Chapter 241: Party—

"Elder Nyon, elder sister won't really die right!?"

"Yeah, love sickness or something, it's a lie, right?"

Hancock's two sisters worried about the ropeway.

"There is no way." Elder Nyon shook her head, "I used to leave the Nine Snake because of love sickness. So I understand the horror of lovesickness."

"Whoever has it is definitely not good for her body, Hancock actually likes Rifan!

"That's right, Rifan!" Elder Nyon's eyes lit up, "If Hancock and Rifan can be together, it will be extremely beneficial for Nine Snakes Island!"

"At that time, even Marine and Four Emperors will not be able to threaten Amazon Lily!"

Thinking of the scene where no one would dare to provoke Amazon Lily in the future, Elder Nyon was a little excited for a while.

"But, Rifan doesn't seem to like my sister." Sandersonia looked awkward. "He even dared to leave sister just now."

"This is definitely a problem. With Hancock's beauty, few men can refuse her."

Elder Nyon came to her senses when she heard it and nodded secretly, "However, Rifan is the strongest swordsman in the world after all, and the strongest man in the world. It is reasonable to have such characteristics."

"But he is a man after all. As long as Hancock and Rifan get along a little longer, he may fall in love with her."

Hancock, who was originally lying on the bed, walked over excitedly when she heard Elder Nyon's words.

"Elder Nyon, do you have a way to keep me by Rifan's side?"

As she spoke, Hancock's eyes were full of expectation.

However, to Hancock's disappointment, Elder Nyon shook her head and said, "I didn't..."


"Ah, elder sister, why did you kick Elder Nyon into the air!" Seeing Elder Nyon flying out of the room, Sandersonia yelled in horror.

"Hump, that old woman, she didn't know anything but she was talking about it here." Hancock snorted, but in a blink of an eye, her face was flushed with dissatisfaction. "Ah, how can I be with Rifan?"

"Hancock!" At this moment, Elder Nyon pushed the door and walked in.

"Why are you here again, useless things, I don't want to see you now."

Hancock looked at Elder Nyon coldly.

"Hancock, I haven't finished talking just now! Although I don't have a way to get you close to Rifan immediately, I know a way to do it once and for all."


"You also know that Rifan recruits disciples from all over the world. As long as you become Rifan's disciple, isn't it easy to stay with his side?"

"Yeah! Order every warrior of Amazon Lily to find Rifan's dojo immediately!" Hancock's eyes burned with fierce fighting

Looking at Hancock who seemed to be full of flames, Sandersonia and Marigold looked a little embarrassed. They pulled Elder Nyan out of Hancock's room, and whispered in her ear:

"Elder Nyon, many had searched Rifan dojo's before, but only a handful of people found it. Can we really find it?"

"Now that you say that, aren't you worried my sister will be angry when we can't find Rifan's dojo?"

Elder Nyan took a look at Hancock's room and sighed, "Only in this way can Hancock be able to fight her disease. Otherwise, with her attitude just now, I'm afraid she won't last long."

"At least in this way, she can temporarily devote herself to searching for Rifan dojo without being tortured by lovesickness."

"And even if we really can't find it in the end, we can only go to this Island. As long as she can see Rifan, Hancock will not die."

Hearing the words of Elder Nyan, Sandersonia and Marigold sighed faintly.

"Sigh, that's all we can do now."

Dressrosa, Dojo.

At this moment, not only the disciples of Rifan gathered in the dojo, but also King Riku, Violet, Rebecca's father Kyrus, etc., we're all staying inside the dojo, waiting for the arrival of Rifan.

"Rebecca, will Rifan really come back later?"

Violet asked while standing beside Rebecca.

"Teacher Rifan called just now, he will come in a while, it shouldn't be long,"

Rebecca said.

As soon as her voice fell, a few more figures appeared in the dojo.

"Oh, it's very lively, everyone is here. Hello everyone." Rifan, who went to Impel Down and brought Domino with him, smiled and said hello to the people in the dojo.

"Here, your new Kohai, Domino and Bonney." Rifan put his hands on Domino and Bonney's shoulders. "You should have seen the situation of Domino's through the golden list. Bonney is my disciple from Sabaody. You should have learned something from the newspaper."

"As for this one," Rifan stepped back and pressed his hands on No. 18's shoulders. "I would like to introduce to you, Madam No. 18, my assistant.

"In the future, when I am away, you can ask her about your training on my behalf."

"As for her power, you don't have to worry about it. Even if you go all together, you won't be her opponent!"

Upon hearing Rifan's words, Yamato seemed a little unconvinced.

"Teacher Rifan, is she really so good?"

Rifan smiled and looked at No. 18.

The corner of No. 18's mouth was slightly cocked, and the next moment she appeared behind Yamato at an extremely fast speed.

Even with Yamato's eyesight, she couldn't see how 18 moved behind her.

"You are Yamato right, Rifan mentioned you to me."

"You seem to have some doubts about my ability. After Rifan helps you get the recognition of the Azure Dragon Saint Cloth, let me help you get familiar with it."

18 said.

"Eh! The Azure Dragon Saint Cloth?!" When Yamato heard the Blue Dragon Seat Cloth, she immediately looked at Rifan with excitement, "Teacher Rifan, are you really going to give me the Blue Dragon Saint Cloth?!"

"Yeah!" Rifan nodded, "After all, I promised you, so naturally it needs to be done. And you, Robin, you should also start the training of sage arts."

"Yes, Teacher Rifan." Robin smiled and nodded.

For Robin who doesn't want to fall behind, practicing sage arts is an extremely first thing to do.

Then Rifan looked at Rebecca, Violet and others.

"Thank you, Lord Rifan, if it weren't for you, Dressrosa is still under Heavenly Yaksha's rule." King Riku bowed deeply to Rifan.

Behind him, Kyrus and Violet also bowed to Rifan.

"This is Rebecca's own credit. You don't have to thank me like that."

Rifan waved his hand, not paying attention to the gratitude of several people.

"Even so, Lord Rifan sent Sadi-chan and Nojiko to help, didn't he?" Violet smiled slightly, "Thanks to the two of them, I was not killed by the cadres of the Donquixote Family."

"I finally saw Lord Rifan himself this time. We prepared a banquet for you separately outside the dojo.

"If you can, can you please move outside the dojo?"

Hearing this, Rifan smiled and nodded.

When he first came here, Rifan had already noticed the layout outside the dojo.

Rifan didn't want to betray the preparation of Rebecca's relatives, so he followed Violet and others out of the dojo.

"Then, first of all, please allow me to prepare a dance song for Lord Rifan!"

Violet smiled slightly and stepped onto the stage built by the soldiers.

With the sound of music and Violet dance steps, a banquet specially prepared for Rifan officially began!