Chapter 180: 8th and 7th place rewards—

Naval Headquarters.

"Bullet has escaped."

Seeing that the live broadcast from the golden list was cut off, Sengoku sighed deeply.

If the golden list continues to broadcast Bullet on screen, even if he has escaped, Sengoku is confident that Borsalino and Kuzan can catch up with Bullet based on the golden list live broadcast and kill or arrest him.

But now the live broadcast is cut off, and Kuzan and Kizaru are still some distance away from Impel Down. In this case, the possibility of finding Bullet on the vast ocean is extremely small.

"It would be nice if we had the[Projection Card] that Rifan used before. Maybe we can use the [Projection Card] to track the location of Bullet."

Sengoku sighed.

"Although Bullet ran away, Domino was able to stop other vicious pirates from leaving under the chaos of Impel Down. She has done a good enough job." On the side, Tsuru said, "It's just, Domino. The power on her body is too weird, maybe it was taught to her by Rifan."

"If Domino becomes Rifan's disciple, then we need to classify Domino's side. Is she an enemy or an ally?

"Also, why did Rifan accept Domino? What is he doing in Impel Down?"

"These must be considered one by one."

Hearing Tsuru's words, Sengoku nodded in agreement. Just when he wanted to say something, a Marine ran to Sengoku's side.

"Report, Marshal Sengoku.

"Report from Impel down."

Speaking of this, the marine face looked a little tangled, as if the content of the report made him unable to accept it.

"What are you doing in a daze, say it!"

Sengoku said displeased.

"Yes, Marshal! The news came from the Impel Down jailer. Because of the turmoil, 235 people were killed, 40 were seriously injured, and 312 were slightly injured."

"The warden and the deputy warden were seriously injured, but there is no danger to their lives."

"The other thing is…" the marine looked around. Just when Sengoku couldn't help being angry, the poor marine stood at attention and said quickly:

"Impel Down, the former Head Jailer Domino betrayed."

"She became Rifan's disciple and drove all the remaining jailers, including Warden Magellan, out of Impel Down."

"Domino claims that this is Rifan's request!"

"According to a pirate named Olive, Rifan felt that the marines could not take care of Impel Down with their poor ability, and planned to accept Impel Down himself and imprison the fugitive.

After the poor marine finished speaking, his whole body was sweaty all over.

He looked at Sengoku and found that Sengoku was trembling because of his anger.

On the side, the other Marine Vice Admiral's faces are also ugly.

Even Admiral Akainu's body is overflowing with hot magma.

"Damn you Rifan! How dare you take Impel Down!!!"

Sengoku's roar, through the office, spread throughout the Naval Headquarters.

The news about Impel Down was received by Aokiji and Kizaru soon.

Although the two of them were surprised that Rifan had occupied Impel Down, they did not choose to return to Naval Headquarters.

Instead, chase in the direction where Bullet may escape.

Bullet has experienced battles with Domino, and his physical strength is definitely consumed. If he encounters two Admirals, he definitely wouldn't be able to win.

At the same time, Aokiji also plans to go to Impel Down.

He wanted to ask himself what Rifan wanted to do with Impel Down.

–[Martial Arts Skills List], 8th place, congratulations to Kaido, for obtaining [Life Potion].

-After using [Life Potion], no matter how small or big the injuries, whether it is life-threatening or not, as long as you are not dead, you can immediately recover.

"Oh, a life potion, it's a good thing!" Looking at the potion bottle that suddenly appeared in his hand, Kaido nodded in satisfaction.

He already has a powerful system, and now he has a potion of life. Kaido is confident that even in this era when everyone is getting stronger because of the golden list, he can have a considerable advantage.

After putting away the potion, Kaido glanced back at the closed door, sighed again, and plunged into life thinking.

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It's strange, that Kaido won such an excellent reward, and he didn't even show off on the gold list.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It's really weird. The life potion works well. He shouldn't be upset with such rewards. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: I think this guy is not dissatisfied with the rewards he has received, but he is blasting his head after worrying about his daughter getting better rewards. Jiehahaha~ ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's not impossible that this is possible. Yamato's ranking is in fourth place. Maybe she will get excellent rewards. Having said that, I really want to see Yamato, who is a disciple of Rifan, make a move. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Do you want to see Yamato beating Kaido? ]

[Red hair Shanks: Haha, as expected of Vice-Captain Rayleigh, you found out. ]

[Beast Kaido: You bastards, if I don't speak, you just assume that I don't exist, right?!] 

[Fist Garp: At least my reward is definitely better than you. Bwahahaha!]

[Beast Kaido: Bastard Garp!!]

–[Martial Arts Skills List] 7th place, congratulations to Monkey Garp for winning [Future Card] x2.

-Once you use [Future Card], you can show the designated node future on the golden list.

"[Future Card]?!" 

Enies Lobby, Spandam, who was worrying about why the Cp9 agents would fight against Marine, suddenly brightened his eyes. "If I use this, wouldn't it be possible to know which guys have defected!?"

Thinking of this, Spandam quickly picked up the den-den mushi and dialed his father's number.

Now, because of the battle between the Cp9 agents and Marine that appeared during the demonstration of Marine Six Styles by the Golden List, Spandam has fallen into a state of jealousy and anxiety.

The Cp9 agents have collectively defected, then what will happen to him, the supreme officer of Cp9?

Wouldn't the Cp9 agent betray him because they killed him?

Various possibilities continue to emerge in Spandam's mind, making his whole person's state extremely bad. Now that there are items that can help solve these puzzles, how can Spandam not be tempted?

After a while, Spandam contacted his father and told him of his request.
