringing out some blood.

"Garp Vice Admiral, are you okay!?" Aokiji quickly helped Garp up.

"Don't worry, I won't die easily." Garp stood up laboriously with Aokiji's hand, looking at Rifan in shock, "Rifan, what was that just now?"

Garp was very surprised. The punch just now didn't seem to cause much harm to him, but he knew his own injury.

When he was bitten by the azure dragon, there was an extremely pure and domineering force impacting his body.

If it weren't for his extremely strong physique, plus Haki's offset, the one-shot just now would be enough to make him unable to stand up.

In fact, he has now suffered serious internal injuries.

If he does not rest for a period of time, I am afraid it will be difficult to fully recover.

"It's just martial arts, what's so surprising." Rifan retracted his fist and put it behind him casually. "Garp, I never said that I can't beat people with my fist."

"Everything is your own imagination."

"So do you still plan to stay here?"

Hearing Rifan's words, Garp cursed.

"Damn, you kid is such a monster."

"Come on, Kuzan, we should leave here."

As he said, he turned around and walked in the direction where he came.

"Okay, Garp Vice Admiral." After Aokiji took a deep look at Rifan and Robin, he quickly followed in Garp's footsteps.

"Now that they are gone, what are your plans, you two?" Rifan turned around and looked at Robin and Vivi, "Do you want to stay here or go back to Dressrosa with me to continue your training?"

Robin turned to look at Vivi, obviously intending to let her answer.

"Teacher Rifan, can I continue to stay here?" Vivi said with some worry, "I'm worried that Golden Lion Shiki will come back again. If I'm here, maybe I can stop him."

"Although I think that guy will not come back so soon after a failure but forget it. Since you want to stay, just stay." Rifan said with a smile, "However if you plan to continue your training, you can go directly to the Dojo."

"Although I plan to stay in Dressrosa temporarily, I can still open the secret realm of the Dojo here for you to train."

Upon hearing this, Vivi nodded gratefully.

"By the way, Teacher Rifan, since you appeared here, have you come here to pick us up?" Vivi asked.

"It's one of the reasons, and the second is because I ran out of ingredients, so I planned to come to Alabasta to buy some." Rifan spread his hands, "After all, Nojiko and Sadi can't use my Dojo resources and can't let them eat in the Dojo exclusive restaurant."

"In this case, let me buy it for you teacher!" Vivi bent down, her cute eyes narrowed slightly, "I'll take care of these chores, so you can rest first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Vivi turned and ran towards the town.

"Um." Originally, Rifan wanted to say that he could purchase all the items in a flash, but seeing that Vivi was so active, he gave up this plan.

"Vivi will help you with the purchase. Why don't I massage your body?" Robin held Rifan's hand with a smile on her face. "There is a private bathhouse prepared by the king for Vivi and me on the other side of the palace.

"I have some newly learned skills, so let's go there."

"It's just right to relieve your fatigue from fighting with Garp."

Because she successfully saw two historical poneglyphs, Robin treated Rifan with respect, so she even researched related books in order to better help Rifan massage.

".. Bathhouse?" Rifan squinted his eyes, "Are you planning to take a bath with me?"

"During training, didn't you see my body right from the beginning? Teacher, don't tell me you don't want to?" Robin smiled very intelligently, "Obviously I don't care."

"You were very concerned at that time." Rifan shrugged, "Forget it, I really want to try your new skills. Using your devil fruit ability for massage. You are probably the first person in history."

"As long as you like it, it's not a bad thing to use it for a massage." Robin smiled like a flower and led Rifan towards the palace.

What she didn't say was that although during training, she would mind being seen by Rifan at first.

However, the two have been living together for two years. Together with Rifan's gentle treatment, Robin slowly no longer cares about it.

Robin, who understood everything very well, quickly realized that she had a good feeling for Rifan, which was beyond the good feeling between the teacher and the disciple.

It is precisely because of this special affection that Robin is willing to do more for Rifan.

"It's too slow to walk." Rifan glanced at the castle in the distance, "I'll take you directly and take you there."

"Then, teacher, can you hold me?" Robin said, "just like a prince treats a princess."

Rifan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't reject her request, he bent down and a princess carried Robin in his arms.

Then he leapt into the air and flew towards the castle in the direction of the strong wind.