Chapter 162: Projection Card, Live Online Dressrosa—

[Zoro: The Martial Arts Skills List is finally over. I really didn't expect Rifan to have such amazing skills in addition to Kendo. In such a situation, if you challenge him and restrict the use of kendo, I always feel that I won't be able to win against him no matter what…]

[Nami: Zoro, don't worry about this, because you will never be able to beat Teacher Rifan in Kendo. You should first consider how to defeat Hawkeye. ]

"This woman!" Zoro frowned. Just about to say something, Sanji on the side could not wait to leave a message on the gold list.

[Blackfoot Sanji: As expected of Miss Nami, that moss head can never win against Miss Nami~]

"Asshole pervert chef, which side are you on!?" On the Merry, Zoro yelled at Sanji.

"Huh, do you have anything to say?" Sanji lit a cigarette. "Of course, I am on the side of the lady."

"You pervert cook, even if you speak for Nami, you can't change the fact that she left with Rifan." Zoro read out uncomfortably.

The next moment, Sanji knelt down on the deck: "Why did I come to this pirate group without beautiful ladies! Why!?"

Luffy, who also knelt down on the deck, said, "Oh, I really want to meet Nami!"

"Hey, Zoro, you said too much." On the side, Usopp stabbed Zoro with his elbow. "The two guys can't bear to hear such things."

Zoro twitched his mouth and looked at the two people in front of him speechlessly.

"Really, it's been such a long time, can't you guys forget about her?"

"Obviously that woman has never agreed to join our Pirate Group."

After Zoro whispered a word, he set his sights on the golden list.

"I don't know, this time, what kind of rewards will be given to those on the list."

–[Martial Arts Skills Ranking] is completed, and corresponding rewards will now be issued.

–From 100th to 11th place, get 1 to 90 body training pills, respectively.

[Red-haired Shanks: Sure enough, the martial arts list is the same as the swordsmanship list. The tenth place is a dividing line. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Now Marine should be crying, Mamamama~ the Marine Six Styles that was ranked 11 places with so many people only received a consolation prize!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha~ they must be crying blood now! ]

[Fist Garp: Hmp! Boring, this time the list is not about your business Shiki, so I won't speak to you anymore. But if I get a designated teleporting scroll this time you should get yourself ready.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, if you come, I will just turn you into my doll, Jiehahaha~]

Shiki longed for Garp to come to him. If Garp was alone, at a height of thousands of miles, Shiki had absolute confidence that he could kill Garp.

High in the sky is his home court, not to mention, that he still has a powerful doll on his side!

–[Martial Arts Skills List] 10th place, congratulations to Rifan, Kaido, and Yamato for obtaining [Projection Card].

–After using the [Projection Card], the screen information of the designated location can be shown in the golden list.

–Note: [Projection Card] can only be used when the gold list is live, and it can be used for 6 hours. Users can also end the screening early.

[Beast Kaido: Projection card? What kind of reward is this? What I want is a reward for increasing strength. ]

[Fist Garp: Bwahaha, the rewards you have are pretty good, Kaido! ]

[Red-haired Shanks: I remember that in addition to the Swordsman List, the top ranks of the Swordsmanship List and the Divine Soldier List are not particularly good. A Haki seed, a Haki training method, although it is a good reward for ordinary people, but for the strong, it is not particularly good. ]

[Sabo: But if it can be screened on the golden list, it means that people all over the world can see what is happening somewhere. This is much faster than the newspaper. Although it can only be used when the golden list is live, it is important to grasp the timing. ]

[Don Chinjao: With this, I can defeat Garp in front of the world!]

[Fist Garp: The premise is that you can do it, otherwise it will only let people in the world see that you are defeated by me again.]

[Red-haired Shanks: Interesting, if there is something that needs to be promoted to the world, this thing is a good thing, perhaps a good prop for the revolutionary army. ]

Although Shanks is not a revolutionary army himself, he has quite a good understanding of the revolutionary army.

With this, the revolutionary army can take advantage of the gold list to promote its ideas to the world or expose the conspiracy of the world government.

Of course, it wasn't just Shanks who thought of this. The moment he saw this [Projection Card] appeared,

Dragon thought of it.

".. It's a pity that my Dragon Claw Fist didn't get the tenth place."

"Otherwise, Sabo and I will get two [Projection Cards]."

Dragon sighed at the revolutionary army base.

"However, if we can find Rifan, we may be able to trade the[Projection Card] from his hands."

– Rifan uses [Projection Card], location positioning, Dressrosa.

-The distribution of rewards has been suspended, and the Dressrosa scene will now be screened.

[Red-haired Shanks: Huh?! Rifan actually uses a projection card. Is there something happening in Dressrosa?] 

[Issho: Dressrosa, it's the country where Heavenly Yaksha is located. ]

Because of the future vision revealed by the golden list, Issho appeared in Dressrosa, and there was an unpleasant scene with Doflamingo, so Issho was quite concerned about the country of Dressrosa.

[Dark King Rayleigh: In other words, Rifan may have a dojo in Dressrosa!]

[Beast Kaido: "..."]

'That Rifan, it shouldn't be about Doflamingo? right'

Kaido frowned tightly.

It's not that he is worried about Doflamingo's safety. Kaido is worried that if Rifan really does something to Doflamingo, it will affect his business with Doflamingo about the artificial devil fruits.

In the next moment, several screens appeared in the golden list.

Every screen showed a scene of Dressrosa somewhere.

Among them, the image of Rebecca and Doflamingo fighting is impressive!