Chapter 157: Gate of Death–Kai!

"Oh, Doffy, Sugar fainted!"

Looking at the white eyes of Sugar, Diamante looked at Doflamingo in horror.

Doflamingo's veins raged, and he looked at Rebecca in front of him angrily.

"What a hateful thing, you should have been killed a few years ago, Rebecca."

"Yeah, you should have killed me at that time." Rebecca rubbed her fists, and the spirits around her body began to gather quickly, behind her and her shoulders forming a thunder-like shoulder strap. "Let the strength given to me by Teacher Rifan, solve you all."

"Huh, you and Rifan are different. If Rifan uses Senbonzakura, maybe we can't leave this field, but if it's you, it's absolutely impossible to stop us." Doflamingo poured the powerful Haki into his own devil fruit power. With his devil fruit line turning into black thread, he struck towards the sword field that trapped him. 


There was a loud noise in Doflamingo's shocked eyes.

The black thread he constructed was completely swung away, while the realm made by Senbonzakura remained motionless!

"It's useless, as long as I don't cancel Senbonzakura's Bankai, you will not be able to leave this place.

"Since you don't want to make a move, I can only choose to make a move myself."

Rebecca took a step forward and disappeared quickly.

When she appeared again, she had already arrived in front of Diamante. 

Diamante: "What!?"


A punch, like thunder.

Rebecca's right fist carried violent power and hit Diamante's abdomen heavily.

The instantaneous Kidō's power poured directly along with Rebecca's fist into the spot where Diamante was hit.


Looking at Diamante who was knocked into the air, Doflamingo quickly launched a silk thread and pulled Diamante back.

"Damn it!" Looking at the huge hole in Diamante's abdomen, Doflamingo gritted his teeth and looked at Rebecca in anger.

"Tighten your nerves, Doflamingo, it's you next."

Rebecca said and rushed to Doflamingo again.

Not far away, Nojiko and Sadi are watching the battle between Doflamingo and Rebecca.

Even though she did not fully use Senbonzakura's power on Doflamingo, she had already suppressed Doflamingo's breath.

Fighting shows a one-sided trend.

"Leave it to Rebecca here." Sadi rubbed her chin, "With her ability, it will be sooner or later to solve Doflamingo. Let's go to the Royal Capital to help others."

Nojiko nodded and rushed towards the royal capital with Sadi.

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 4th place, [Eight Inner Gates]; User, Rifan, Yamato.

-Once the human body is unlocked, it bursts out several times its original power in an instant. The Eight Gate is divided into the open gate, healing gate, pain gate, limit gate, view gate, wonder gate and the death gate. Every time a gate is opened, the power will increase by one point. However, after opening the gate, the body that is being displayed will also be damaged. The stronger the physical fitness, the less harm you will suffer.

– After opening the Eighth Gate, the power reaches the strongest after the death gate, but after opening the Eighth Gate, the user will often die because of exhaustion of vitality. Unless you have a very special physical fitness or energy.

[Red-haired Shanks: It sounds amazing, The Eight Inner Doors, the more you open, the more powerful you can get! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The woman in the picture is Yamato, right? No wonder she said that she could defeat Kaido, and she seemed to be learning from Rifan. ]

On the [Martial Arts Skills List], there are Rifan, and Yamato's names at the same time, and Rayleigh guesses it immediately.

[Beast Kaido: Idiot daughter, have you become Rifan's apprentice?!]

Seeing Yamato in the demo opening First Gate to the Seventh Gate one at a time, while demonstrating ordinary punches and footwork, to finally demonstrating towards the Morning Peacock to Daytime Tiger with destructive power that can shake the earth, Kaido was not calm anymore.

Thinking of how he provoked Yamato to come to him for a beating, Kaido wants to give his past self two big slaps.

After opening the Seventh Gate, and using the Daytime Tiger already has this kind of destructive power. If she really opens the Eighth Gate and has to fight him hard, Kaido feels that he might really be defeated.

However, Kaido was fortunate that after Yamato demonstrated the Morning Peacock.

The picture on the golden list suddenly changed, and Rifan appeared.

".. Eight Inner Gates, Gate of Death— kai!"

A crimson chakra erupted from Rifan's body as if he was covered with a layer of blood mist.

"Sekizo, Evening Elephant!"

With an outcry, Rifan's body turned into white light and shadow and quickly attacked Uchiha Madara on the opposite side.

That was the opponent provided by the system in the Secret Realm when Rifan had to practice his Eight Inner Gates.

Five times in a row, from five angles, Rifan attacked Uchiha Madara with punch after punch, and finally smashed the poor guy into the underground section.

"Night Guy!"

After the attack was over, Rifan did not stay. The blood-like Chakra around him formed the head of a giant dragon, and together with Rifan, he launched a surprise attack towards Uchiha Madara.

The powerful force even distorted the space.

When Rifan's shot fell on Uchiha Madara, he even kicked the ground behind him to pieces.