Chapter 174: Serious Beating—

"Why is it her?" The female pirate, who had knocked Domino into the air before and was now barely supporting her body, looked at Domino in shock.

Recalling the dojo she saw before, the female pirate had a horrifying thought in her heart.

'Is it really Rifan's gym!'

Thinking that she might have missed the opportunity to become a disciple of Rifan, the woman felt both regret and fear in her heart.

She regretted that she did not confirm and missed the opportunity; at the same time, she was also afraid that Domino had gained overwhelming power from Rifan.

"There are so many prisoners who haven't fallen." Domino frowned and scanned the pirates on the opposite side. "Fortunately, aside from Bullet, none of them have escaped."

As the Head Jailer of Impel Down, Domino knows exactly how many dangerous pirates are in Impel down.

Although a few people are missing, most of them are still there.

"Shave!" Domino stepped on the ground and rushed to the center of the pirates who had gathered together, in front of the female pirate who had knocked her off before.


Just as the female pirate hit Domino before, Domino's extremely heavy punch directly knocked the female pirate's three-meter-high body into the air.

The huge power made the female pirate faint immediately and knocked down pirates along her way.

"So fast!"

"This woman, when did she get here?"

"Kill her, let everyone go together!"

The surrounding pirates surrounded Domino. In order to ensure that Domino couldn't escape, the pirates stood within a few meters from her.

Among them are those vicious pirates like the Corrupt King Avalo Pizarro, Crescent Moon Hunter Catarina Devon, and the Heavy Drinker Vasco Shot.

"Just right!" Domino's eyes condensed. Before the pirates attacked, the Star Platinum suddenly appeared beside her, "Star Platinum, ZA WARUDO*!" (Tl/n: *The World!)


A mysterious wave unfolded from the Star Platinum beside Domino.

In just a moment of effort, the whole world has fallen into a state of halt.

Whether it's the pirates who attacked Domino or those who watched the live broadcast through the golden list.

At this moment, apart from Domino, only Rifan in the whole world is still able to move.

"Ora Ora Ora!"

The swift fists of the Star Platinum continuously bombarded the surrounding pirates.

Because Armament Haki was not used for defense, all the pirates that were hit had obvious fractures on their bodies.

Even a relatively powerful pirate like the Corrupt King cannot withstand the continuous attacks of the Star Platinum, not to mention Domino itself is not idle.

Her delicate hands were darkened by Armament Haki. While the Star Platinum was attacking some of the stronger pirates, she was also attacking the weaker ones.

Rifan, who saw this scene through the golden list, couldn't help but sigh.

"If Star Platinum is used by people who have very strong physical fitness. It's really abnormal."

The Star Platinum can only move within two meters of the User, which Rifan knows.

However, because Domino moves extremely fast, she has plenty of time to attack the surrounding pirates within the range of the Star Platinum.

"If these pirates can gather Armament Haki on their body for defense from the beginning, or directly release their Devil Fruit ability, and don't gather so close, they may not be defeated by Domino at once." Rifan shook his head.

He then looked at the golden list on the ceiling, "Even if it is the ability to stop time, it didn't stop the Golden List from showing it."

"But what is unexpected was how the Stand can be revealed, this golden list is really good."

"It's worthy of being an existence that can affect the entire world and give out such high-quality rewards." 

On the other side, Domino.

In order to knock down all the pirates surrounding her.

Domino was not in a hurry to attack the Sanjuan Wolf and Bullet.

Sanjuan Wolf is huge in size, and its defensive capabilities are naturally amazing.

In addition to the distance of Bullet, she can also see his body is faintly shining with metal light, which is proof that Armament Haki has been launched that's why she didn't attack him recklessly.

After a few breaths, Domino stopped attacking and walked back to the previous position with the Star Platinum.

After taking a deep look at Bullet, Domino said softly:


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of a series of hits burst out suddenly, and at the same time, all the pirates who had been attacked by Domino and the Star Platinum flew out.

[Red-haired Shanks: Huh?! What happened, why did all the pirates suddenly fall down?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: How can these be!? Even those vicious pirates are down! Look at the Corrupt King, his skull is sunken! ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's really miserable. No one is intact. Everyone has at least a few broken bones. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: How did she do it? We can't understand the actual situation when we are not on the spot. Can't these powerful pirates see clearly? Why did they fly upside down? What kind of attack was it?] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Strange, why can't I see that woman's attack method?] 

[Beast Kaido: Is it some kind of wonderful Devil Fruit ability?]

Even the Four Emperors of New World couldn't understand the scene in front of them.

"Kuzan, it seems that there is no need for us to go over, and those pirates can't escape either." Kizaru said as he looked at Aokiji beside him.

"Something is strange, Borsalino." Aokiji frowned. "Just now, I didn't see anything, but those pirates were knocked down."

"And no one is getting up, I'm afraid they are either dead or in a coma."

"Even us, there is no way to knock down these pirates instantly. So how did she do it?"

Kizaru stroked his chin, thinking, "It should be some kind of very special Devil Fruit."

"Or to be exact, she shouldn't be Rifan's new disciple right?"