Chapter 181: Zephyr Crazy Plan!

"Future card?" Garp looked at the two cards that suddenly appeared in his hands.

Garp frowned, and a scene of Zephyr and Marine fighting suddenly appeared in his mind.

"That's it. If we can understand why Zephyr fights Marine, then it is possible to avoid such a future."

Garp rubbed his beard, took out a future card and said to the golden list.

[Iron Fist Garp: Golden List, I want to watch the details of the future battle between Zephyr and Marine!] 

[Black Arm Zephyr: Garp, you…]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hahaha, take a look, Zephyr. Seeing such a future, you should be curious too. ]

Seeing Garp's message, Zephyr couldn't help being silent.

If he said that he is not curious, it is a lie.

The moment Garp got the[Future Card], Zephyr had the idea of calling Garp to use his rewards.

What he didn't expect was that Garp had already used the [Future Card] before he proposed it.

As Garp's message fell, the previously silent golden list immediately projected a screen.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Here it comes, about Zephyr's future. To be honest, even me is very interested in why Zephyr fights Marine. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Among Marines, Zephyr can be regarded as the purest Marine. Not only you, but I am also quite curious. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's the scene of Zephyr fighting the Marines. It seems that the troops led by Zephyr are snatching the red thing in Marine's hands. ]

In the picture, Zephyr uses his huge mechanical arm to constantly repel the invading Marine, while his subordinates are holding a red square towards the ship docked on the coast.

Seeing these red squares, Sengoku and other Marine higher-ups complexions sank.

The pirates don't know what it is, but the Marines know it clearly. Especially those with high ranks. They know how dangerous it is.

Dayna Rock, its energy can even be comparable to an Ancient Weapon attack.

Seeing such a dangerous thing, and how the future Zephyr wants to seize it, how could Sengoku's face look good?

At this time, Sengoku couldn't help but regret not stopping Garp from using the Future Card.

If the pirates knew about the existence of Dayna Rock, it would probably bring another riot.

At this moment, a golden light flashed across the screen, bringing a huge explosion, but also blocking the way of the Future Zephyr.

[Admiral Kizaru: Is that me?] 

[Whitebeard Newgate: Even a Marine Admiral has to intercept Zephyr. It seems that Zephyr is really betraying Marine. ]

Seeing such a picture, Zephyr's face was also unsightly.

Robbing an item like the Dayna Rock when he knew how dangerous it is. There is definitely something that can destroy his will that happens in the future when even the death of his family couldn't bend his will.

After a while of fighting, the future Zephyr smashed the device containing the Dayna Rock, and a huge flame suddenly enveloped the entire island.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha, Sengoku, you really hide something amazing. Explosive rock that can cause a big explosion by contact with oxygen. If I get something like this, it would be great!]

Different from the ordinary skill demonstration screen, when using the future card, the viewers can clearly hear the dialogue of the persons on the screen.

Through future Zephyr's narration, the existence and use of Dayna Rocks were spread all over the world immediately.

This can't help making the faces of Marines including Zephyr even more unsightly, and at the same time, it also made Mariejois's Four Elders dissatisfied with the current Zephyr.

Since the future Zephyr robbed the marines Dayna Rock, the Four Elders even think it doesn't matter if they arrest him now.

[Red-haired Shanks: Although this Dayna Rock is powerful, it is also very restrictive in combat. If you are not careful, you can injure yourself. ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: With such a big explosion, that Uncle Marine will die. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: No. If it was Zephyr I knew, he wouldn't have died because of this explosion. ]

When the video on the screen turns, it switches to another scene.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Oh, Marine Admiral Akainu, Marine Admiral Kizaru, Marine Vice-Admiral Tsuru, and many more Marines. These guys are talking about Zephyr. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Strange, that kid Akainu is sitting in the main seat, Sengoku, where did that guy go? Did he die in the future? I hope he died. Mamamama~] 

[Issho: Akainu sitting in the main seat, does it mean that he will become Marshal in the future?] 

[Golden Lion Shiki: So, is Sengoku retired, or did he really die like what Linlin said?] 

[Sengoku: Humph, I won't die that easily, even if I'm facing you two bastards! Shiki! Linlin!]

Sengoku squinted his eyes, feeling a little flustered in his heart. Not from what Shiki and Linlin said.

But for the future! Zephyr's rebellion, the exposure of Dayna Rock, and Akainu becoming Marshal, how can these not make Sengoku a little uneasy?

Apart from anything else, Sengoku has objections to Akainu becoming the marshal.

In his opinion, Aokiji is more suitable as a Marshal than Akainu!

[Sword Flower Vista: "EndPoint", what is this? As long as three "EndPoints" are destroyed, New World will be destroyed? This is not true, right?] 

[Charlotte Smoothie: Seeing that Marines plan to hunt down Zephyr with all its strength, this shouldn't be a joke. If "EndPoint" is destroyed, New World may really be destroyed. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha~, I suddenly got a good idea!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Shiki, what do you want to do?!]

At this moment, even Garp regretted using the Future Card.

He never thought that Zephyr's future would reveal such a big secret.

[Golden Lion Shiki: You're asking the obvious, Garp! Dayna Rock is a good thing. "EndPoint" is also a good place. In the future, we should let Dayna Rock explode at EndPoint!]

At this moment, Shiki even felt that compared with the future Zephyr, his plan was too low-end!

He just wanted to use violent animals to destroy East Blue, but the future Zephyr plans to destroy the entire New World!

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: You lunatic Shiki, don't mess around!]

If "EndPoint" is destroyed, the New World will be destroyed, and even the Four Emperors in the New World will be affected.

Linlin doesn't want Shiki to really do such a crazy thing.

In addition to her, thousands of civilians who watched the live broadcast did not want it. Especially those people living in the New World.