Chapter 141: Attacking Doflamingo—

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Sadi pulled the whip with an uncomfortable face and pulled Baby 5 to her side.

Because of the power of Sadi, the water that was accidentally dropped by Baby 5 was caught by Rifan.

"Pouring water!" Baby 5 glanced at Sadi dissatisfied, "he asked me to pour the water!"

"When did Teacher Rifan ask you to pour water? He asked me to pour water!" Sadi snorted and turned to look at Rifan. Rifan had already drunk the water poured by Baby 5. Upon seeing it, Sadi is even more dissatisfied with Baby 5.

"Why do you pour water for Teacher Rifan?"

"Are you trying to please Teacher Rifan and later beg him to let you go!?

"He asked me to pour the water, so I did it. Is there any problem?"

Although she was defeated and caught by Sadi, Baby 5 is not afraid at all.

"Ha, what do you mean! Teacher Rifan asked you to do it?"

"Then if Teacher Rifan asks you to do other things, you have to do it too? And do you not want to please him?"

Sadi said dissatisfied.

"What do you want me to do?" Upon hearing Sadi's words, Baby 5 was overjoyed, looking longingly at Rifan, and there seemed to be stars flickering in her eyes.

"You're asking me?" Rifan put down the water glass. "Then…why don't you marry me."


As soon as Rifan's voice fell, several cups were crushed in the room.

Rifan turned his head and looked, and found that Nami and Robin, who were drinking and watching the show, had unconsciously crushed the cup in their hands.

"What are you doing?" Rifan frowned and was about to tell the truth about Baby 5, but before he could do that, Baby 5, tied up by Sadi, actually ran in front of Rifan again.

"Um! Um! I am willing, you will be my fiancé from today, when will we get married?!"

Baby 5 said excitedly.

"You woman, don't take an inch!" A tic-tac-toe popped out of Sadi's forehead, and she walked to Baby 5 side with a bad complexion.

"You are a slave and a captive!"

"How can someone like you be worthy of Teacher Rifan!"

Hearing that, Baby 5 immediately looked at Sadi with dissatisfaction: "Why are you looking down on me? He just proposed to me, he must like me!"

"Teacher Rifan is just joking with you. Even if he wants to marry a woman, he will definitely choose a woman like me. You say yes, Teacher Rifan!"

As soon as her voice fell, Belle-mère, who had just come back from Cocoyashi Village with Nojiko, walked with an unhappy stride.

"Why would Rifan choose a woman like you!?"

"If he wants to choose, he should also choose a woman like my daughters."

With that, Bell-mère pulled Nojiko and Nami into her arms.

"My Daughters Nami and Nojiko are also beautiful! How could Rifan choose you?!"

Bell-mère scanned Sadi up and down, and said, "Isn't your revealing clothes your only advantage against my daughters?"

"Huh?! What are you talking about, old woman?!" Sadi looked at Bell-mère angrily.

"What an old woman, I am a 30-year-old girl who looks like a jade flower. After being resurrected, my age is the same as before."

"Humph, even so, you are just a woman from the last era."

"C…calm down you two. Please don't fight..." Vivi quietly put down the cracked water glass in her hand and ran to Rifan quickly, separating Bell-mère from Sadi. "Everyone let's get along, you know Teacher Rifan doesn't like a quarrel like this."

Mentioning Rifan, Bell-mère and Sadi immediately calmed down.

One party likes Rifan, and the other wants Rifan to accept his daughter.

Neither party wants Rifan to have bad feelings for them.

"Teacher Rifan, you won't really like her, and plan to marry her right?"

After seeing Bell-mère and Sadi calm down, Vivi turned around and asked Rifan slightly.

Although she didn't think Rifan was serious, when she heard Rifan's proposal of marriage, even the calm-tempered Vivi was a little nervous.

"It's just a try." Rifan waved his hand, "Unexpectedly, she actually agreed."

Rifan, who knows the original work, knows that Baby 5 is a woman who is eager to be needed. Anyone who asks her, even if they want her to die, she will readily agree.

However, Rifan still wants to test it.

"So, that's what Teacher Rifan meant." Robin's eyes flashed with a wise light, and she walked over with her slender legs.

Hearing Robin's voice, Rifan looked back at her.

He always felt that Robin seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Robin, do you know anything?" Vivi asked curiously.

"Teacher Rifan sees that this girl has a mental problem, so he tests her." Robin said.

"Is there a psychological problem?" Vivi looked at Baby 5 strangely, "It seems, there is nothing wrong. "

"Just try it." Robin smiled at Vivi and said to Baby 5, "Can you just jump in place?"

"Yes, I'm very willing!" Baby 5, who was glaring at Sadi just now, replied to Robin with a smile on her face and then jumped on the spot.

It's just that her jump is a bit too high, and in an instant, Baby 5 jumped to the highest point of the Dojo. 


Rifan raised his head and glanced naturally and thought.

"Teacher Rifan, what are you looking at?" Robin bent down and whispered into Rifan's ear.

"Looking at the scenery."

"Does it look good?"

"Pretty good."

"Then do you want to see my scenery?"

Robin laughed.

"Okay, that's enough!" Vivi blushed and glanced at Robin.

Although the voices of Robin and Rifan are very small, how could Vivi not be able to hear them at close range?

"Hehe, I was heard." Although Robin said that, she didn't even blush as if she didn't care at all. She looked at Baby 5 who fell from the ceiling and to Sadi's glaring look, and said:

"In this way, things will become clear."

"Sadi, you can loosen her up first."

Sadi snorted. Although she was a little unhappy with Baby 5, she still obeyed Robin's opinion and let go of the whip on Baby 5.

At this time, she naturally saw the problem with Baby 5.

After untying Baby 5, Sadi rolled her eyes and said to Baby 5, "Pour me a glass of water."

"Yeah! Of course!"

Baby 5 immediately put on a smiley face, picked up a new cup from the table, and poured a glass of water for Sadi obediently.

After taking the water glass, Sadi gave Baby 5 a strange look. Now she knows it thoroughly. 

The woman in front of her is a silly and sweeter woman than Yamato.

Now, even she doesn't want to torture Baby 5 with a whip.

'However, maybe I can use this woman in another way, hehe.'

Sadi thought in her heart.

On the side, Robin was also thinking about something.

Suddenly, she seemed to sense something and looked outside the door of the gym.

"Baby 5, can you launch an attack on those people coming to the Dojo?"

Robin laughed.

"Yes, I'm very happy!" Baby 5 turned around and raised her hands that turned into a pistol to the door.

Standing there, it was Doflamingo who had just arrived here.
