Chapter 210: Descendants of God? Who? You?

[Sabo: Although I have guessed it, Rifan is really straightforward and killed a Celestial Dragons directly. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: After all, he was the one who slaughtered an Elder. Killing a Celestial Dragon is nothing compared to killing one of the Five Elders. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: I'm really curious. Haven't these Celestial Dragons watched the golden list? They don't even know who is standing on their opposite side? ]

[Dragon: It is ridiculous that the world considers such a group of stupid people as World Nobles!] 

[Empress Hancock: So amazing, he killed it without hesitation!] 

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: At this time, Marines should send Admiral there. Sengoku, should you give Kizaru orders? ]

Sengoku: "..."

Seeing Linlin's message, Sengoku's mouth twitched.

Send Admiral to catch Rifan? What a joke!

Not long ago, Rifan just took out his golden holy clothes and scared the two Admirals away.

[Whitebeard Newgate: If an Admiral is dispatched now, maybe Rifan will kill him easily. After all, Rifan just killed someone. ]

Mariejois, the Four Elders, and Im were silent for a while. In such a situation, even they won't send an admiral to die.

On the other side, Rifan stepped past the fallen Celestial Dragon bodyguard and walked in front of the slaves who have expectant and scared gazes while looking at him.

Just when Rifan was about to say something, a sound of footsteps came into Rifan's ears.

"It's Celestial Dragons again." Seeing two Celestial Dragons wearing iconic glass covers riding two pirates and a large group of people running over, Rifan whispered.

People who watched the live broadcast of the golden list naturally saw what Rifan did.

After the appearance of the two Celestial Dragons, everyone who hated Celestial Dragons stared at the golden list with a looking forward expression.

They are all looking forward to the two Celestial Dragons attacking Rifan and then being killed by Rifan!

However, the two Celestial Dragons ultimately did not do what people thought.

The older Celestial Dragons gave Rifan a serious look, and then jumped off the Pirate Slave's back and ran to Saint Charlos corpse and stopped.

Seeing his son's completely silent and bloody face, the older Celestial Dragon immediately showed a sad expression.

"Is Charlos really dead, father!?" the female Celestial Dragon asked sharply.

Although it is an interrogative sentence, the female Celestial Dragon already knows the answer just by looking at her father's expression.

After a slight pause, the female Celestial Dragon walked towards Rifan in the interest of Rifan's gaze.

"Shalria-sama, please stop, that guy is very dangerous, don't approach h—"

The butler behind the female Celestial Dragon wanted to advise her, but after she drew the pistol and pointed it at him, the butler stopped.

Shalria gave the butler a cold look, then turned and continued to walk towards Rifan.

[Sabo: These Celestial Dragons, do they want to attack Rifan? ]

[Flower Sword Vista: I now suspect that these Celestial Dragons have problems with their heads. Maybe this woman will really make trouble for Rifan. ]

In the curious eyes of the world, Shalria stood half a meter away from Rifan.

"You actually killed a Celestial Dragon?"

"Why do you do this? Celestial Dragons are descendants of God."

"Since you have this power, why don't you serve the descendants of God?"

Surprisingly, Sharlia did not raise the gun and pointed it at Rifan, but instead had an expression of intending to talk to Rifan.

Although what she said was an extremely tough questioning sentence.

"That's right, if your power could serve me, I could have given you everything you want." Sharlia and the father of the dead Saint Charlos, Saint Rosward looked at Rifan, "I can give you wealth, strength, and women. You shouldn't kill my son."

Hearing the words of the two Celestial Dragons, Rifan tilted his head, his eyes looking a little confused.

"Descendants of God? Give me anything I want?"

"You actually call yourself a descendant of God? Tsk, Tsk."

Rifan shook his head and continued:

"You all are just the descendants of a group of thieves from the country 800 years ago, and you actually say you are descendants of some god."

"Also, you say you can give me everything? Can you give me the golden list?"

"Even if it was me, I never claimed to be a god. You group of pigs who will die if you get shot, how can you call yourself the descendants of gods?"

"If God really saw a group of pigs claiming to be their descendants, they would probably be angry too."

"I have nothing to talk about with the two of you who live in your own world. For the sake of your intentions, I won't kill you."

"But, although I won't kill you, but since you appear in front of me so swaggeringly, if I don't do something to you, it would be a little inappropriate."

"How should you punish you?"

While talking, Rifan pinched his chin and thought.