Chapter 163: Doflamingo Defeat—

[Redhead Shanks: Huh?! That's Rebecca, why is she fighting Doflamingo?] 

[Hawkeye Mihawk: That sword's appearance is Senbonzakura's Bankai! Is Rifan taking action against Doflamingo?] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: If Rifan wants to take action against Doflamingo, he doesn't need to send one of his disciples. Direct action is enough to defeat Doflamingo. ]

[Issho: There is a riot in Dressrosa?! Looking at this situation, almost all the people are charging towards the castle. I heard that the people of that country respect Doflamingo very much, which is really strange. ]

[Sabo: It seems that there are problems in this country, but now this problem has been ignited. Peace is only an appearance. Once a problem breaks out, the people can't wait to pull the Donquixote Family off their throne. It's not without reason that we will have conflicts with Doflamingo in the future. ]

[Dragon: Although you are a Marine Admiral in the future, I hope that you can consider our revolutionary army. People who advocate justice like you Mr. Issho should not go to Marine to serve the filthy World Government. ]

[Fist Garp: You bastard Dragon, you actually dig people from the marine in front of me! Be careful, I also print your other face with my shoe print!]

At the Revolutionary Army Base, Dragon's mouth twitched as he looked at his colleagues who were looking at him with questioning eyes.

"Boss, the tattoo on your face is really Mr. Garp's shoe print!?"

"I thought it was a birthmark!"

"But looking carefully, this is really a bit like shoe prints!"

The revolutionary army talked a lot, and some even couldn't help laughing.

Dragon helplessly shook his head and set his sights on the golden list again.

[Issho: Revolutionary Army? I don't understand this organization, so please forgive me for not being able to join you.]

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Issho's message. 

If a character who should be a Marine Admiral in the future becomes a revolutionary army, he will die of heartache.

'Doflamingo, what did this guy do to his country?!'

Sengoku looked at the Golden List in the sky with a gloomy face and thought.

What he didn't know was that because of Marine's problems exposed by the golden list, Issho had hesitated to join Marine.

As for telling Dragon that he did not want to join the Revolutionary Army just now, it is just that he doesn't understand enough the organization of the Revolutionary Army.

[Charlotte Smoothie: Doflamingo looks miserable, but the opponent is Rifan's disciple, which is understandable. But Rifan did not appear where Doflamingo and Rebecca competed. Could it be that Rifan gave Senbonzakura to Rebecca, and now Senbonzakura is controlled by Rebecca!?]

After much deliberation, Smoothie can only think of such a result.

Seeing Charlotte Smoothie's message, the swordsmen in the world immediately became jealous.

Becoming a disciple of Rifan will let you become stronger in the fastest way. And now it seems that it's also possible to obtain Zanpakutō from him. How can this not make the swordsmen of the world feel jealous!?

They knew that apart from Senbonzakura, Rifan also had three other Zanpakutō, Ryūjin Jakka, Suzumebachi and Sode no Shirayuki.

If they can become disciples of Rifan, even if they haven't learned anything, just getting one of the three Zanpakutō will be enough for them to be infinitely happy.

After knocking Doflamingo into the air with another punch, Rebecca withdrew from the instant-open state and looked up at the golden list in the sky.

Doflamingo raised his head and looked to the sky while using Devil Fruit's ability to heal himself.

"Damn it, Rifan, that bastard intends to let everyone see the situation here!?"

As soon as the voice fell, a blade was inserted at Doflamingo's feet.

If it were not for him to react quickly and take a step back, the blade would be directly inserted into his heart.

Doflamingo gritted his teeth and looked at Rebecca with a look of resentment through the broken sunglasses.

He saw Rebecca's face serious, her beautiful eyes staring at Doflamingo.

"I don't allow you to speak ill of Teacher Rifan!" Rebecca gently raised her hand, and the sharp blades that surrounded the two of them began to split into slices of Sakura flowers.

Looking at a large number of Sakura blades, Doflamingo's Observation Haki kept sending warnings.

Seeing the Sakura's blades wanting to surround him, Doflamingo jumped and rushed into the air.

At the same time, he popped a thin line to hook the white cloud in the sky, intending to escape from the sky.

'It's great, my ability can touch the clouds again after the sword array is dispersed!'

Doflamingo's face was filled with joy.

But before he could celebrate, all the Sakura Blades quickly gathered around Doflamingo.

In a blink of an eye, all the Sakura blades formed a spherical encircling net.

"Senkei-Senbonzakura Kageyoshi!" Rebecca's eyes revealed determination, "Doflamingo, I was wrong. It is impossible for a person like you to have any regrets."

"Sure enough, I should have known you directly from the beginning."

"Then, goodbye."

As soon as Rebecca's voice fell, the circle of Sakura blade flowers surrounding Doflamingo suddenly closed inward.

With a huge roar, Doflamingo was surrounded by argument haki and the line fruit power, but he still couldn't withstand Senbonzakura's slaughter.

In the end, he could only close his eyes forever in the boundless anger.

Rebecca raised her right hand, and all the Sakura flowers gathered in her hand quickly, and finally formed a slender blade on her right hand.

"It's time to go to the capital and deal with the other members of the Donquixote Family."

Rebecca said in a low voice, and her figure quickly disappeared in the place, rushing towards the direction of the Capital city.

[Red Hair Shanks: Wow~, It's a new usage of Senbonzakura! Sure enough, the Golden List just demonstrated the most basic usage of Senbonzakura. Maybe she still has more sword techniques that she hadn't shown yet.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: If you go to this little girl to compete, maybe you will know. This Doflamingo was defeated quickly. If you go, you may be able to learn more about Senbonzakura's abilities. Jiehahahaha~ ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Hahaha, if there's time maybe I'll try. But Instead of asking me that, shouldn't you be more worried since you provoke Rifan's disciple Vivi? You should be more careful when you take a stroll, it's bad for your health if you meet, not only one but two or more of Rifan's disciples Hahaha~]

On the Floating Sky Island, Shiki's mouth keeps twitching when he reads Shanks's sarcastic message, wanting to say something to refute it, but thinking that his message would be broadcast live all over the world, Shiki chose to be silent.

Although he was confident in his own power and still had weapons like Yatsufusa on hand, beheading Rifan's disciples and turning them into his own puppets was an excellent way to increase his own power.

But the problem was, although facing Rifan disciples one by one is feasible. But if he really provokes Rifan disciples to come and find him at the same time, he really doesn't have the confidence to defeat them.

Speaking of Rebecca who owns Senbonzakura, Shiki vaguely feels that if she tries her best to liberate her Senbonzakura, his Yatsufusa may be damaged.

[Fist Garp: Shiki, why are you not refuting that bastard Redhead Shanks' words? Don't tell me you're really afraid of them? Bwhahaha~]

"Damn it! This bastard Garp, one day I will turn you into my doll!" Shiki gritted his teeth and said angrily.

At the same time, on the other side, the anti-Donquixote Family people in the city saw Rebecca defeating Doflamingo, and their momentum became even stronger, forming a sharp contrast with the members of the Donquixote Family. 

With the addition of two powerful ability users like Nojiko and Sadi, people madly launched a raid on the remaining Donquixote Family members.
