Chapter 175: Conqueror Haki collision—

"Kuzan, it seems that there is no need for us to go over, and those pirates can't escape either." Kizaru said as he looked at Aokiji beside him.

"Something is strange, Borsalino." Aokiji frowned. "Just now, I didn't see anything, but those pirates were knocked down."

"And no one is getting up, I'm afraid they are either dead or in a coma."

"Even us, there is no way to knock down these pirates instantly. So how did she do it?"

Kizaru stroked his chin, thinking, "It should be some kind of very special Devil Fruit."

"Or to be exact, she shouldn't be Rifan's new disciple right?"

Although Kizaru just talked casually, Aokiji suddenly raised his eyes.

"If that is the case, this action may be more troublesome than dealing with the pirates. "

On the other side, Impel Down coast.

Looking at the pirates who were knocked into the air, Bullet frowned immediately and looked at Domino with a gleam of light in his eyes.

At the same time, a stronger Armament Haki covers the surface of his body.

"You are the woman who was with Magellan just now, you shouldn't have such power."

"It seems that something very interesting has happened to you."

Bullet cracked the corners of his mouth and said arrogantly as he looked at Domino.

Although Domino defeated many pirates in an instant, Bullet didn't fear her, to be exact he is more excited than when he fought Magellan.

He knew that these pirates were different from himself, he had been training himself silently for twenty years.

And they were truly detained for many years. 

Years of detention have long reduced their strength a lot.

Bullet believed that he could even easily knock them down.

"Bullet, I won't let you leave here." Domino rubbed her fist, "You will also pay the price for the commotion you cause."

Domino's eyes hidden under the sunglasses were filled with anger.

It was this man in front of her that led to everything that happened in Impel Down today.

Even many Impel Down jailers have lost their lives. In public or private, Domino will never let go of Bullet.

Domino's feet were slightly bent, and just as she wanted to use "shave" to get close to Bullet, a huge shadow in the sky suddenly fell towards her.

'Sanjuan-Wolf!' Seeing this attack from Sanjuan-Wolf, Domino frowned slightly, and the Star Platinum immediately appeared in front of her.

At the next moment, time stopped flowing again.

And the huge palm of Sanjuan Wolf also stopped above Domino's head.

Domino stepped on Sanjuan-Wolf's arm and quickly moved to the side of his head, and matched with the Star Platinum action to throw countless fists towards his head.

Even the tall Sanjuan Wolf, under the full barrage of the Star Platinum, has his head undergone a slight deformation.

When time began to flow again, Sanjuan Wolf, like other pirates, fainted with his eyes in confusion.

At this moment, a strong wind suddenly hit Domino, which fell from Sanjuan-Wolf.

Without thinking about it, Domino turned around and hit Bullet with a punch. At the same time, the Star  Platinum standing beside Domino also slapped his fist at Bullet.

Although Bullet did not see the Star Platinum, his advance Observation Haki clearly captured Star Platinum's body.

He stretched out one hand and grabbed the fist of Domino that wanted to hit him, while the other hand was blocking the Star Platinum.

With fists and kicks, Bullet glanced at the Star Platinum on the side in surprise.

"You are not a Devil fruit user?!" Bullet raised a question in surprise.

Originally, Bullet thought that the Star Platinum next to Domino was something that Domino used the Devil Fruit ability to create.

Therefore, the hand that grabbed Domino's fist deliberately attached the seastone obtained from the inside of Impel Down.

"Humph!" Domino snorted coldly, and the Star Platinum standing beside her pulled its fists backwards, tightening its body like a slingshot, and then an extremely violent fist hit Bullet.

For the person who caused chaos in Impel Down who was in front of her, Domino didn't have the slightest idea of talking nonsense, let alone answering his doubt.

If not for the cooling-off period of The World to stop time, Domino will not hesitate to use the time stop to knock down Bullet.

The "Time Stop" of the Star Platinum is an extremely powerful skill, and its scope of action can even affect the whole world.

Therefore, the consumption of Domino's physical and mental power will be extremely huge. 

After each use of "time stop", it takes at least a few breaths before she can use it again.

And she still has to use it.

The reason why Domino is willing to listen to Bullet's nonsense is that she is waiting for The World 'cool down'.

Had it not been for the huge Sanjuan Wolf suddenly attacked, Domino's use of a second Time Stop should have been on Bullet.

The time for a few breaths may seem short, but for a powerful fighter, many things can be done in that time frame.

Domino understands that if the opponent is too much stronger than her, her enemy can even take advantage of her Stop Time cool down to kill her.

'Fortunately, most of the pirates fell because of Conqueror Haki.'

'The remaining pirates were also knocked down by Star Platinum because they didn't understand my abilities.'

'Now, as long as I survive the cooling time, I will be able to clean up Bullet!'

Domino's eyes condensed, her fists condensed into Armament Haki, and the Star Platinum quickly shot his fist at Bullet.

'The strength of this woman is not strong and can be ignored. '

It's just that the power of this shadow invisible to the naked eye is very powerful.'

'I couldn't even see the change of position when it knocked down the giant and the other pirates.'

'It's a speed that is difficult to capture.'

The corners of Bullet's mouth split open, and he shouted, "Interesting!"

Although Domino holds unknown power, Bullet is not afraid, on the contrary, he is very excited.

In the battle with Magellan, Bullet didn't fully use his power.

Now that he encounters an opponent who can compete with him, how can Bullet who advocates fighting not be happy?

Domino saw a large number of seastones surrounding Bullet's clothes and it began to rearrange, and within a few seconds, a set of seastone-made buildings was constructed on Bullet's body.

Not only that, in order to defend from Domino's ability to suddenly defeat other pirates, Bullet even condensed his own Armament Haki on the seastone's armor, making the already extremely hard seastone armor more difficult to destroy.

Bang bang bang–

Bullet hardly carried the Star Platinum's blow and threw out several punches to knock Domino down from the air.

The violent power even made Domino's Stand step on a pothole directly on the coast.

"It just so happens that everyone else has fallen, and I can defeat you unhindered." Bullet's voice came out of the armor, looking rather dull.

"Although I don't know what your abilities are, it seems that the shadow can't leave you too long."

"The distance should be between one and two meters."

Just now when Domino was shot down, Bullet's Observation Haki clearly sensed that the Star Platinum, after a certain distance from Domino, followed Domino and fell to her side as if being dragged by some kind of energy.

"Then come here, woman!"

"Use your ability that made you suddenly disappear, let me see, and try to knock me down!"

Bullet mock as he watched Domino's movement, his Observation Haki and Armament Haki were used to their limit. 

While planning to defend against Domino's ability, he tried to see her movement trajectory.

But thinking that it was not enough. After a short pause, a violent Conqueror's Haki overflowed from Bullet and rushed towards Domino.

Under the violent Conqueror's of Bullet, there was even a faint tremor in the entire Impel Down.

'As expected of the Pirate King crew member, his conqueror haki alone is quite intimidating.'

'If it's me before, I can't even stand in front of him.'

'But now I will never lose to you!'

Domino's eyes dilated, and a Conqueror's Haki, who was not inferior to Bullet, rushed towards Bullet. 


Two powerful Conqueror's collided, and even a gust of wind blew the surrounding pirates aside.

Conqueror's competition area was full of black lightning.

At this moment, the invisible Conqueror Haki even became visible to the naked eye because of the collision with each other.

Through the golden list, people clearly saw the bursting aura surrounding Bullet and Domino.

"You can compete with my Conqueror Haki! I am more and more interested in you, woman!" Bullet grinned.

"Humph! I'm only interested in shutting you back into Impel Down!" Domino snorted coldly, "Since you want to see my abilities, I will use them for you."

"The premise is that you can see it!" 

"Star Platinum, TheWorld!" "Bring it o–"