Chapter 211: Kuma is under control—

"You want to punish us?!"

Upon hearing Rifan's words, Shalria opened her eyes wide, as if she couldn't believe her ears and stared at Rifan.

Rifan took a glance at Shalria. For the person in front of him who was completely living in her own worldview, Rifan had no desire to communicate.

"Oh~ I got an idea, why don't you two come to Impel Down and 'sit down' there for a 'while'?

"There is no 'guest' like you in the cell in that place."

"Obviously, people who trade in slaves and detain them at will should be sent to Impel Down."

"As you who have legalized slavery and other crimes, it is a pity not to put you two on Impel Down."

The corners of Rifan's mouth curled up and turned to look at Kuma who was standing quietly by the side.

Since Celestial Dragons appeared, he has stood still like a statue.

However, Rifan could feel that Kuma was not surprised when he saw how he killed a Celestial Dragon easily.

"Kuma, can you use your abilities to send the two Celestial Dragons to Impel Down?" Rifan smiled and continued, " I know that if you really do what I say, your situation will get worse."

"Then, I can only force you to do me this favor."

Kuma's eyes flashed, and he looked at Rifan's eyes: "You plan to use your strength to force me. Wait, a Sharingan?!"

Seeing Rifan's eyes change from black pupils to blood-coloured eyes, and there were three black tomoe slowly rotating in his pupils, Kuma immediately knew what Rifan was planning to do.

In the next moment, Kuma's pale eyes turned into the same Sharingan as Rifan.

People can see this scene clearly through the golden list.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Kuma's eyes have become Sharingan?! What is the situation? Could it be that Rifan gave him the power of Sharingan?!] 

[Red-haired Shanks: How is it possible? If Rifan took his eyes off and gave it to Kuma, I still believe it is possible. The current situation should mean that Kuma is controlled by Rifan.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: When demonstrating the power of Sharingan in the past, Uchiha Madara did use Sharingan to control others, but at that time, I did not see the eyes of the controlled person. Perhaps, the eyes of the person controlled by Sharingan will have the same eyes as the user of Sharingan. However, this should be just a projection, and it does not have corresponding power. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hey, hey, doesn't that mean that Sharingan is more useful than my weapon Yatsufusa?!] 

[Whitebeard Newgate: Let alone whether ordinary people can have Sharingan, it is definitely not a simple matter for Sharingan to evolve to the extent that it can control Kuma. Compared to Sharingan, your Yatsufusa is much more convenient. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Speaking of which, you fought with Vivi, Shiki. At that time, you weren't controlled by Vivi, why is that?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, do you think I'm stupid? My mastery of Observation Haki is not for nothing. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It turned out to be so. I thought that Princess Vivi's power in illusion was not enough, so she couldn't control you. It turns out that you never looked at Vivi from beginning to end. ]

[Seaman Jinbei: Look! Kuma is acting, he really wants to send Celestial Dragons to Impel down!?] 

[Sengoku: Bartholomew Kuma! What are you going to do, stop!]

 [Iron Fist Garp: Forget it, Sengoku, Kuma is obviously under control, even if you call him, he will not respond. I have already set sail and returned to Naval Headquarters. We need to talk about Zephyr. ]

"…No, don't come over!" Seeing Kuma walk into her, Shalria raised her gun in horror and pointed it at Kuma

However, before she could shoot, Kuma instantly teleported to Shalria's side using his devil fruit ability.

At this moment, the huge figure of Kum and the blood-red Sharingan filled the entire sight of Shalria.


Accompanied by a sound like a bubble breaking, Saint Shalria, which was swept by Kuma's palm, disappeared directly from everyone's sight.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Rifan can actually control Kuma's abilities freely?!] 

[Empress Hancock: Rifan, do you really plan to in prison the Celestial Dragons in Impel Down?!] 

[Red-haired Shanks: For the first time in history, Celestial Dragons will be Impel Down as criminals. If it weren't for worrying about going to Impel Down, I would be imprisoned in the same way. I actually want to go to Impel Down to see those Celestial Dragons in a prison cell. Hahaha]

[Dragon: Hahaha, today is a happy day! ]

[Issho: Imprisoning Celestial Dragons? This is even more shocking than the abolition of Shichibukai! ]


Kuma who sent Saint Sharlia did not stop his action. After shooting Saint Sharlia flying with his ability, Kuma turned and walked towards another Celestial Dragon.

After all, Kuma is a Shichibukai, and his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people like Celestial Dragon and his bodyguards.

In addition to being suppressed by Rifan's momentum, the Celestial Dragons' bodyguards could not move, so Kuma very smoothly sent the last Celestial Dragon to Impel Down.