Chapter 179: Crazy Diamond ability—

"Domino, why are you doing this?"

"Yes, Head Jailer finally knocked down these fugitives, why do you want to push us out of Impel Down?"

"Warden Magellan, the Deputy Warden, and many of our colleagues were all seriously injured."

"Yes, everyone needs a place to rest well."

"Head Jailer Domino, just let us in, these criminals who fell underground still need our help to carry them back, don't they?"

At the entrance of Impel Down, the jailers excitedly said to Domino.

Seeing such a situation, even though Domino has been mentally prepared, it still feels a little uncomfortable.

"Hmph, you guys, get out of here." At this time, Miss Olive stood up instead. "This is already Rifan's territory. You useless guys, hurry up and get lost. When Rifan takes a shot, you won't be able to leave even if you want to!"

Hearing what Olive said, the jailers widened their eyes.

"Rifan? When did this place become Rifan's territory!?"

"Could it be that Rifan really established a dojo in Impel Down and also accepted Head Jailer Domino as his disciple!?"

"It must be so, otherwise, how could Head Jailer Domino defeat so many pirates alone!"

"Head Jailer, is it because of Rifan, are you trying to drive us away!?"

"Yes, Head Jailer, please tell us!"

Looking at her hectic former colleagues, and at Magellan and others who were still in a coma, Domino sighed and said:

"Sorry, everyone, in order to prevent these people from fleeing to the sea, I became a disciple of Teacher Rifan."

"However, as a price, I am no longer your colleague. Similarly, this Impel down will also be included in Teacher Rifan's domain."

"Everyone, please leave on the surrounding warships. There are medical supplies on the warships to treat everyone.

"Please, everyone, don't make me feel embarrassed."

The jailers were silent. They had no way to blame Domino. After all, Domino did it to prevent the pirates from fleeing to the sea.

And if Domino hadn't become Rifan's disciple and stopped the pirates, maybe even they would have become a group of people in a coma.

If you are unlucky, you may even die.

"Did you hear that, then go away!" Miss Olive folded her arms and looked at the jailers in front of her with an angry expression. Opportunity for becoming Rifan disciples, do you think you will be so lucky?"

"If you are standing here, don't blame me for using force."

"Don't think this woman will help you. I'm making you leave her on Rifan's order. If she helps you, she's going against Rifan's wishes."

With that said, Miss Olive rolled up her sleeves and was about to use force on these stunned jailers.

The jailers who were still standing now, none of them could beat her, so Olive was confident to put them to the ground within ten minutes.

The jailers looked at each other, then looked at Domino, whose faces were embarrassed, and finally sighed and started to take action. They moved the fallen jailers toward the undestroyed warship.

A few minutes later, when the last surviving jailer left the shore of Impel down, Rifan received a prompt from the system.

– Ding! Domino conquered Impel Down with her strength and achieved the conditions for regaining territory.

Congratulations to Host for acquiring a new dojo.

–The new dojo has been randomly placed in a place in the world, the host can explore it by yourself.

'It's finally done~" Rifan stretched out and walked out of the dojo.

'Although I want to use Impel Down to imprison prisoners, but in this situation, there is no way to imprison them.

Rifan shook his head as he watched the Impel Down that was greatly deformed due to Bullet's Devil Fruit ability.

At the same time, a Stand with crimson skin and a diamond-like luster appeared beside Rifan.

"I haven't used it for a long time, the substitute [Crazy Diamond], I hope the thing here is not unfamiliar." Rifan muttered a word, controlling his Stand Crazy Diamond and hit the ground with a punch.

At the same time, a golden halo overflowed from the place where the Crazy Diamond hit and spread to the surroundings.

In a blink of an eye, the golden halo expanded to the entire Impel Down.

"Well, don't look at me like that woman." Miss Olive looked at Domino with an unhappy expression, "There are still so many pirates to deal with here, so hurry up and start moving."

Domino frowned and looked at Miss Olive with the same dissatisfaction: "Speaking of the pirates that need to be dealt with, you are one of them."

"Should you return to your cell honestly, or should I send you in?"

"Hmph, I'm not afraid of you." Olive put her hands on her hips and straightened her full chest. "I'm helping Rifan, and Rifan promised that he won't put me in a cell so that I can help you take care of these prisoners."

"Do you think you can manage a huge Impel Down alone?"

"Rifan has already considered this, that's why he let me help you manage it."

Upon hearing this, Domino frowned and looked at Miss Olive suspiciously.

The keen sense told her that what Miss Olive said was not all true, but Domino couldn't tell what was wrong.

And Miss Olive, who is watched by Domino, has a guilty conscience.

'This woman, don't tell me she saw through my lie?'

Naturally, Rifan did not say that Miss Olive could help manage Impel Down. This was what Miss Olive said to Domino under the guise of Rifan in order not to go to the cell.

In Miss Olive's view, Impel Down is likely to be managed by Domino in the future. If Domino thinks it is not suitable to put her in a cell, then she will be more comfortable in the future.

As for Rifan, Miss Olive didn't think he had any big ideas about whether a small person like her was being held in a cell or helping to manage Impel Down.

"Well, I believe you for the time being." Domino nodded, "Now, you can carry the pirates with me."

"Impel Down has suffered a lot of damage. First, keep these pirates in one place as much as possible."

After saying that, Domino was about to carry these prisoners, but at this moment, a golden halo suddenly enveloped the entire Impel Down.

"What happened?!" Miss Olive looked at Impel Down in shock.

Soon, something that surprised Miss Olive and Domino even more happened.

They saw that Impel Down, which had been severely deformed, was recovering quickly!

Those walls that fell due to battle will automatically recover under the traction of some kind of force.

And within a minute, Impel Down completely recovered its previous appearance!

This scene stunned Domino and the jailers who had not yet left.

"Could it be that this is the ability of Teacher Rifan?" Domino thought to herself.

At the same time, on the ocean, Bullet, who was swimming in a certain direction, suddenly stagnated in the water and then flew back from the water in the direction of Impel Down.

"What's happening?!" Bullet's eyes widened.

His Observation Haki swept over his body, and he found that the seastone that he had brought out of Impel down on his body was radiating with golden light.

And some force is pulling these seastones flying in the direction of Impel Down!

Bullet frowned and used all his strength to resist the pulling of his armor.

However, what surprised him was that even though he used all his strength, he didn't slow down the speed of the seastone flying towards Impel Down by a bit!

Instead, as time passed, the Seastone took him to Impel down faster and faster.

"What kind of power is this!" Bullet gritted his teeth. He found that even if he used his devil fruit, he couldn't control the seastones he took away.

After trying for a while, Bullet had no choice but to throw the seastone out of him.

The seastone that had separated from Bullet flew towards Impel Down at a faster speed and disappeared into Bullet's sight in a blink of an eye.

"Is Rifan really on Impel Down?" Floating on the water, Bullet frowned.

When fighting Domino, Bullet thought of Rifan.

Even though Bullet has been in Impel Down, the Golden List has clearly shown Rifan's power all over the world.

When Domino stood beside Magellan before, her strength was definitely not that strong.

But after a little time passed, she had the power to stop him. In this world, Bullet can only think of one person having such power.

It was precisely because of the thought that Rifan might be on Impel Down, at that time Bullet did not continue to fight Domino.

Even though he is proud, Bullet knows that he is not Rifan's opponent now.

Now the seastone on his body is separated from himself and flies out in the direction of Impel Down, which makes Bullet think of Rifan even more.

"Rifan? You are much more interesting than Roger."

"But that's what makes this thing fun because as long as I defeat you, I will be truly the strongest!"

Bullet cracked the corners of his mouth and showed a crazy smile.

After that, he turned around and swam farther away at a faster speed.