Chapter 173: Sadi-chan disbelief—

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha~, They can't stop them at all! Magellan and those Jailers fell, Shiryu betrayed, and only weakling remains!  No one can stop those level six prisoners! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Bullet is really laid-back. He can swim and leave directly, but he has to swagger out of Impel down. ]

[Redhead Shanks: Mr. Bullet may not have fought enough yet.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Marine is going to be unlucky. So far, a few monsters have left Impel Down. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: World Destroyer Byrnndi World, Red Count Redfield, these two monsters have indeed left. ]

[Sabo: The live video of the Golden List has always been around Bullet. But World Destroyer and Red Count had their appearance captured when Bullet came to the outside of the Impel Down. It is unknown how many dangerous pirates from the previous era escaped before Bullet came to the outside of Impel Down. Because of the Marine's negligence, the sea will get worse this time. ]

Seeing Sabo's message, a group of Marines wanted to refute but found that they couldn't find anything to refute Sabo. They knew that what Sabo said was the truth.

Rebutting on the golden list now will only make Marine's position even more embarrassing.

After all, the people in the world can see clearly what is happening in the Impel Down through the live broadcast.

"It's time to leave…" After knocking down the last Marine who was in front of him, Bullet whispered.

Just when he was about to board the looted warship, a wave of extremely domineering Conqueror's Haki suddenly emerged from the gate of Impel down.

Under this terrifying Conqueror's Haki, those underground weapons and swords were faintly trembling, and some of the pirates had white eyes and white foam on their mouths as they directly fainted. Among them, there are many bloody prisoners.

 In a short time, the pirates from the first to third floors completely fell to the ground, and some pirates from the fourth floor also fell to the ground.

Of the thousands of pirates on the coast, only nearly a hundred remained.

[Tashigi: Are? why did the pirates who were extremely sinful have stopped, and many people have fainted?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: This is Conqueror's Haki! This Haki is aimed at these pirates! But it's strange, there should be no strong person in Impel Down who can release this degree of Conqueror's Haki. ]

Although he didn't personally feel this Conqueror's Haki, seeing that some pirates who have a bounty of hundreds of millions on the screen have fainted, how could Shiki not know how powerful this Haki is?

[Whitebeard Newgate: Sengoku, it looks like you still have a back player in Impel Down. This Conqueror is already the most advanced one. ]

Sengoku did not respond to Whitebeard's message, because he was also puzzled at the moment.

Since Shiryu left, the top goalkeeper in Impel Down has been Magellan alone.

And he does not have Conqueror's Haki!

"Could it be that it's a pirate who uses the Conqueror's Haki?"

Sengoku whispered, but soon he shook his head.

Sengoku knows all the people who can use Conqueror's Haki in Impel down.

And those who can use it are all standing on the shore of the Impel Down.

On the other side, on the Impel Down.

"Oh? There's a strong one?" Bullet stopped, turned around and looked towards the entrance of Impel Down with interest.

"Strange, I haven't heard of anyone in Impel Down who can use this level of Conqueror's Haki." The Evil King Avalo Pizarro looked back with furrowed brows.

"Murunfuffufu, it seems that there are many things we don't understand in Impel Down." Moonlight Hunter, Catarina Devon smiled and looked at the gate.

Although she wanted to leave on a warship now, the hostility contained in this Conqueror's Haki made her stop.

"Hiccup! No matter who it is, if it is the enemy, it must be destroyed." Heavy Drinker Vasco Shot hiccuped and said drunkenly.

Not far away, the pirate "Huge Battleship" Sanjuan-Wolf, half of his body submerged in the sea with a height of tens of thousands of meters, also looked at the gate, revealing a gaze of exploration in his eyes.

Someone recognizes that these four are the four ultra-dangerous pirates who have appeared in the war at the top and followed Teach.

At this moment, the four of them, as well as Bullet, turned their eyes to the entrance of Impel down, and those who were watching from the golden list became more curious about the mysterious powerhouse who released the Conqueror's Haki.

Finally, with the sound of stepping, a slender figure appeared in front of the world.

[Shiryu the Rain: How could it be her?!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Do you know this woman, Shiryu? Then you should know her origin. ]

[Shiryu the Rain: This woman is my deputy, the deputy chief of Impel. But after I left, she might have been promoted as the Head Jailer. This woman shouldn't have such Conqueror's Haki. No, she never awakened Conqueror's Haki!] 

[Red-haired Shanks: Did she awaken her Conqueror Haki in the crisis? But it is a bit strange. Even if her Conqueror Haki was awakened, in theory, it takes a period of training to control it. Conquerors at this level doesn't seem like a preliminary awakening.]

"Domino, how can she have this level of power!?" In Dressrosa's dojo, Sadi stared at Domino's figure walking out of the gate of the Impel Down with a surprised look.

"Is she your friend, Sadi?" Robin glanced at Sadi. "If you are sure that Domino did not have such power before, then she can use such power now, it can only be because of that person. ."

"That person?" Sadi gave Robin a strange look. The next moment, Rifan's figure appeared in Sadis' mind.

"No, no, no. How could Teacher Rifan build his dojo in the Impel Down?"

"And it happened that Domino found it at this time and became his disciple?!"

Robin nodded: "In your impression, people can gain such powerful power in such a short period of time. Apart from Teacher Rifan, is there anyone else?"

"There is really no one else." Sadi turned her head and looked at Domino in the video with a surprised look, 'Domino, don't tell me you really meet Teacher Rifan?'