Chapter 182: As expected of the World Government—

"No, why would the future Zephyr do this!?"

"If EndPoint is destroyed, he will die too!"

"Could it be that he has a reason not to do this?"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Yes, this must not happen. We must ask the Marines to arrest Zephyr!"

"I said, do you need to worry so much? Since the future videos have been shown, Marines will definitely prevent it!"

In the Sabaody Archipelago, the people are discussing intensely.

Regarding the action of future Zephyr, there has been a huge response, not only Marine and the Four Emperors, but even ordinary people are paying attention.

After all, this is also related to their lives.

[Whitebeard Newgate: In the future, Zephyr intends to destroy three [endpoints] to destroy the New World. Is he planning to destroy the [One Piece]?] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: If this is the case, then this future Zephyr is really extreme, but it doesn't fit his title of "Admiral that won't kill" at all.

At the Naval Headquarters, Sengoku and others all looked at Zephyr, who was staring at the golden list.

As Zephyr's colleagues, they knew that Zephyr had barely found the answer to make the pirate disappear.

"If One Piece disappears, the pirates will disappear too.

Although it is an extremely rough idea, the future Zephyr obviously intends to put it into action, using the Dayna rocks to destroy the endpoint in order to destroy the New World. If the New World disappears, One Piece will naturally cease to exist.

[Strawhat Luffy: Damn it, I won't let you destroy the New World!] 

[Blackfoot Sanji: If New World is destroyed, All Blue will disappear with it! ] 

[Pirate Hunter Zoro: Having said that, Koby seems to have grown a lot in the future. ]

[Bone Brook: This future, should not come true. ]

[Shemale Bentham: What a horrible idea, hey, Marine Sengoku appears on the screen, so he is not dead, but his hair has turned white. Could it be that he is retired?] 

[Issho: No matter what, this method that will hurt the unlucky civilian is wrong. In the future, such a thing must never happen. ]

[Redhead Shanks: The future Sengoku and Garp are all gathered in one ship. There are Marine Admiral Kizaru and many Marine Vice-Admiral on other ships. With this lineup, Zephyr's success in the future should be slim. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Although some of the information in the middle has not been made public, it can be seen that the second endpoint has also been destroyed. If a Marine does not move faster, it is really hard to say whether the third endpoint will be blown up. ]

Although it is only a video of the future, after learning that the second endpoint was also blown up, the people of the New World became worried involuntarily.

For fear that Zephyr will really succeed, busy people stop what they were doing and keep their eyes on the golden list.

[Future Kobby: Garp Vice Admiral, Z No, what kind of person is the original Marine Admiral Zephyr?]


Future Garp: Zephyr used to believe in Marine's justice more than anyone, but because of something, he changed.

The former Zephyr always took the lead on dangerous battlefields. He fought for his life with powerful men such as Whitebeard and Roger and served as Marine Admiral at a young age.

But later, his wife and child were killed by pirates who hated him.

But the tragedy didn't break him, Zephyr buried his grief deep in his heart. And he focused on the task, and later he put all his mind on nurturing young Marines.

He is the person who has cultivated almost all the Marine Vice-Admirals, including Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji. He has nurtured almost all the excellent Marines who can be named. 


[Blackfoot Sanji: What!? Even the Three Admirals? He is still a very powerful character. ]

[Shemale Bentham: But it is such a character who will betray the Marine and be hunted by his own disciples. It is too depressing. Waaaa~ my tears won't stop falling! What happened in the future that makes Zephyr become Z!?]

[Zoro: Watch quietly, you will understand soon.]


Future Garp:…After that, another tragedy happened to Zephyr.

The recruit training ship he led was attacked by pirates, his arm was cut off, and only two recruits survived.

But even so, he still stayed at Marine.

But soon, the last straw that overwhelmed Zephyr appeared.

"At that time, the pirate who cut off his arm and killed his student was recruited by the World Government as a new Shichibukai.,

After that, Zephyr left Marine and disappeared, until now he appeared as Z. Leading his Neo Marines.


[Seaman Jinbei: Will the pirate who cut off Zephyr's arm become the new Shichibukai? No wonder the future Zephyr will leave the Marine. ]

[Emperor Hancock: I don't care what you do, but if you want to destroy the New World, this concubine will not forgive you! ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: The pirate who cut off Zephyr's arm, it should be that guy.] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: Even from my standpoint, what the World Government will do in the future will be too tragic. Zephyr has been fighting with us older generations for a lifetime. But what did he get in return? Betrayal? As expected of the World Government.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Humph, it really is the style of World Government. After getting old, they just abandon him like that. ]

Naval Headquarters.

Zephyr is no longer going to watch the continuation of the future scene on the golden list.

He turned around abruptly, his eyes squinting at Sengoku.

"Sengoku, before the golden list appeared, you mentioned the new Shichibukai. Can you tell me who is the name of the new Shichibukai?"