Chapter 261: Marine's first challenge—

[Sword Saint Rifan: After the transaction is established, I will arrange for someone to go to you to get the Digimon egg I deserve. I hope you will not regret it. Otherwise, I am not sure what I will do. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Please rest assured, Sire Rifan, if everyone else's Digimon has already been used, at least I will keep this Digimon in my hand and give it to you. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: If this is the case, I suggest you challenge the Mature Digimon. It is safer to choose the maturity period based on your strength. Of course, it does not rule out that you encounter some very special Mature Digimon, which will lead to your defeat. However, even if you encounter these special Digimon, you should have time to choose to surrender before being killed directly in seconds.]

[Jinbei: Huh? Marine's Admiral candidate can only challenge mature Digimon? What kind of strength should the higher-level Digimon be?]

"This Rifan, shouldn't it be a joke?" Akainu frowned and looked at the golden list with cold eyes. "Is he afraid that we will get a high-level digital egg and threaten him?"

Gion also had some doubts, challenging the mature Digimon, which was seriously inconsistent with her expectations.

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Rifan, is it possible that with my strength, I can't beat the Ultimate Digimon? Also, has Sire Rifan ever fought against a Digimon!?]

[Sword Saint Rifan: I have never fought against Digimon, I just watched the battle between them. In addition, if you want to die, you can choose to challenge Ultimate Digimon as much as you want. Among the Ultimate Digimon, there are many that will make you lose before you admit defeat. If you really want to get a high-level Digimon Egg, challenging completely Mature Digimon is your best choice. If you didn't meet those few weirdos, you still have hope. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: It's amazing. If the Ultimate Digimon has the ability to kill Marine Admiral alternates, what kind of strength should the Mega Digimon be?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: I'm getting more and more interested in what kind of creature Digimon is, Gurarara~]

"Gion, ask if the Marine Admiral can beat the Mega Digimon!" Akainu frowned-asked.

At the same time, he was still a little unconvinced in his heart.

Even he dared not claim to be able to kill Gion in a flash. If Ultimate Digimon can kill Gion in a flash, doesn't it mean that even he is not an opponent of Ultimate Digimon?!

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Rifan, if Marine's strongest combat power challenges the Ultimate Digimon, is there a possibility of winning?]

[Sword Saint Rifan: The strongest combat power? Garp and Sengoku? If it is those two old guys, it is possible to beat the Ultimate Digimon. Of course, whether it is a complete body or an Ultimate body, or Digimon of other periods, the strength is very dynamic. It is possible that a complete Digimon is better than some extreme Digimon. Still, the same sentence, even if Garp and Sengoku encounter the most special Digimon in the ultimate stage, they will still lose.]

"Huh?!" Seeing Rifan only mentioned Sengoku and Garp, Akainu frowned.

'This Rifan, do you think I'm inferior to Sengoku and Garp?!'

'Or, I don't deserve the title of Marine's strongest combat power?!'

Rifan didn't know what Akainu was thinking at the moment. After a little hesitation, adhering to the principle of trading, Rifan once again left a sentence on the golden list.

[Sword Saint Rifan: I would like to give you Marine a piece of advice, don't challenge the Mega Digimon. There is no weak fighter among Mega Digimon. If you don't want to face the Gods And Demons, don't choose Mega Digimon.]

Gods and Demons?!

Seeing Rifan's message, the strong men on the sea couldn't sit still again.

[Red-haired Shanks: Wait, Rifan, you mean, Mega Digimon, is a god or a devil?]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Is it the power of the gods and demons? I don't know how far away my blade is from the gods and demons!]

[Charlotte Smoothie: If you say that, I am really curious whether Sire Rifan can beat Mega Digimon. If he wins, is Sire Rifan a God? ]

[Jinbei: Perhaps, Rifan does not mean that the Mega Digimon are Gods Or Demons, but they have the power of Gods And Demons. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: The power of a god? I am now curious about whether Marine dares to challenge the Mega Digimon, hahaha. ]

[Sabo: According to Rifan, if a Marine can get a Digimon Egg that has evolved into a Mega Body, probably many people will grab it.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Even if you can defeat the Mega Digimon, whether the Digimon hatched from the Digimon can evolve into a Mega Digimon is still unknown.]

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Rifan, can you tell me which Digimon are beyond the specifications? If you can, I hope you can describe their specific characteristics. ]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, Marine is really troublesome. It's only a challenge. Do you even have to ask if those Digimon are out of specification? If it's me, I choose Ultimate Digimon and start fighting!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: The Ultimate Digimon, Kaido, it's not like your character. You should directly choose the Mega Digimon Challenge. Still, you are also shocked by what Rifan said!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Yeah, Kaido, don't you bastard always want to die? Now you don't even dare to challenge the Mega Digimon, it seems that being beaten by your own daughter gives you trauma? Bwahaha!]

[Beast Kaido: Garp, you old bastard, are you looking for death?!]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hmph, if you can do it, come to me and watch me smash your head!]

[Sword Saint Rifan: Well, since I have agreed to your deal, I will tell you. However, I need to remind you before that, not all Digimons I have observed, may be beyond my knowledge, there are still existences that exceed the level specifications. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: Well, let's start with the perfect body. The most powerful of the perfect is probably the "Bright Beast: Fallen Form".

Although it is a perfect body, its strength has reached the Ultimate Body. No, it should have surpassed many ultimate bodies and is said to be able to match the existence called "God". If you encounter it, it is a better surrender. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: There is also the "Divine Angel Beast", which is extremely powerful and has super restraint against dark energy. In general, its strength belongs at the top of the pyramid in the complete body...]

Then After Rifan began to leave a message, people in the world paused to leave messages on the golden list with great understanding, and they remembered Rifan's information about the special Digimon.

Especially for Marines, Sengoku has taken out his own small notebook and started to record one by one.

Even though Marine hasn't gotten the Digital Egg yet, the strong men on the sea know that after this time the reward has passed. There will be some strange Digimon on this sea.

In order to make it more convenient to deal with in the future, whether it is Marine, Pirates or Revolutionary Army, they are very concerned about Rifan's intelligence.

Nearly ten minutes later, Rifan finally said some of the unusual Digimon characteristics he remembered in his mind.

[Momousagi Gion: Thank you Sire Rifan for the detailed introduction. You really know Digimon very well. Take the liberty to ask, how did you know the existence of Digimon? Now that you know the Digimon, you can find a wild Digimon to capture it, you don't need to trade the Digimon in Marine's hands. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: I observed it when I was a child. But after I grew up, I can't observe the existence of Digimon anymore. Are you satisfied with my answer? Let's stop here, I hope you Marine will not die from embarrassment because of being too greedy. Some powerful Digimon really won't give you a chance to surrender. ]

After saying this, Rifan didn't have the idea of continuing to disclose information.

"Master Rifan, do you think the marine will still take risks?" Hiyori asked softly.

"If it is Sengoku, he may be more conservative, but the World Government behind them may also hope that Sengoku can obtain a Digimon with super-extreme physical potential." Rifan shrugged,

"Revealing so much information, I have done my best. If they still suffer casualties like this, it can only be said that they were looking for it."


"Sengoku, what do you think?" Tsuru looked to the side of Sengoku,

"According to what Rifan said, it seems that even with your combat power, you can only choose to challenge the Ultimate-physical Digimon at most. And even so, There is also the possibility of facing failure."

"But if we try to challenge the Digimon of the Ultimate Body once, we will know how much the gap in strength is." Sengoku murmured, "However, the situation is not clear now, so we should choose a safer level to challenge first."

"Marshal, let me come first." Gion stepped forward under Tsuru's gaze, "Although Rifan said that I can only challenge the maturity period, I still want to challenge the Ultimate Digimon!"

"If I can win relatively easily, Marshal and Admiral Akainu may be able to challenge the Ultimate body"

Hearing Gion's words, Sengoku couldn't help falling into thought.

To be honest, he didn't want to use Marine's high-end combat power for this kind of thing.

It's okay if there is no accident, but if something happens, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss for Marine.

At this moment, the den-den mushi on Sengoku rang.

Frowning, Sengoku connected the phone, and the voice of the Elders came out immediately.

"Sengoku, I don't care what you do, Marines must take down at least one Ultimate Digimon Egg." The blonde elder said coldly, "This reward must be maximized!"

"If the Digimon really has the power that Rifan said, this will be a great opportunity for us to increase our deterrence. I think you, as a marshal, should understand this."

"If the situation is possible, it's best to get a digital egg with a super ultimate body."

Hearing this, Sengoku frowned tighter, and after a little silence, Sengoku nodded and said:

"I understand, I will arrange it appropriately."

After talking about some details again, Sengoku hung up the den-den mushi and turned to look at Gion.

"Gion, it's up to you to start."

"According to what you said, challenge an Ultimate Digimon."

"In this way, we can also infer the maturity stage and the ability of the Ultimate Body by observing the ability of the Ultimate Digimon."

Gion nodded, her eyes firmly saying, "I understand, Marshal!'

The next moment, Gion thought, and the [Digital Egg Challenge Roll] in her hand emitted strong golden light and disappeared into Naval Headquarters with Gion.

At the same time, a screen showing a wasteland suddenly popped up on the golden list. And Gion stands right in the center of the screen.

- Momousagi Gion uses the [Digimon Challenge Roll]; the level is determined, the Ultimate Digimon; the opponent is determined, the WereGarurumon.

On the golden list that Gion couldn't see for the time being, a golden text was displayed in front of the world.