Chapter 237: A Moderate And Partial Person—

"Zephyr, he needs to calm down." Sengoku sighed deeply after hearing Aokiji's words, "I think you can understand this."

"He has been placed in a specific place now, don't worry."

"That…"Hearing this, Aokiji frowned, "Will you let me see Teacher Zephyr?"

Zephyr is one of Aokiji's most respected people. When such a thing happened, he wanted to see Zephyr in any case.

"Yes." Sengoku nodded, "You come with me, and see if you can persuade Zephyr by the way. Borsalino, are you going together?"

"Me?" Kizaru scratched the back of his head, "It's really troublesome, I won't go. Teacher Zephyr might be even more angry when he sees me."

The relationship between Kizaru and Zephyr, in Marine, is also notoriously discordant. On the contrary, the relationship between Aokiji and Zephyr is extremely good.

The answers of Kizaru and Aokiji were also expected by Sengoku.

"In this case, Borsalino, you can rest first, after Kuzan finishes his business, you can start your new mission."

"Kuzan, come with me."

After speaking, Sengoku took the lead and walked out of the office, and Aokiji hurriedly followed.

At the same time, Morgans' newspapers were distributed all over the world through news birds. When everyone saw the news of the Sabaody Archipelago, they were extremely surprised.

Especially some pirates who are planning to go to Sabaody Archipelago for coating, and then go to The fish-men island.

Some timid pirates even gave up going to the Sabaody Archipelago and diverted to other places.

"Sister, are we really going to Sabaody Archipelago?" Boa Marigold walked to Hancock standing on the bow of the ship with a newspaper in her hand.

After the end of the Martial Arts Skills List, Hancock ordered her crew to set sail and head towards Impel Down.

But the moment when they received the news from Sabaody Archipelago, Hancock ordered a change of course to Sabaody.

If you change to someone else, Marigold believes that as a Shichibukai, people dare not do anything to her sister.

However, Rifan is not an ordinary person. Two Shichibukai have been killed by Rifan's disciples.

Not only Marigold is worried, but Hancock's other sisters, Sandersonia also feel quite hesitant.

Although they all know that finding Rifan is dangerous in many ways, it is also an extremely important thing for them.

Thinking of the image in the golden list where Rifan erased the seals behind the Celestial Dragons' slaves, the two sisters were thrilled.

And this is also the reason why Hancock led them to sail.

"Hmp, this concubine is just planning to ask for his help."

"Such a thing, even Rifan, will definitely do it."

"If you want to ask why, because this concubine body is the most beautiful in the world!"

"Prepare to land on the island, now go to Sabaody Archipelago to find Rifan's dojo."

Hancock's face was cold, and she said very firmly.

Hearing Hancock's words, the two sisters nodded helplessly, preparing to land on Sabaody Archipelago.

"I hope everything goes smoothly." Sandersonia thought in her heart.

What they don't know at the moment is that it is not only them who visit Rifan dojo today.

In addition to them, a group of very special people have found Rifan's dojo.

"Please, Mr. Rifan, please help Teacher Zephyr!"

"If he continues to stay in Naval Headquarters, I don't know what the Marine will do to him."

"Please, please help Teacher Zephyr to leave Naval Headquarters!"

Inside the dojo, Rifan is sitting on a chair, behind him is No.18 standing quietly, and Bonney, who is eating with a big piece of flesh and blood.

In front of Rifan, Ain, Binz and Shuzo bowed to Rifan at ninety degrees.

They are all Zephyr's confidants, and they are all Marine who are dissatisfied with Zephyr being detained by Marine at Naval Headquarters.

Rifan rubbed his chin as if thinking about the current Shuzo among the three.

"Marine is really dark enough, and it's really unexpected that Zephyr will fall this way."

Swallowing the food in her mouth, Bonney said.

"Even though I think Zephyr's current state is terrible, there should be no reason for us to help Zephyr."

"Right, Teacher Rifan?"

Bonney looked at Rifan and asked.

Hearing Bonney's words, the three immediately raised their heads and looked at Rifan.

"Your Excellency Rifan, don't you plan to replace Marine to manage Impel Down and capture the pirates?"

"Teacher Zephyr is also inspiring to catch all pirates. After rescuing Teacher Zephyr, we will definitely be able to reach a deep level of cooperation!"

As Shuzo spoke, he took out a newspaper.

On the cover of the newspaper, there was the news about Rifan and Bonney described by Morgans.

"Tsk, it's this news again. If I knew this would happen, I should have killed that reporter." Bonney growled in a bad mood. "Teacher Rifan never said that he would replace the Marine in justice. That was Morgan's nonsense."

"Teacher Rifan took down Impel Down because Domino happened to become his disciple. The imprisonment of the pirates who planned to escape was mostly out of Domino's will."

"As for the acquisition of the Sabaody Archipelago, it does not mean that Teacher Rifan has taken the Sabaody to prevent the pirates from going to the New World."

"Teacher Rifan just hopes that the Sabaody Archipelago where the dojo is located is more suitable for Teacher Rifan's reputation."

"Explaining this way, you should understand."

These are all what Rifan said to her, and now she is just relaying Rifan's words.

Shuzo and Ain stared at Rifan closely, obviously not willing to believe what Bonney said.

"What Bonney said is what I really think." Rifan smiled and looked at the three of them. "If I were really such a righteous person as portrayed in the newspaper, I would have cleaned up Kaido and the others when I met them. Why wait until now to promote my justice?"

"In general, I'm just being moderate and partial, and I'm far from justice."

"Of course, if you want me to help, it's not impossible."

"I have a very good view of people like you who respect their teachers, and if you can find my dojo, I promise to accept one of you as my disciple."

"After my teaching, even if I don't make a move, even if you can't defeat Sengoku and others, it should not be difficult to take someone from Naval Headquarters."