Chapter 138: Rejection—

"If Sire Rifan is willing, I certainly hope to be your disciple and learn swordsmanship from you."

"After all, Sire is now a Juggernaut."

"In this world, I don't know how many swordsmen wanted to be your disciple."

Gion said with a smile on her face.

But Rifan just shrugged casually at what Gion said.

There will be many people who want to become his disciples and follow him to learn swordsmanship, which Rifan naturally believes.

But if you want to be his disciple, you have to meet the conditions after all.

"Actually, it's like this." Seeing Rifan just looking at her and not talking, Gion said that the remaining Elders of WG wanted Rifan to become Shichibukai.

"If Sire Rifan wants, you can become Shichibukai.

"If that happens, even if I am a Marine, I can become your disciple."

Gion smiled. While speaking, her eyes kept watching Rifan's expression change.

However, even after hearing how the Four Elders wanted to make him one of the Shichibukai, Rifan kept a faint smile.

Gion couldn't see what Rifan was thinking.

"Are you done talking?" Rifan asked. "Then you can go back when you're done."

"The wind and snow are quite heavy, you still have injuries, don't freeze on your way." 

"By the way, let me tell you some fun facts, I am not interested in becoming someone else's dog."

After speaking, Rifan turned and walked towards the Dojo. Entering the dojo, the door closed automatically at the same time, separating Gion from Rifan.

"By the way, I don't think you are malicious, so I will remind you for your own good." Rifan's voice came from the door, "Theoretically, you Marine and World Government have already taken the initiative to stand on the opposite side of me."

"Appearing so wildly near my Dojo, or the island or country where my Dojo is located may cause me and my disciples to misunderstand."

"If there is any death or injury due to this wonderful misunderstanding, don't blame us."

Hearing Rifan's words, Gion opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

However, before she could speak, a huge branch suddenly grew from the ground under her feet.

The branches grew crazily, and in a blink of an eye, they brought Gion to the coast of the Drum Kingdom, where Marine warships docked.

"Are you okay, Gion?"

"Has the talk been done, is Rifan willing to become Shichibukai?"

Seeing Gion falling from the huge branch, her Marine colleagues on the warship immediately greeted him.

Contrary to their expectations, Gion shook her head: "Rifan said that he doesn't want to be someone else's dog." 



Hearing the report, the blond-haired elder glanced at the curly-beard elder.

"This is the first few tables this month, and you should also control your temper appropriately.

Hearing the words of the blonde elder, the curly-beard elder opened his eyes and said angrily:

"That Rifan actually said that he didn't want to be someone else's dog. He obviously refused to be a Shichibukai!"

"He also warned us not to enter the site where his Dojo is located. How can this not make me angry?!"

"I won't talk about small places like Cocoyashi Village. But Alabasta and the Drum Kingdom are all members of the World government!"

"Now he actually tells the Marine and World government not to approach there. Does he use it as his territory?!"

The elder with a long beard stroked his beard and said:

"The king of the drum kingdom, Wapol, was driven out of the drum kingdom by Nico Robin."

"Now that country treats Nico Robin as queen."

"The King of Alabasta also chose to stand on Rifan's side." 

"Now, these two places have undoubtedly fallen into Rifan's hands."

"The question is whether we have to deal with them."

"In addition, what kind of attitude should we have after Rifan rejects Shichibukai's position?

If you change to other situations and encounter such a thing, the Four Elders have already let Marine launch Buster Call against that person.

But now, facing that strange Rifan, the Four Elders have to be cautious.

"Let's just let this matter." The blond-haired elder said, "Those two countries, let it go. In accordance with the previous plan, continue to search for Rifan's Dojo and let our agent become Rifan's disciple."

"In addition, the [Martial Arts Skills List] will be announced in ten days, and maybe that will be a turning point for us."

Hearing this, although a little helpless, the other three elders can only nod their heads.

[Swordsman List] After the curtain ended, the world ushered in a brief peace.

But soon, this calm was broken by those who were rewarded.

Dressrosa, in the palace.

"Fufufufu~, sure enough, peace is short-lived. There is never a lack of interesting things in this sea."

Doflamingo laughed out loud. The newspaper in his hand describes almost all the things that have been happening in the sea.

And on the newspaper cover, it was Golden Lion Shiki making trouble with Naval Headquarters.

"That Golden Lion is worthy of being the pirate of the older generation in the legend."

"He offended Vivi in Alabasta not long ago, and this time he directly attacked Naval Headquarters with other pirates."

"He also brought Moria's corpse and 7 other corpse dolls that have a bounty of more than hundreds of millions, Fufufufufufu~"

"That [Yatsufusa] is really an outrageous weapon. It has the ability to control the corpses of others."

On the side, Diamante, the top cadre of the Donquixote Family, walked over, holding a newspaper the same as Doflamingo in his hand.

"And the Naval Headquarters is really useless, they even let Shiki run away in the end."

"Doffy, will this affect us?"

"It is said that Shiki intends to go to the Marine Headquarters to capture better corpse dolls. This time he did not succeed, in case he catches his eyes on us."

It's no wonder that Diamante thought this way. After this period of time, Shiki made trouble like crazy.

Forget Moria, and now he even went to Naval Headquarters. 

If it weren't for the two Admirals in Marine Headquarters who had gone out to do missions at the time, and Garp was not there, Shiki would definitely not end well.

"Fufufu~, don't worry, Diamante." Doflamingo's mouth curled up, "That guy obviously wants to kill people who have strong taijutsu skills, so when the [Martial Skills List]starts, he can be rewarded.

 "Although we have a martial artist like Lao-G here, Golden Lion Shiki doesn't necessarily know him."

"If he has time to find G, he should find an existence like Moria to use his sword ability."

"It's just that after his 'visit' to Naval Headquarters, that guy is definitely injured, and we don't know whether he can act or not."

While he was explaining his assessment of Golden Lion Shiki with a dangerous glint on his eyes, a slight shock suddenly enveloped the entire castle.