Chapter 172: Two Years Later—

Time training chamber, about two years later.

Domino raised her head, her eyes solemnly looking at the sky, where a dark shadow was approaching quickly.

And around it, everything in the world seemed to have come to a halt, showing a grayish scene on one side.

Whether it was the tumbling waves or the flying sand, they all fell into a stopped state.

"Take this— Road Roller!"

Rifan controlled his Stand [World], moved the road roller, and pressed towards Domino with an irresistible force.

"Star Platinum!" Domino's right hand touched the brim of her military hat, and the Star Platinum quickly appeared beside her, and his stormy fists rushed towards the road roller.

Star Platinum: "Ora! Ora! Ora! Oraaaaa!"

"Muda! Muda! Muda! Mudaaaa!!" 

Rifan's fist and [World]'s fist are superimposed and output quickly above the road roller.

After quickly hitting dozens of punches, Rifan's heavy fist hit the road roller directly to overwhelm Domino to the ground.

After doing all this, Rifan jumped off the road roller and looked at Domino, which had already fallen into a stopped state, with a smile on his face.

"You have made a lot of progress."

"However, it is far from enough. The Star Platinum is worthy of being a world replica machine, and it has learned the ability to stop time in the first battle."

Rifan sighed as he lifted the roller and threw it elsewhere.

"Did I overdo it?" Rifan raised his eyebrows as he watched Domino's clothes shattered by his attack.

Shaking his head, Rifan snapped his fingers, and the time, stopped by[World] began to flow again. 

As Rifan retracted his ability, Domino's eyes, who had just been still, suddenly had an aura.

Looking at Rifan in front of her, she didn't know how she had lost to Rifan again.

"Sure enough, I can't catch up to you, Teacher Rifan." Domino gave a wry smile and stood up with both hands on the ground.

Although knowing that she is not Rifan's opponent, Domino hopes that she can at least hold on for a while even under his time stop.

But the facts have proved that she loses the ability to act whenever a certain amount of time is reached.

"You are already very good. In addition to the power of your Stand, your Conqueror's Haki has improved well."

"Your Armament Haki can achieve full-body coverage, and the distance to the "entanglement" level of the armament haki is just a step away."

"On the other hand, your Observation Haki reached the level of foreseeing the future, but unfortunately, you don't seem to have the ability to listen to the heart."

"Conqueror's Haki has made the best progress, reaching the advanced level, and can skillfully wrap Conqueror's Haki around your fists to attack."

"With the ability to stop time from your Stand, many fugitives are not your opponents."

When Rifan started summarizing her progress in these two years, Domino stood quietly and listened, full of admiration for Rifan.

Only those who have been trained by Rifan will know how good Rifan is in guiding others in their practice and how good Rifan's training methods are.

Before the training, Domino had already made predictions in her mind, but after a period of formal training, Domino realized that her predictions of Rifan training methods were still too conservative!

It is not that Domino has not trained her Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

But compared with Rifan's training method, her previous training method is completely the difference between heaven and earth. There is no comparison at all!

What was even more shocking to Domino was that with the help of Rifan, she made her Conqueror's Haki reach the advanced stage!

This time, Domino thought that Rifan even had a way to train Conqueror's Haki.

"Teacher Rifan, do you have a way to train Conqueror's Haki?"

In the end, Domino couldn't help being curious and asked Rifan.

"Conqueror's Haki?" Rifan shook his head, "Conqueror's Haki can't directly become stronger through training, even I don't have that convenient way."

"I just used indirect methods to train your Conqueror's Haki."

"Indirect method?" Domino frowned. In her impression, Rifan didn't seem to have taken any special methods to help train her Conqueror's Haki.

"Did you forget what I told you?" Seeing Domino's doubts, Rifan said with a smile, "Did you forget, what kind of power is Stand?"

"You mean exercising the power of Stand can help Conqueror's Haki improve!?" Domino asked in surprise.

"Of course, I have reminded you of this before." Rifan raised his hand and patted Domino's head, and glanced at Domino's front, "You have mastered the power of the Star Platinum very well. Naturally, your Conqueror's Haki will also improve.'

"In short, your current weakness is that Armament Haki is still relatively low.

"If you go head-to-head with a powerful Armament Haki user, you may be injured. Then you can let the Star Platinum fight for you, and you will be the support."

"You who have learned Marine Six Styles from me, don't have to worry about the issue of attacking."

"Unless you face opponents like the Marine Admiral, it's impossible for others to stop you."

Hearing Rifan's explanation, Domino nodded clearly.

"Here you go, these are your previous clothes. I have repaired it for you."

"We can leave here when you are dressed."

After throwing Domino's uniform at Domino, Rifan turned around.

Not long after Rifan turned around, a scream came from Domino's mouth.

After taking the clothes and looking at her body, Domino realized that the clothes in front of her had been torn apart because of the battle just now.

The scenery of the blockbuster was exposed, but she had just communicated with Rifan in this manner for a long time.

Thinking of this, Domino's face immediately turned red.

Looking at the clothes on hand and Rifan with his back facing her, Domino ran quickly to the back of the roller that was thrown by Rifan.

After a while, when Domino appeared in front of Rifan again, she had recovered her calm posture.

But when Rifan looked at her carefully, he could still see the residual blush on her face.

"…You are obviously friends with Sadi, but you are surprisingly innocent Domino."

"Obviously that woman doesn't care if she is being watched."

After saying that, Rifan looked up and down at Domino, and smiled.

Seeing Domino's face turned red again because of his own words, Rifan waved his hand and said: "Okay, get ready Domino."

"Now, I will take you back.

"How many criminals can be re-captured depends on your own performance."

"Let me say this first, I won't help you capture those prisoners."

While talking, Rifan walked to Domino's side and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I have only one request from you, don't die."

"Everything is within your capacity."

"Even if there are fugitives who cannot be caught now, as long you're alive, there will be opportunities in the future."

At this moment, Rifan's face was more serious than ever.

He didn't want Domino to lose her life before completing the mission of the dojo.

However, Domino, who didn't know Rifan's thoughts, misunderstood.

'Teacher Rifan is worried about me?'

Looking at Rifan who had a serious face, Domino pursed her lips and nodded solemnly.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan, I will not die!"

"I hope you do what you say." Rifan smiled.

At the next moment, the two-year use of the time training chamber ended, and Rifan and Domino returned to the dojo.

"Rifan?! You are–!?" Miss Olive, who was running toward the door of the time training chamber, saw Rifan and Domino appearing from the opened door, and couldn't help stopping, her face was full of doubts.

However, before she wanted to understand why the two of them came out of the time training chamber so quickly, a sharp pain suddenly came from her abdomen.

Miss Olive's eyes whitened and she passed out directly.

"Then, teacher, I'll go busy first." Withdrawing the Star Platinum attacking Miss Olive, Domino bowed deeply to Rifan.

After all, Rifan has carefully taught her for two years. For Domino, the current Rifan is a person worthy of her respect.

"Go, I am here waiting for you to come back."

"The Mapo tofu you like, I will prepare it."

Rifan waved his hand, walked to the side chair and sat down.

Hearing it, Domino nodded, she turned around and rushed out of the dojo.