Chapter 242: Daylight Robbery—

North Blue, a huge battleship floating on the sea.

To be precise, it is a huge kingdom composed of dozens of warships.

People who know them call it the Battle Castle, or Germa 66.

Normally, there will be no commotion here, because Germa 66 is the most terrifying war family in North Blue.

Only they find others, and absolutely no chance for others to find them.

However, today, this convention has been broken.

Although the huge battleship was floating on the sea, the buildings on it were greatly damaged.

Looking down from above, a large group of people fell into a pool of blood.

"What the hell happened here?!" Reiju, wearing a pink dress, frowned, and ran towards the center of Germa 66 territory.

"This center was detonated?" Looking at the bombed center building, Reiju's face was a little ugly, "Who is it that can cause this kind of thing!"

"Cough, cough!" Suddenly, a cough came into Reiju's ears.

"Father!" Reiju turned her head and looked, just in time to find Judge crawling out of the ruins.

"Are you okay!" Reiju ran to Judge's side but found that there was a deep-set fist mark in Judge's heart.

And behind Judge, there was a sword wound that almost split Judge's whole body.

"Father, how could you suffer such a severe injury!"

"Iji and the others, they should have already returned!!

Reiju said worriedly while pressing on Judge's wound.

"It's those bastard Teach and Shiryu!" Judge gritted his teeth. "Those bastards invaded Germa 66 and robbed me and your three brothers' battle uniforms!"

"I finally detonated the central area when they got the battle uniform and slackened. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be dead!!

"Those guys are here for the upcoming [Battle Clothes List]!"

"Damn it, those robbers!"

Judge yelled, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

Originally, they searched almost the entire North Blue, and could not find Rifan dojo. And with the [Battle Clothes List] released soon, Judge let his four children come back.

Unexpectedly, as soon as his three sons came back, Teach and Shiryu invaded their ship

Although Germa 66 is strong, both Teach and Shiryu have been greatly strengthened because of the rewards of the golden list.

Teach's strength is even close to that of a Marine Admiral, and Shiryu's strength can match Magellan.

Germa 66 has no way to play against Teach and Shiryu anyway.

After a while, Judge and his sons were knocked to the ground and forced to surrender their combat uniforms.

Judge never thought that Teach who had stolen the famous sword from Wanokuni, and now he came here to steal their battle uniform.

Thinking that his reward would be taken by Teach and Shiryu, Judge felt a heartache.

Upon hearing Judge's words, Reiju immediately understood what happened.

'If I came back earlier, my fate would be the same!'

Reiju pursed her lips, and after initially bandaging Judge, she searched for three younger brothers among the ruins.

On the other side, not far from Germa 66.

A small sailing boat is sailing slowly.

There were only two people sitting on it. It was Teach and Shiryu who had swept German 66 Castle not long ago.

"Zehahaha~ this is a really good harvest. We got four battle uniforms." Teach laughed and handed two items to Shiryu. "Partner, as agreed, you will get half of the loot. You have to take it well."

Shiryu glanced at the item containing the battle uniform that Teach handed over and immediately realized that there was no one that Judge was wearing.

"Teach, you deliberately left Judge's battle uniform, because you think that set can have better performance, right." Shiryu sneered, "Forget it, this time, it's really your strength. I'll just accept the two sets that may be worse."

"Zehahaha, it's great for you to understand, Shiryu." Teach tossed the other two combat uniforms in his hand. "Although I guess Judge's combat uniforms are more powerful, no one can say for sure. Maybe what you have is better than mine."

"However, it's a pity, even if this thing is grabbed, we can't use it."

"I just hope that the golden list can bring some applicable rewards."

Shiryu carried the two suits into his arms.

Once, when Shiryu was imprisoned, although his famous sword was not held in his hands, because other people did not touch his sword, even if he was imprisoned, the golden list still issued the reward to his head.

Because of this incident, Shiryu felt that it would be better to keep the trophies he just won in his hand.

"By the way, time should be almost up." Shiryu raised his head and looked to the sky, "It's also this time and day when the golden list disappears, and it's almost ten days, so it should be the time."

Teach smiled and said, "Probably soon, huh?!"

Before Teach had finished speaking, the familiar golden brilliance suddenly fell from the sky, covering Shiryu and Teach in it.

"Zehaha, what do you think I said, isn't the golden list coming out now?"

Teach smiled.

—Now, the [Battle Clothes List] has been announced, and the [Battle Clothes List] only ranks the battle clothes that have a master, and the masterless battle clothes are not included in the ranking.

—Anyone on the list can speak on the golden list.

—Past players on the list can also leave a message on the gold list.