Chapter 252: God—?

—[Battle Clothes List], 2nd place; Pegasus Saint Cloth; holder, Rifan.

––One of the 48 bronze saints, with the protection of the goddess with her life, even if it is damaged, it can repair itself.

--This bronze Pegasus Saints has the inheritance of the saints of the previous generation. Those who inherit the saint's clothes can awaken the energy of the small universe and obtain the skills of the previous generation's Saint.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hey! It's not the Andromeda Saint Cloth, but the Pegasus Saint Cloth! That is to say, Rifan's bronze saint is more than one set! Plus that set of Libra saints that have appeared before, can it be said that the Pegasus saint and Andromeda Saint Cloth are tied for second place!?]

[Redhead Shanks: It's very possible. After all, Marine has a hundred suits tied for 10th place. It's just that Rifan may have two different bronze saint clothes side by side.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The man wearing the Saint cloth on the screen is not Rifan, so is that man the owner of the previous Pegasus saint cloth? And that "Pegasus Meteor Fist" move! It's powerful boxing, it's comparable to Kizaru's moves! It's too strong!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Unknown strong man, this should not be his strongest power yet, it seems that he is just practicing. ]

[Zoro: It turned out to be a battle suit protected by a goddess. Does God really exist?]

[Sabo: Goddess, I suddenly remembered that Rifan once told those Celestial Dragons at Sabaody Archipelago that if the true God knows that there is a group of people claiming to be descendants of the gods, they might be quite angry. Thinking about it now, this sentence does not seem to be that simple. Could it be said that His Excellency Rifan knows the true God?]

[Dragon: Rifan has such power, and mortals simply cannot achieve this level. Sometimes, I even suspect that His Excellency Rifan is the true God!]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: God? To some extent, this is indeed the case. Rifan's swordsmanship has completely reached the realm of God. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Hey, if Rifan is really a god, he wouldn't say "Even I don't call myself a god" when facing the Celestial Dragons. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Marine, you are worried that the person who sins against you is a god, right? Even though Rifan is not a god, the power he possesses is far beyond what you can handle, hahaha~. ]

[Curly Beard Elder: Hmph, if Rifan is really a god, he won't need rewards from the golden list, right. ]

At this time, one of the Elders had to speak.

If the world is really allowed to regard Rifan as a god, then they, the Celestial Dragons, known as the descendants of gods, will become Rifan's descendants.

Moreover, if Rifan is regarded as a god, it will also affect the military spirit of the World Government and Marine. Such a thing is absolutely not tolerated by the Four Elders.

Even if Rifan is strong, as long as Rifan is still human, the Four Elders are confident that they can find a way to defeat Rifan in the future.

Therefore, the Four Elders do not allow anyone to deify Rifan.

Only Celestial Dragons can be deified!

However, after all, the golden list is not owned by the Four Elders, nor is it an item owned by Celestial Dragons.

The opinions expressed by them soon attracted the ridicule of a group of pirates who disdain Celestial Dragons.

Among them, it is naturally mixed with ridicule from the revolutionary army.

[Sabo: That's for sure, maybe Rifan, as a god, just intends to give the rewards he gets from the golden list to his disciples. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Maybe the golden list is the handwriting of a certain god, Rifan may still know this god, haha. ] 

At this moment, in the Wanokuni.

"Master Rifan, aren't you really a god? Hiyori looked at Rifan with admiration.

"That depends on how you define the existence of God." Rifan smiled,

"At least, in my opinion, I am not a true God. At least, in terms of strength, I still can't reach that one. I'm still far from them…"

Hearing Rifan's words, Kozuki Hiyori's eyes lit up.

"Master Rifan, have you seen a real god?! Does God have the ability to resurrect others?"

Hiyori naturally has relatives who she wants to be resurrected, her parents, her retainers, etc.

"It's just a projection of the gods." Rifan glanced at Hiyori who was anticipating his answer.

Watched by Rifan, Hiyori felt like she was seen through.

"If you want to see the true God when your strength is enough, I will also let you see his projection."

"However, even me, now I can barely fight against him. After all, that guy is a god of destruction."

Thinking of the memories of being abused by the God of Destruction in the Dragon Ball in the secret realm, Rifan only felt very tired.

'After ten years of signing in, the system entered the renewal state. I don't know when I can continue to sign in again.'

'And I can only use the gym system, which is a bit too boring.'

'If I can sign in, maybe I don't need the reward from the golden list.'

'Hopefully, after the system update, it can bring more powerful rewards.'

Just as Rifan was thinking about it, the scene of the Pegasus Saint Cloth demonstrated on the golden list ended.

—[Battle Clothes List], tied for second place, Blue Dragon Saint Cloth; holder, Yamato.

-–One of the 48 bronze saints, with the protection of the goddess, with life, even if it is damaged, it can repair itself.

--This set of blue dragon sacred clothes has the inheritance of the previous generation of saints, and those who inherit the saints' clothes can awaken the energy of the small universe and obtain the training methods of the previous generations' saints.

[Pluton Rayleigh: Sure enough, it's a tie, but it's not the Andromeda Saint Cloth, but the Blue Dragon Saint Cloth of Rifan, don't tell me Rifan has 48 sets of bronze Saint Cloths in total? ]

[Redhead Shanks: Although I know that you're just joking, Vice-Captain Rayleigh, but I really can't laugh when you said it.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Anyway, this is impossible. Rifan only had 47 bronze saints at most. Otherwise, the Shiratori saints that the Golden List was going to give to Im would not be justified. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It's really weird. Rifan's saint clothes have the inheritance of the previous generation of Saint Seiya, but the saint cloth provided by the Golden List does not have this function. Instead, it can consume more energy instead of the small universe to use its ability. Could it be said that the golden list saint cloth and Rifan's saint cloth have different sources?]

[Red Hair Shanks: Maybe that was the case, maybe after the golden list recovered the saint's clothes, it was changed to facilitate the use of the winners. ]

[Sabo: Blue Dragon Sacred Cloth, His Excellency Rifan treats his disciples really well. Senbonzakura was handed over to Rebecca before, and now the sacred cloth of the Blue Dragon was handed over to disciple Yamato! It is really a blessing to be the disciple of Rifan. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Indeed, it's just that it's not easy to find Lord Rifan's dojo and become his disciple. So many people went to sea to find Lord Rifan's dojo, but in the end, very few became his disciples.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: You can't say that. Maybe one day, luck will come, and Rifan dojo will appear in front of your house. After all, the dojo in the Sabaody Archipelago just appears out of thin air. Haha, I heard that there was a group of people competing for the opportunity to enter Rifan dojo, and Bonney finally seized this opportunity. ]

Seeing Rayleigh's words, Domino took it seriously.

She was sure that Impel Down did not have Rifan dojo before, and even on the day of the riot, or before the riots, Impel Down did not have Rifan dojo.

Rifan's dojo, indeed, will suddenly appear somewhere.

Domino feels that it is possible that Rifan's dojo will hit someone in the face when walking on the road one day.

[Beast Kaido: Yamato, Rifan actually gave you the sacred cloth of the Azure Dragon, can it be said that you have learned the trick "Lushan Rising Dragon Lord" that defeated Garp?!]

[Iron Fist Garp: You bastard Kaido, do you have to mention me?!]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, isn't it true that you were beaten by Rifan's Lushan Rising Dragon Lord? Why can't the truth not be said?]

[Iron Fist Garp: You almost got killed and scrapped by your daughter, and finally had to run away with your tail clamped. At least I was defeated by Rifan, and you were defeated by Rifan's disciple. The level of the opponent is different. Moreover, you were still knocked down by your own daughter. It's really "filial piety" Bwahahaha!]

Looking at Garp's message, the veins on Kaido's forehead burst out.

"Heh, just you wait, you bastard Garp, when I get to Naval Headquarters, I'll definitely destroy your Marine Headquarters."

Kaido gritted his teeth and looked at his crew.

"Sail faster and go to Naval Headquarters as fast as possible!"

Kaido shouted loudly.

"Yes, Captain Kaido!"

Seeing that Kaido is in a bad mood, the crew naturally dare not disobey the slightest.

At this time, Kaido's deputy, King, walked to Kaido's side and whispered in Kaido's ear.

Slowly, Kaido's eyes brightened.

Soon, he looked up at the Golden List and left his own remarks.

[Beast Kaido: Garp, speaking of it, your son didn't follow you as a Marine, but instead ran to become a revolutionary army that worked specifically against Marines. And your grandson Luffy, you didn't stop him from becoming a pirate. And that Ace, he can be regarded as your grandson. Speaking of it, you and Roger are the same generation, and you let Ace be your grandson. I don't know what Roger would think if he knew. And you also haven't been able to prevent Ace from becoming a pirate. Your family is really "filial" to you, Garp. Wororororo~ ]

Naval Headquarters, in a house specially set up for Zephyr.

Garp sat opposite Zephyr. He could not remember how many times he came to Zephyr to persuade Zephyr.

After taking the time to silent Kaido, Garp wanted to continue to persuade Zephyr.

But after seeing Kaido's message, Garp immediately stood up, and the fists that were enough to shake the mountain were clenched tightly.

"Kaido, you bastard, how dare you!"

"Don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will definitely punch a hole in your head!"

Garp said angrily.