Chapter: 243: Robin advanced—

[Golden Lion Shiki: Has it passed ten days? Time flies really fast!]

[Red Hair Shanks: Although this list does not have anything to do with me, it is also a good thing to be able to chat with everyone through the golden list. Haha~]

[Pluton Rayleigh: As for the Battle Cloth List, the only person I can think of is Rifan. With at least two saint clothes, he might be at the forefront of the list again. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: We are not clear about Andromeda's saint cloth, but the Golden Libra saint cloth, I am afraid it can be ranked in the top three. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Hey, let's hurry over this battle clothing list. I don't know when the golden list will come to some lists that I can be on!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Feel contented Linlin, at least you have been on the list before and received good rewards. Many strong players have not even won a chance to be on the list. Jiehaha~]

[Teach: Zehahaha~, it's finally started!]

[Flower Sword Vista: Teach, you bastard seems to be very happy. But the list is about Battle Clothes, so you don't have anything to be happy about right?]

[Teach Zehahaha, maybe that might be!]

Seeing Teach's message, Whitebeard and his crew frowned slightly.

'This guy, did he do something again?'

Whitebeard thought to himself.

Not only Whitebeard, Marine, Redhead, Kaido and others can't help but frown.

Because of the emergence of the golden list, even though the[Battle Clothing List] has not officially started to be announced, many people have begun to speak freely on the golden list.

It seems that the past ten days have allowed them to accumulate endless words.

At this moment, the other side.

Dressrosa, inside the dojo, in the Epiphany Room.

"Is it already ten days?" Rifan muttered looking at the golden text that suddenly appeared in the epiphany room.

"As for the battle clothes list, Teacher Rifan should have a lot of battle clothes that can be on the list." Robin smiled and walked to Rifan's side and said.

And thinking of battle clothes, Robin turned her gaze to Yamato who was concentrating on the energy of the small universe.

Unlike usual, Yamato at this time has taken off the kimono she wore all year round and replaced it with tight-fitting tights.

On the opposite side of Yamato, Rifan gave her the Blue Dragon Sacred Cloth.

"With the blue dragon saint cloth, Yamato will definitely be on the list, and her rank will never be low." Robin's mouth curled slightly, "Maybe, she will become the strongest among us because of this reward."

"That also depends on what kind of rewards the golden list will give her in the future." Rifan smiled and said, "You are also good, and your training in sage art is very smooth."

"Although the sage arts from the golden list have played a very important role, only your later training can make you progress so fast."

"To be honest, I didn't expect you to learn the True Thousand Hands in just ten days."

The corner of Robin's mouth cocked, and she took Rifan's hand:

"Of course, the credit goes to you, Teacher Rifan. Because of your training method, I can make progress so fast."

"Although the use of True Thousand Hands will consume a lot of chakra on me. "

Rifan nodded, and just when he was about to say something, suddenly a wave of induction came into Rifan's mind.

"What's wrong, Teacher Rifan?" Robin, who was fully observing Rifan, quickly noticed the slight change in Rifan's expression.

"It's nothing, it's just that after ten days, someone finally found my other dojo." Rifan looked to the sky as if he could see the dojo on the other side of the world through the dark sky.

"Really? She is so lucky, and it's still at this time." Robin tilted her head, "Although she really wants to be able to see this new junior sister with Rifan, unfortunately, once she leaves the epiphany room, She can't use the Epiphany Room again.

Entering the epiphany room, you can only stay for 30 days to train.

It has only been 10 days now, and although Robin has been able to safely and instantly enter the sage state, she still wants to become stronger.

"You'll see her in the future anyway. You can train here with peace of mind." While talking, Rifan looked at No. 18 who was meditating on the other side.

"By the way, why are you so sure that the newcomer is Junior Sister, not Junior Brother?"

"Besides, I didn't say that I would definitely accept the person who found my dojo." Hearing this, Robin smiled and said:

"I just reasoned according to Teacher Rifan's past method of accepting disciples. After all, Teacher Rifan's disciples are all female disciples, and they are all sweet-looking female disciples…"

"In addition, Teacher Rifan obviously intends to take a look at the new dojo."

"If the person on the other side is not the one that Teacher Rifan is interested in, maybe you will directly let the other wait for a while."

Hearing Robin's words, Rifan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

"I always feel that you understand me too much, Robin."

"How come?" Robin stepped forward, bringing herself closer to Rifan.

At this moment, her face almost always sticks to Rifan's face.

"If I can, I hope I can understand everything about you Rifan, whether it is Rifan, your body or your heart. I want to understand, and I hope I can leave my traces in your body and mind."

Robin's words caused Rifan to raise his eyebrows, his eyes fixed on Robin.

"You don't want to be my disciple anymore, but you want to be promoted higher than Nami and the others?"

"I always feel that listening to you, there are some other meanings in it."

Robin smiled, just about to say something, suddenly a burst of violent microcosmic energy burst out of Yamato on the side...

"Haaa!! Lushan Rising Dragon Lord!"

Yamato stood up abruptly from the ground and slammed her right hand from bottom to top.

The fist wind drove a blue dragon to fly towards the sky, and the dark night sky also opened a hole because of the appearance of the blue dragon.

"Successful, I finally succeeded! Look Teacher Rifan!" Seeing the Lushan Rising Dragon Lord that she waved out, Yamato jumped excitedly.

Randomly turned around and jumped and fell into Rifan's arms.

"It's great, Teacher Rifan, I finally understand Lushan Rising Dragon Lord!"

"Now, I am a real Saint now!'"

Seeing Yamato's intimacy with Rifan, Robin shook her head and swallowed the words she had just wanted to talk to Rifan.

'Forget it, let's keep this relationship for now.'

Thinking that once Rifan really expresses his heart, whether Rifan accepts or refuses, the relationship between her, Rifan and Rifan's other disciples may change, so Robin hesitates.

'At least, wait until I can confirm that Teacher Rifan will agree.'

'Hope, I can be ahead of the others.'

Robin looked at Rifan's figure with faint eyes.

"Congratulations, Yamato." Rifan patted Yamato on the back.

Yamato was able to comprehend Lushan Rising Dragon Lord in a short time, and Rifan was naturally very happy.

"To be precise, you are a true Blue Dragon Saint Seiya."

"However, don't be arrogant. If you have accepted the inheritance of the Blue Dragon Seat Saint Cloth, you should understand that you still have other moves that you haven't learned."

"Take advantage of the training time in the Epiphany Room, so practice well."

"If you can comprehend the sixth sense of the Saint Seiya before leaving the Epiphany Room, maybe I will consider granting you a request."

Yamato's eyes lit up, her bright eyes staring at Rifan.

"Really! Great, I will go to train now!" Thinking that she could ask Rifan to do something, Yamato became excited immediately, ran back to the place where she was meditating before, and started a new round of spiritual practice.

"I really envy Yamato, she can get a promise from you teacher!" Robin said enviously, "I don't know when Teacher Rifan can give me such a promise?"

Rifan smiled slightly and said: "Yamato is very innocent, and her request will certainly not be too troublesome. But you are different. Maybe you will make some requests that embarrass me, so forget it. "

"You continue to train first, I will leave for a while."

As soon as the voice fell, Rifan's figure disappeared from the epiphany room.

Looking at the place where Rifan disappeared, Robin pursed her mouth and sighed faintly.