Chapter 250: 5th, 4th, and 3rd place—

[Dark King Rayleigh: This time ranking is fast. How long has passed since the Battle Clothes was announced, and now it's already in 5th place? ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Yes, according to past practice, when it comes to fifth place, Rifan or Rifan's disciple should be on the list. ]

[Blackbeard Teach: Zehahaha~, is this really the case, but I still have a battle clothe in my hand that is not on the list!]

[Jinbei: Can this guy make it into the top five?!]

—[Battle Clothes List], 5th place, [Germa 66 Poison Pink]; holder, Vinsmoke Reiju.

-A battle suit that has a strong defense and flexible mobility, has the ability to keep people in control, has the ability to accumulate venom, and the wearer has the ability to use poison.

[Blackbeard Teach: Hey, is there a fish that slipped through the net? It is really interesting, but in this way, the battle suit in my hand will be in the top four, Zehahaha!]

[Red-haired Shanks: The top four, I don't know what kind of rewards he will get. ]

[Vinsmoke Reiju: Teach, Shiryu, what you did to Germa 66, we will not forget, one day, we will find you. ]

[Rain Shiryu: Hmph, you should hide and savor your little life if you don't want to be killed. If you really dare to come, I will definitely kill you!]

'She's okay!' 

In the Merry Go, Sanji was relieved to see that Reiju could still leave a message on the golden list.

Zoro and Usopp on the side saw Sanji's expression, and they became more sure that he and Germa 66 are inextricably linked.

—[Battle Clothes List], 4th, [Germa 66 Judge]; holder, Marshall D. Teach.

-Have strong defense and flexible mobility, have the ability to control, greatly improve the wearer's physical skills, and improve the wearer's strength and speed.

[Teach: Zehahaha!, great, it's really great! Fourth place, it's fourth place. I didn't expect this thing to actually rank 4th place. In this way, I can get excellent rewards anyway. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: He is actually in fourth place, tsk, it is really scary. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Teach..]

[Red-haired Shanks: 4th place, I don't know what kind of reward the Golden List will give this guy. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Although Teach was able to get fourth place, it was amazing, but Rifan's saint cloth has not yet appeared, which is really strange. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: I remember that before, Rifan's Zanpakutō had occupied the top five of the weapon list. Could it be said that Sire Rifan didn't have too many saint clothes this time?]

Not only Charlotte Smoothie and others were curious, but Hiyori standing beside Rifan was also curious.

'Is it true that Master Rifan really only has a small amount of holy clothes, and under such circumstances, he still gave me one of the holy clothes?!'

Thinking of this, Hiyori couldn't help being even more moved.

—[Battle Clothes List], 3rd Place,[Demon Dragon Armor]; Holder, Sword Saint Rifan.

--One of the forty-eight Imperial Arms, a living armor. The monster Tyrande that was made into this armor has not died. It can adjust the size according to the user's body shape and continue to evolve. It has the defense power of a copper wall and an iron wall, enhances the ability of the person wearing it, and has the ability to hide in a short period of time.

--It is extremely burdensome to the equipped person, and ordinary people will die if they wear it.

[Dark King Rayleigh: I feel like I've been waiting for a long time. It's finally Rifan's turn to play. But it is not the saint's clothes, but one of the forty-eight emperors. I remember that the Yatsufusa acquired by Shiki are also one of the Forty-Eight Imperial Arms. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: There is really some equipment we don't know about in this world, one of the forty-eight Imperial Arms, that is to say, in addition to this Demon Dragon Armor, and Shiki's Yatsufusa, there are other Imperial Arms. I really don't know where these things come from.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: I got mine from the Golden List. I'm really curious where Rifan got the "Demon Dragon Armor". It would be great if Rifan could tell some information, especially Zanpakutō's location information. Jiehaha~]

[Sword Saint Rifan: Golden Lion, instead of worrying about this and that, you should worry about yourself, my disciple is getting stronger and stronger. One day, Vivi will go to see you for what happened in Alabasta.]

Seeing Rifan's message, the face of Shiki, who was still smiling just now, was stagnant, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

He knows the strength of Princess Vivi. If Vivi continues to grow stronger, it will undoubtedly be quite troublesome.

"Sure enough, I have to grab some rewards."

"Sengoku, you may not be able to digest those hundred sets of rewards, so let me help you digest them."

In the discussion among the people, the demonstration of [Demon Dragon Armor] also started through the golden list.

On the screen, Rifan's figure appeared, but at this time, Rifan was not wearing a battle suit, instead, he was holding a double-edged sword in his hand.
