Chapter 238: Hancock arrival—

Shuzo and Ain stared at Rifan closely, obviously not willing to believe what Bonney said.

"What Bonney said is what I really think." Rifan smiled and looked at the three of them. "If I were really such a righteous person as portrayed in the newspaper, I would have cleaned up Kaido and the others when I met them. Why wait until now to promote my justice?"

"In general, I'm just being moderate and partial, and I'm far from justice."

"Of course, if you want me to help, it's not impossible."

"I have a very good view of people like you who respect their teachers, and if you can find my dojo, I promise to accept one of you as my disciple."

"After my teaching, even if I don't make a move, even if you can't defeat Sengoku and others, it should not be difficult to take someone from Naval Headquarters."

"Become a disciple of Lord Rifan?!"

The three widened their eyes.

Although they can get Rifan's promise, as long as they find Rifan's new dojo, one of them can become Rifan's disciple.

But in this vast ocean, where do they go to find Rifan's dojo?

Thinking of this, the three of them were immediately embarrassed.

When they wanted to say something, the door of the dojo was suddenly pushed open, and a beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of several people.

"Shichibukai Hancock, why did she come here?!" Ain said in surprise.

Hancock frowned and looked at the people in the room. When she saw No. 18, Hancock had the same expression as the three when they saw 18, and a trace of doubt flashed in her heart.

But soon, Hancock fixed her gaze on Rifan.

Hancock: "Rifan, I have something to ask you…"

"Where did this rude person come from?" Before Hancock finished speaking, Bonney suddenly appeared in front of Hancock, looking at Hancock with a bad expression on her face.

Hancock frowned and was about to scold Bonney. But her two younger sisters behind her quickly grabbed her hand.

"Sister, please calm down."

"Be calm, sister."

Hancock looked at her two younger sisters, then looked at Rifan who was looking at her with great interest and took a deep breath to calm her mood.

Although not long ago, Hancock was extremely confident that Rifan was willing to help her.

But really when standing in front of Rifan, Hancock was still a little nervous.

After all, there is the strongest man in the world, someone who can kill Celestial Dragons and even one of the Five Elders at will, and the World Government and the Marine didn't even find him for trouble.

Just when Hancock hesitated to speak, Rifan's voice reached her ears.

"Hancock, the world's number one beauty, is there anything I can do for you when you come to me?"

Hearing Rifan's voice, Bonney pouted her mouth, her figure flashed, and she stepped back behind Rifan and randomly found a chair to sit down on.

"Rifan, I want to ask you to do something for me!" Hancock said coldly.

"Oh~, then the question is, why should I help you?"

"Because I am the most beautiful person in the world, it is your honor to help me!"

"So that's the case, then you can leave, Hancock."

Rifan smiled and directly ordered to evict the guest.

"Shuzo, you three can leave too."

"But" Shuzo still hesitated, wanting to fight for it.

However, Rifan obviously had no idea of chatting with them, and the power of the awakening of the paw devil fruit was activated.

With a wave of hands, the air in front of the three became a carrier of fruit power.

The three people who were hit by these three bear paw-shaped air walls flew out of Rifan's dojo window and landed on their warship.

The soldiers waiting for the three on the warship all looked at the three dumbfoundedly.

"This Rifan sent us back to the warship?!" Ain looked at the surrounding environment, a little startled.

"It looks like it." Shuzo sighed, "Sure enough, it is extremely difficult to ask Rifan to help."

"Mr. Shuzo, what should we do next, are we really going to find Rifan's dojo?" Ain asked.

"Now, there seems to be only this way." Shuzo sighed, "Anyway, Marine will not do anything to Teacher Zephyr. We have a long time to find Rifan's dojo.

"Since the female pirate Bonney can find Rifan's dojo, then we may also have hope."

"Moreover, this should be the only way we can take Teacher Zephyr away from Naval Headquarters..."

On the other side, the three sisters couldn't help being stunned after seeing the three suddenly disappear.

And at this moment, Rifan looked at them,

"Why, don't you plan to leave yet?"

"Do you need me to send you back to your boat like the three of them?"

Although Rifan was smiling, it was so terrifying in the eyes of Hancock's two younger sisters.

Hancock gritted her teeth and looked at Bonney and No.18 beside Rifan.

It's hard for her to tell about the Celestial Dragon seal when other people are present.

Rifan shook his head. Hancock came at this time. How could Rifan not think that she came for the Celestial Dragons slave seal?

Looking at No.18 and Bonney beside him, Rifan said:

"18, you take Bonney to the secret realm for further training."

"I have something private to discuss with this empress."

Hearing this, Bonney frowned and looked at Rifan in an incredible way:

"No, Teacher Rifan, people like you won't be confused by this woman's beauty right?"

"Let's go, Bonney!" On the side, 18 patted Bonney's shoulder. "Rifan should have other things. You should know him because you have been with him for so long. He won't be tempted just because of a good-looking face."

"Oh~, it seems to be the case." Bonney nodded to herself. "My face is not bad, right? If Teacher Rifan was really that easy to be tempted, I should have been attacked long ago."

"Although you look good, your personality is too bad." Rifan retorted.

"Ugh!" Bonney's face became stiff, and she was about to argue with him, but No.18 directly grabbed her arm and walked towards the secret realm door.

Bonney couldn't stop the power of the 18. Soon, the figures of the two women disappeared from the room.