Chapter 156: The start of Coup—

After Nojiko told Rebecca about Doflamingo as quickly as possible, Rebecca immediately walked to Rifan's side.

"Teacher Rifan, I'm going to solve the problem of the Don Quixote family first."

At this moment, Rebecca's eyes were firm, faintly gleaming with hatred, completely unlike the look in the eyes of a 16-year-old girl.

"Go, remember to be safe."

Rifan said.


After the words were over, Shunpo unfolded, and Rebecca's figure disappeared directly from the dojo, chasing after Doflamingo who had not yet run away.

"Teacher Rifan, we can help Rebecca too!" Nojiko said.

"You can go if you want." Rifan nodded, it's not bad for her to join the battle to add a little combat experience to her resume.

"However, it is limited to you and Sadi."

Sadi and Nojiko are not formal disciples of Rifan, and they are not included in the scope of the restriction of the limited conditions for formal disciples to regain.

And although the two fighting abilities have grown, it is much worse than Rebecca.

In this battle, it was Rebecca who is the main character, with Sadi and Nojiko as her support.

In other words, even if Sadi and Nojiko go to help, Rebecca can still achieve her mission of liberating a territory.

But if you add Nami and others to the supporting roles, it can only be judged as a failure.

"Understood!" Nojiko smiled and nodded, and looked at Sadi, "Sadi, let's help Rebecca together!"

"Of course! Baby 5, you will come with me too." After speaking, Sadi and Nojiko rushed out of the dojo.

Baby 5 followed closely.

"Sadi, protect Nojiko!" Belle-mère shouted to Sadi, who waved her hand at the door.

"Really, Belle-mère, don't worry about Nojiko." Nami walked to Belle-mère as he comforted her, "Nojiko is also very strong now, and with her Shock devil fruit power, she will be fine."

"Well, since you said so, it must be correct." Belle-mère patted Nami on the shoulder with a smile, "My two daughters have become so strong, and as your mother, I'm very happy for your two. Hahaha~"

"Huh?! Sakura flower?"

Diamante, who was rushing towards Dressrosa Castle with Sugar, was taken aback.

"What a beautiful Sakura flower." Sugar's big eyes lit up, she wanted to reach out to touch the Sakura flower.

"Don't touch it!" Doflamingo snapped.

But it was too late. When Sugar's hand touched the Sakura flower, a blood hole burst immediately.

"It hurts, what is this!?" Sugar, whose hand was cut from touching the "Sakura Flower", asked with tears in her eyes at the Sakura Flower that surrounded them.

"Young Master is this Senbonzakura?!" Diamante asked uncertainly, "is it Rifan!?"

"It should be Senbonzakura, but not Rifan." Doflamingo raised his head and looked at the sky diagonally above.

Not far away, Rebecca holding the hilt of the sword quietly looked at the Doflamingo and the two.

However, it was this quiet look that made Doflamingo feel the tranquility before the storm.

"Hey, hey, hey, is there any mistake, you are standing in the air like this!?"

Following Doflamingo's sight, Diamante quickly identified Rebecca standing in their way.

'Standing in the air means that I can't leave from the air?'

'Furthermore, her speed is extremely fast.'

'The handle of the sword in her hand should be the handle of Senbonzakura.'

'Rifan, did he give Senbonzakura to this little girl?'

Doflamingo frowned, quickly analyzing the situation in front of him.

Before, his Observation Haki had sensed that a figure behind them surpassed them at an extremely fast speed, came in front of them and blocked them directly from the air. 

Looking at Rebecca, Doflamingo's eyebrows became more frowning when he thought of the scenes about [Flash War Cry] demonstrated by the golden list.

"Diamante, have you ever regretted killing my mother!"

Rebecca, who slowly fell from the air in front of the three, looked at Diamante as she asked quietly.

Diamante narrowed his eyes, and a slender double-edged sword appeared in his hand.

"Forget it, people like you will definitely not regret it." Rebecca shook her head and waved her hands. The Sakura flowers surrounding Diamante and others gradually gathered back to the hilt in Rebecca's hand.

"Bankai: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!"

As Rebecca exploded her spiritual power, a series of slender blades were cylindrical and surrounded Rebecca, Doflamingo and the two.

"Doflamingo, Diamante, and Sugar. Pay the price for your crime!"

Sugar, who was called by Rebecca, shook her body, and she was about to cry.

"Fufufu, are you sure?"

"I remember when Dracule Mihawk used this trick, he could only use it for a very short time."

"Even if you are taught by Rifan, it is impossible to use this trick for a long time."

Seeing this "Birdcage" trick like his own ability, Doflamingo said with a grin.

Seeing the blades around him, he knew that he had no chance to escape, and now he could only choose to fight.

He didn't fear the girl in front of him, what made him worry is Rifan joining the battle after he fights Rebecca.

"Mihawk has no spiritual power, and can only choose to consume his physical strength to maintain the Bankai."

"But I am different, Doflamingo."

A golden light flashed in Rebecca's eyes, and an overbearing aura suddenly enveloped the Doflamingo and the two.

The powerful mental shock made the fearful Sugar's eyes turn white as she lost her consciousness.

At the same time, because of Sugar's coma, those who were turned into toys by Sugar's ability began to recover automatically.

For a time, the entire Dressrosa was filled with exclamations and anger at Doflamingo.

"The time has come, let us take Dressrosa back!"

Kyros, who had become human again, roared and rushed towards Dressrosa city at an extremely fast speed.

Recovering his human body represents the coma or death of Sugar.

And this also means that someone has attacked Sugar. At this moment, Kyros believes that it was Rebecca who started the action.

At this moment, as Rebecca's father and Scarlett's husband, he can only do his best to regain the country in front of him.

Sugar's coma was like a signal, directly igniting Dressrosa's revolution.