Chapter 140: Baby 5—

"A blue-haired woman?" Doflamingo fixates his eyes on Buffalo, "It's okay even if the power of the two devil fruits is not in one person."

"But if they appear in the same position, and one of them is not Whitebeard, then it is probably the devil fruit that Rifan gave them.

"Buffalo, did you see Rifan's Dojo?"

After saying that, Doflamingo glanced at Violet on the side.

If Rifan's Dojo is really in Green Bit, then everything makes sense.

Why was Violet so surprised, why didn't she plan to tell the truth?

If what she saw was Rifan's Dojo, she definitely wouldn't want to say it.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo couldn't help but grin at Violet.

Such a smile made Violet, who was already worried, stepped back involuntarily.


"Don't be afraid, Violet, I am not going to hurt you now."

"At least, I won't hurt you until I finish the matter here, Fufufufu~"

"But, having said that, why did you even launch an attack when you saw Rifan's Dojo!"

Doflamingo turned his head and looked at Buffalo grinningly.

"No, young master, it's not me." Buffalo shook his head quickly. "It's because Baby 5 is in a bad mood and attacked the female jailer at will."

"After that, it was the blue-haired woman who made Baby faint with the power of vibration." 

"Baby 5, because of the angle problem, she may not have seen the Dojo hidden in the forest."

"Because I didn't launch an attack, the two of them didn't do anything to me."

"Young Master, please save Baby 5, she was taken to the Dojo by the two women, she will definitely encounter danger."

From the side, Diamante came over and gave Buffalo a cold look.

"Hmph, you have caused such a big trouble for the young master, and you still want the young master to save her."

"Doffy, let's just give up Baby 5, anyway, that woman just stayed with us because she was convenient to use."

"For her, it's not worth offending Rifan."

Rifan's power is obvious to all. Since defeating the other nine strong swordsmen easily, his strength in kendo has been recognized all over the world.

In addition, the title of "the world's strongest man" was also transferred from Whitebeard to Rifan.

Whitebeard has no objection to this, after all, even he can't beat Shanks and Dark King Rayleigh at the same time, let alone add other great swordsmen.

"Fufufu~, there is really no need to offend Rifan for that woman."

"However, Rifan's Dojo is actually located in Dressrosa, so I have to check it out anyway."

"Maybe, this Dojo has not yet named an official disciple, I don't know if Rifan is willing to accept a Shichibukai as a disciple, Fufufufu!"

Doflamingo laughed and looked in Green Bits direction.

"Doffy, are you planning to become Rifan's disciple!?"

Diamante looked at Doflamingo in surprise.

He knows how arrogant Doflamingo is, even those who have followed Doflamingo since childhood, and even those who have taught Doflamingo, are just his subordinates.

"Fufufu, if I can get the power, it doesn't matter if I call him teacher."

"Come on, Diamante, let's go to Green Bit."

Diamante nodded and asked, "Do I need to call someone else?"

"No, we are not going to start a war." Doflamingo shook his head, "However, you can take Sugar with you."

Sugar has the ability of childlike fruit. As long as they were touched by her hand, everything about the touched creature will completely disappear from the world, and she can make a contract so that it cannot act freely according to their thoughts and obey her orders.

Although he did not intend to have a conflict with Rifan, in order to prevent accidents, Doflamingo still thinks it is better to bring Sugar.

"Understand, I'll make arrangements now." Diamante walked out of the room, rushing to where Sugar was.

"Fufufu, I didn't expect to find Rifan's Dojo in Dressrosa now that the [Martial Arts Skills List] is about to be announced."

"Violet, you just stay here, don't move anywhere."

"Otherwise, I can't guarantee what other people will do."

"Buffalo, let's go and show me the way.

After speaking, Doflamingo walked out of the room, followed by Buffalo.

Violet gritted her teeth. Although she wanted to fight for the chance to become a disciple of Rifan, seeing the cadres standing beside her, Violet couldn't think of any way to get out.

Damn it, did I just miss such an opportunity?!

Violet thought to herself.

On the other side, in the Green Bit Dojo.

"I said, what did you bring this woman back for?"

Seeing Baby 5 tied up with a whip by Sadi, Rifan couldn't help being speechless.

"Yes, she attacked you, but isn't it enough to defeat her?"

"What do you plan on doing by bringing her back here?"

On the side, Baby 5 stared at Rifan with her big eyes, as if she hadn't fully awakened yet.

"Hehe, this woman directly attacked me when I didn't do anything to her, so I plan to educate her."

Sadi licked the corner of her mouth, sketching a wicked smile.

Seeing Sadi's appearance, Rifan didn't know what to say. 

"Although I shouldn't make irresponsible remarks about your interest, I still hope you will spend more energy on your training."

Although it's not long since you started your training.

But Nojiko has learned how to use her armament haki, and her strength is approaching Marine Vice Admiral in a straight line.

"But your strength still doesn't seem to have made much progress. Have you been a little absent-minded during this period of time?"

"Anyway, pour me a glass of water first."

With that, Rifan walked towards the square table on the side.

Not long ago, he dragged the exhausted Yamato out of the secret chamber after training.

Suddenly seeing Baby 5, Rifan thought it was Doflamingo who came to the door.

As a result, it seems that Sadi dragged her back in order to satisfy her desires.

Although Rifan doesn't mind Sadi whipping others, but whipping a flowery girl in front of him, Rifan doesn't want to see it.

It's not unbearable, although Baby 5 is a silly looking woman, but after all, she is a killer.

There must have been a lot of blood on her hands for so many years.

If you change to another place, Rifan will not mind, but in the Dojo, Rifan still hopes that such things will be less frequent.

"Yes, I would be happy to pour tea for you!"

As soon as Rifan's voice fell, Baby 5 suddenly trotted to Rifan's side, and poured a glass of water for Rifan while Sadi and others looked suspicious.

Because her hand was tied with the whip, Baby 5 directly chose to pour water for Rifan with the teapot in her mouth.