Chapter 251: 2nd place—

[Dark King Rayleigh: Strange, why does Rifan hold a sword? Isn't it for a demonstration of a battle suit?]

[Redhead Shanks: It's really weird, but I think Rifan will demonstrate it for us soon.]

As soon as Rayleigh and Shanks spoke, Rifan on the screen suddenly raised the short sword in his hand.

"Demon Armor: Incursio!" Rifan shouted sharply with a sword in one hand. 

To everyone's surprise, behind Rifan appeared a phantom dragon.

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Is that the living armor?]

[Jinbei: The figure of the phantom of the dragon gradually covered Rifan's body. It turned out that the sword was just the basic form of armor. After liberation, it turned back into a battle suit!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: No wonder, it's in the battle clothes list. Hey, It can even summon a spear!]

Rifan on the screen first showed some invisibility for a short time, and then suddenly summoned the scarlet spear and red back shrike.

Rifan then waved the spear in his hand and the surrounding huge rocks shattered.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Rifan's power is too strong, so we don't know if it's the armor power or Rifan... Huh?! This, the shape of the armor is changing!]

In Whitebeard's surprised gaze, the "demon dragon armor" body exudes a golden light, and a pair of wings spread out from the back of the battle armor, driving Rifan to fly straight to the sky.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Does this armor have a flying function?!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: According to the introduction from the golden list, this armor has the function of self-evolution, maybe this is an armor with unlimited potential!]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's amazing. Compared with Rifan's armor, I feel that the Germa 66 suit just now is quite far behind. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Indeed, the gap between the third and fourth places is not a star and a half. ]

[Beast Kaido: This kind of battle suit is the real battle suit. Compared with Rifan's "Demon Dragon Armor", what Marine's Vegapunk uniform or the Derma 66 uniform, clearly they are all rubbish. ]

[Sengoku: Kaido, you seem to be pleased with Rifan. Is it because of how you are defeated miserably by Rifan disciple, leaving you with a considerable psychological shadow?]

[Edward Newgate: Kaido is right. Compared with Rifan's suit, the suit made by Marine is indeed rubbish. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Living armor, which means that people of any size can wear this armor. In terms of practicality, it is indeed incomparable to Marine's armor. This Sengoku, just admits it.]

At Naval Headquarters, Sengoku pursed his lips.

He naturally knew that his battle armor and Rifan's battle armor were incomparable, but he didn't want to see the messages from Kaido and others.

"It seems that there is really no way for Vegapunk uniforms from 1 to 7 to be on the list." Sengoku murmured. "Although No. 1 to No. 7 suits have good power, there is still a gap compared with Rifan's "Demon Dragon Armor". Tsuru nodded in agreement.

"According to the current situation, the first and second places afterwards should be Rifan's Libra Saint Cloth and Andromeda Saint Cloth, respectively.

"Sengoku, your worry is right. The World Government asked Vegapunk to create the suit in the wrong direction.

"The living suit, if Vegapunk is allowed to integrate Zoan Devil Fruit into the suit from the beginning, maybe such a suit can be on the list."

Hearing Tsuru's analysis, Sengoku nodded: "Anyway, the matter has been settled, and even if we regret it, it will no longer work.,

"Fortunately, we are able to have 100 awards for the tenth place."

"As long as we can get high-quality rewards, even if Teach and Shiryu get rewards, this time the second-largest winner of the golden list is still us."

As long as it is a premium reward, even if the reward for the tenth place is worse than the rewards of Shiryu and Teach.

However, quantity can surpass quality. As long as more and more powerful Marines are cultivated, it is a huge wealth for Marines!


On the other side, in the Five Elder's office.

"It seems that the preparations we have made have not been able to achieve the results we want." The blonde elder sighed, his tone full of regret. "Fortunately, the Marine may get a good reward."

"At that time, you can ask the Marines to give us more of the rewards."

Hearing that, the long-bearded elder nodded: "At present, it seems that this is the only thing. This time, Sengoku did a good job. It is expected that other armor may not be rewarded."

"This time, I  have the greatest responsibility!" the curly beard elder squeezed his fists, trying his best not to smash the desk in front of him. "If it weren't for me, proposing to make those suits, maybe we could get more and better rewards."

"You can't say that!" The Curly Hair elder said faintly, "Although it is your suggestion, we passed it. So it's not entirely your responsibility. All we can do now is look forward to the rewards that will be issued by the golden list. Well, if Sengoku can really get high-quality rewards, then this time it will be considered a success.

The Curly Beard Elder sighed, shook his head to shake off the annoying thoughts in his heart, and continued to look at the golden list.

There, the demonstration of Teigu [Demon Dragon Armor] has ended.

And the new [Battle Clothes List] rank has been announced.

—[Battle Clothes List], 2nd place; Pegasus Saint Cloth; holder, Rifan.

––One of the 48 bronze saints, with the protection of the goddess with her life, even if it is damaged, it can repair itself.

--This bronze Pegasus Saints has the inheritance of the saints of the previous generation. Those who inherit the saint's clothes can awaken the energy of the small universe and obtain the skills of the previous generation's Saint.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hey! It's not the Andromeda Saint Cloth, but the Pegasus Saint Cloth! That is to say, Rifan's bronze saint is more than one set! Plus that set of Libra saints that have appeared before, can it be said that the Pegasus saint and Andromeda Saint Cloth are tied for second place!?]