Chapter 139: Doflamingo—

"It's happening again!" Diamante frowned, looking into the distance through the window. "Doffy, the recent earthquakes in Dressrosa are a bit too frequent. This phenomenon shouldn't be natural, but man-made."

Doflamingo nodded, walked to the window, and looked in the direction of Green Bit.

"The vibration seems to be coming from over there, Violet. Look over there with your eyes."

With that said, Doflamingo turned his head and glanced at the woman in a dance girl costume in the room.

The woman called Violet nodded and quickly used her devil fruit ability.

Violet, formerly known as Viola, is also the daughter of the overthrown King Riku.

Doflamingo liked her devil fruit ability due to its usefulness, that could see things within 4000 kilometers, so he solicited her.

And in order to save her father's life, Violet had to 'join' the Don Quixote family.

Under Violet's deliberate control, her ability quickly fluctuated to Green Bit, which was also the location of Rifan Dojo.


Suddenly, Violet's eyes widened.

"What did you see, Violet?" Seeing Violet's surprised expression, Doflamingo asked immediately.

"It's nothing." Violet took a deep breath, trying to make her tone of voice calm, "I didn't find anything special, maybe it was just a natural earthquake just now."

Even so, Violet's heart was already preceded by turbulent waves.

She knows Rifan's Dojo naturally, and she has already remembered the style of the Dojo.

What's more, she also saw Nami in Green Bit Forest through her own ability just now, which further explained that this is indeed Rifan's Dojo.

Thinking of finding Rifan's Dojo, she might become Rifan's disciple and get a powerful force from him. Naturally, Violet was unwilling to tell Doflamingo about it.

If possible, she wants to become Rifan's disciple to kill Doflamingo with her own hand!

"Fufufufu~, did you find something, Violet?" Seeing Violet's expression, Doflamingo smiled even more. "But, is it really okay for you to do this? If I think you are useless, you should understand how your father will end up."

Hearing that, Violet's delicate expression became extremely ugly.

She knew that Doflamingo was definitely someone who could do it.

Just when Violet hesitated whether to tell the Doflamingo, Buffalo, a member of the Don Quixote Family, ran in from the gate.

"Young Master, I have important things to report!"

As soon as he walked through the door, Buffalo couldn't wait to say to Doflamingo.

"Fufufu~, what's the matter?" Doflamingo gave Violet a look, then turned to look at Buffalo. "By the way, where is Baby 5 who went out with you to finish the task given to you?"

"That's what I want to report, young master!" Buffalo said, "Just now when Baby5 and I came back, we passed by Green Bit. There, we saw a woman with blue hair and a woman with orange hair fighting!"

"Because it is a face we haven't seen before, so Baby5 and I went to investigate."

"Later because of some unpleasantness, Baby5 opened fire on women with orange hair."

When he said this, a trace of panic flashed in Buffalo's eyes.

Seeing Buffalo's appearance, Doflamingo's forehead couldn't help twisting.

"Buffalo, what happened?"

Thinking of the direction from which the previous shock came, it was on the Green Bit side, Doflamingo felt that this shock might have something to do with Buffalo and the others.

Under Doflamingo's scolding, Buffalo's body trembled uncontrollably, and said quickly:

"The shells fired by Baby5 were absorbed by the orange-haired woman with a layer of dark power."

 "And it's like the Dark Fruit demonstrated in the Golden List!"

"Ahh! I remember, young master!"

"That woman seems to be the female jailer who once appeared in the golden list!"

"It's the female jailer that Shiryu killed after using the random teleportation scroll!

Hearing that, Doflamingo's eyes hidden under the sunglasses suddenly widened.

"You mean, that woman not only didn't die, but she also got the power of Dark Fruit?!"

"Could it be that this woman caused the shock just now?"

"She still has the power of Shock Fruit?!"

In normal times, if the power of Shock Fruit and Dark Fruit appeared, Doflamingo would only be surprised at most.

However, the two powers appeared at the same time, and the power of Shock Fruit was not caused by Whitebeard, which made Doflamingo alert.

In his impression, Shock Fruit and Dark Fruit could have appeared in one place a long time ago, probably only in Rifan.

Rifan once won three Devil Fruits through the Golden List, two of which are Shock Fruit and Dark Fruit.

And even if these two fruits are eaten together, they won't cause a backlash on its users like other Devil Fruits users.

"Could it be that the female jailer was teleported to Dressrosa, and was later saved by Rifan to become his disciple?!'

"No, Dressrosa does not have the environment where Shiryu was transported."

"Besides, I would be the first to know if someone like Shiryu came here."

"In it, there is something I want to understand."

At the side, looking at Doflamingo, who lowered his head deep in thought, Buffalo swallowed and said:

"That, young master…"

"It was not the female jailer who used Shock Fruit's power, but the blue-haired woman." 


[Tl/n: You can leave one of your stone for 5 chapters update.]