Chapter 128: Shiki's crazy plan—

In the desert of Alabasta, Garp and Aokiji walked quickly.

"Cough! cough!" Garp coughed heavily, covering his mouth.

When he opened his hand, a tinge of bright red was in the eyes of Aokiji and Garp.

"Garp Vice Admiral, are you really okay?" Aokiji asked nervously.

It was the first time he saw Garp so weak.

"Don't worry, it's just a little uncomfortable!" Garp waved his hand casually, "But for the time being, I may not be able to find Luffy."

"That Rifan, what kind of physical technique he used, it actually generated a dragon."

"I remember, he seemed to be calling it Lushan Rising Dragon Lord."

"This guy knows both kendo and ninjutsu, and now he is even involved in martial arts. He is really a freak."

"Kuzan, lend me your den-den mushi. My den-den mushi died because of Rifan attack just now."

Shiki escaped, and from what Princess Vivi said, he should be injured from their fight, and there was the latest information about Rifan. Garp felt that he had better tell Sengoku as soon as possible.

"Oh." Aokiji nodded, quickly took the den-den mushi from his arms and handed it to Garp.

Soon, Garp, who received the den-den mushi, dialed the Naval Headquarters, Sengoku.

"It's me, Sengoku." Garp said immediately without waiting for Sengoku to speak.

"Garp, did you catch Shiki?"

"I didn't catch him, that fellow was driven away by Princess Vivi. If he hadn't thrown the broken island down, maybe that girl Vivi would be able to keep him."

"Huh?! Princess Vivi has this power!?" In the office, Sengoku signaled to others to calm down. "Even if Vivi has been rewarded by Sharingan, Shiki has recovered from his injuries. With the special nature of his devil fruit ability, Princess Vivi's ability shouldn't be enough to drive away Shiki."

 "I don't know the specific situation. I only saw Vivi flying down from the sky with a mountain-sized Susanoo.

By the way, there is one more thing. That Nico Robin has indeed become Rifan's apprentice, and she also learned something from Rifan. Rifan gave her his reward from the previous golden ranking and she learned Wood Style." Garp said. 

"Nico Robin learned Wood Style!?" Sengoku's tone suddenly rose, "How powerful is she?"

As a person who has seen the presentation of the golden list, Sengoku understands the power of Susanoo completely and also knows the trouble when she masters the Wood Style to the highest point.

Vivi can fly with Susanoo, which is equivalent to a Golden Lion-level threat. If Nico Robin can use the Deep Forest Bloom that Rifan used previously to kill Ito, one of the five elders, it means that Rifan has three Admiral level combat powers around him!

Thinking that Rifan is still wanted by the World government, Sengoku feels that his headache is about to be committed again.

"About the technique that Rifan used previously, I don't know if Robin can also use it, but I saw her using Wooden Golem Jutsu."

"I think you know how troublesome that technique is. The Golden List has demonstrated this technique."

Garp paused and continued:

"By the way, Robin also said that the strongest Wood Technique is not [Deep Forest Bloom], but the Wood Style version of the Sage technique. She also used this to warn me and Aokiji."

"I think she didn't just say it casually, and the said technique should be quite troublesome."

"Also, Sengoku, I'm going to take a vacation and rest for a while."

Sengoku, who was distressed when he heard Garp's description of Nico Robin and Vivi's fighting ability, exploded as soon as he heard that Garp was planning to ask for leave.

"You bastard! What do you mean vacation!? I just let you go to Alabasta!"

"You didn't arrest Golden Lion Shiki, why are you asking for rest? Listen—"

Garp dug his ears and interrupted Sengoku directly:

"I was beaten by Rifan. The injury was serious and I needed a rest.

Sengoku: "!!??"

In the marshal's office, everyone present was wide-eyed.

"Garp, what did you do, why did you clash with Rifan?

"Also, Rifan is in Alabasta!?"

"Also, how badly are you injured?"

Sengoku stood up directly from his seat and asked Garp eagerly.

"Fortunately, I should be able to recover after a few days of rest." Garp replied, "As for conflicts or something… Haha, I challenged him myself."

"It's just that I was punched by that guy."

"Sengoku, that guy is not only good at kendo but also good at martial arts."

Slowly, Garp expressed his feelings about Lushan Rising Dragon Lord.

The more he listens, the worse Sengoku's face looks.

Martial arts is not as famous as kendo, and the world has not summed up a martial arts master in the world.

But if you want him to rank all the martial artists who were on the top rank list on Martial Arts, Sengoku feels that it should be Garp without a doubt.

He once used his fist to defeat Rocks and the Rock Pirates with Roger, his martial arts strength is undoubtedly strong.

But now, like Mihawk, he ended up being defeated by Rifan.

If it weren't for understanding Garp's character and knowing that he would not lie on this matter, Sengoku would never believe it.

"Sengoku, why don't you try to talk to the Four Elders so that they don't offer Rifan a bounty reward."

"If you ask me who will I choose to fight between the Four Elders and Rifan, I will choose the four elders within a second, I don't want to become an opponent with him. He is literally a monster." Garp said seriously.

"Fuh—" Sengoku took a deep breath, "It's not going to be easy. Since you are injured, you should go back to Naval Headquarters with Kuzan.

"The world is too messy right now, we can't do anything."

"Even if you want to find Luffy, you should wait until you are healed, and then find him."

Garp nodded and hung up the den-den mushi.

"Captain, are you okay?" After the Flying Pirate Group, the ship doctor gave Shiki emergency treatment, he asked worriedly.

"Fuck, how could I be okay!?" Shiki roared, thinking how he was almost nearly broken off by Vivi with her Kamui, Shiki felt extremely angry.

"Fortunately, I saved this leg!" Shiki looked at his right leg with twisted marks. "Fortunately, that girl went back to protect the people on the ground. Otherwise… Damn! Rifan, what kind of monsters had he taught!?"

He has Several Huge Sky Islands on his tow when he arrives at Alabasta, but only one flying ship escaped!

Shiki only feels that today is his worst day.

"If I can get those eyes," Shiki sat up from the hospital bed. "If I can kill Vivi with Yatsufusa, then I can use these eyes as she uses them!"

"There are other disciples of Rifan, that Nico Robin, who uses the rare Wood Style–

"Jiehahahaha, if all of Rifan's disciples were turned into corpse dolls, that man would definitely be go crazy!"

"But it's worth a try, Jiehahaha~"

After the war with Vivi, Shiki has given up the idea of looking for Rifan and cooperating with him.

After all, he had said in front of Vivi that he wanted to take her eyes.

On the Golden List, Shiki once invited Rifan, but Rifan ignored him at that time.

Now, Shiki feels that Rifan will ignore him even more.

If he rushes to find Rifan, I am afraid that Rifan will kill him.

After careful consideration, Shiki felt that it was more reliable to rely on the golden list.

Beside him, the ship doctor who saw Shiki's smile and plan felt worried.

They had just witnessed Vivi's power, she was like a god, thinking that Vivi had fellow peers like Nami and Robin, and teachers like Rifan, the ship doctor felt even more desperate.

As for persuading his captain Shiki, the ship doctor did not want to die so early.

"I hope Rifan won't come here personally for revenge..."

The ship doctor prayed to God for the first time in his life.

What he didn't know was that Rifan had no intention of coming to them at all.

At this moment, Rifan is enjoying the service brought by Robin comfortably.