Chapter 262: Hey! This Digimon can talk!

"The werewolf WereGarurumon." 

Sengoku quickly turned over the little book in his hand, "It's not any special Digimon that Rifan said."

"Even so, we can't underestimate it." Tsuru looked serious. "Rifan said that not all the special Digimon he has observed are among what he said."

Sengoku nodded and looked at the golden list with the Marines.

This battle is not just a battle for Gion. After Gion finishes the battle and returns, each of them needs to challenge. Therefore, the first battle in Gion is very important to those who want to know the information about their opponents.

Unless you give up on yourself and choose a low-level digital egg directly.

However, such a possibility cannot happen to their Marine.

[Redhead Shanks: After waiting so long, Marine finally started to challenge. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: But it really made us wait. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: WereGarurumon is not a special Digimon mentioned by Rifan. If there are no unexpected works, the marines winning rate should be not small. ]

[Shemale Bentham: No one cares why Rifan could observe Digimon before, but can't it be observed now? ]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, if you have time to care about that, it's better to take a good look at the strength of the Ultimate Digimon. WereGarurumon, according to the name, should be similar to the Zoan fruit ability person. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Looking at the situation of the female Marine, she probably doesn't know that the opponent she is going to face is "WereGarurumon", but she can only know that the Digimon she chose is an Ultimate Digimon. In this way, even if Marine knows about the special Digimon, if the battle starts suddenly and the opponent happens to be a special Digimon, they may get caught off guard. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Digimon? Maybe it's a good pet. ]

[Jinbei: Hawkeye, are you also interested in Digimon? To be honest, I'm also interested. Wait, this is the WereGarurumon?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: This is so cute!]

[Beast Kaido: What is this?! Isn't it just a puppy?! It doesn't seem to have any power at all!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Rifan's intelligence should not be false, so let's look at this guy's ability to evaluate it. ]

Kaido and Shiki frowned, for them who were planning to go to Naval Headquarters to have a fight and grab Marine rewards.

The more powerful Digimon, the better, and the more high-level Digimon in Marine's hands, the better.

After all, only in this way can the value of snatching the Digimon Egg be higher.

Just like the people outside, Momousagi was also surprised when she saw the cute monster coming out of a space door that appeared suddenly.

Then, something that surprised Gion even more happened.

The monster walked up to Gion, raised his paw kindly, and greeted Gion.

"Hello, Momousagi Gion, I am the Digimon in charge of the battle against you.

"Because of the requirements of the golden list, I will go all out."

"So, if you feel that you can't beat me later, please surrender as soon as possible."

[Red-haired Shanks: Hey, this Digimon can even speak! I have to say, I want one of such a rare beast!]

[Straw hat Luffy: Awesome! I want such a monster too! ]

[Blackfoot Sanji: A monster I haven't seen before. I don't know how good such a monster taste is. ]

[Shemale Bentham: Bastard Blackfoot, you want to eat such a cute monster, don't let me meet you, or I must use my shemale kick to knock out your teeth!]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Hehe, Blackfoot Sanji, you want to eat such a cute thing, I really want to meet you and squeeze you. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Precious monsters, creatures that are not in the world, no one is allowed to eat such existences!]

On the golden list, a message condemning Sanji appears one after another.

The corners of Sanji's eyes twitched. What made Sanji even more uncomfortable was that Luffy beside him had joined the ranks of condemning him.

[Whitebeard Newgate: This little monster is actually very polite and reminds Gion to give up if she doesn't win. Perhaps this challenge is not as difficult as imagined. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Being able to speak, that is to say, these Digimon are not projections, but creatures that exist somewhere. It's just now being added to the golden list for the challenge. I'm really curious about where they all live. I clearly sailed the world and I couldn't see such a Digimon. And Rifan also said that he can't observe them now.]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~ maybe Digimon lives in the underworld, so Rifan can't observe it now. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Good idea, maybe these Digimon live in a space different from the real world. Wait, according to that, do those Zanpakutō and Holy Clothes also exist in a different space like the underworld?!]

[Red Hair Shanks: It's not that there is no such possibility. Rifan may have been to these different spaces by chance to get Zanpakutō and other treasures. This can also explain why such things as Saint Cloth and Zanpakutō have never appeared in the real world. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Roger that fellow can come out of the underworld, things in different spaces are not nonsense.]

At this moment, the world seems to have discovered the secret of why there are so many treasures in Rifan's hands.

It's just that after the excitement, people feel sad again.

Knowing that these treasures come from a different space, just increases the difficulty of obtaining the treasures, and it doesn't do them any good.

"Well, hello, Ultimate Digimon." Although Gion was surprised, she still greeted politely, "I didn't expect you to be self-aware and able to speak."

"I am not completely ultimate, besides, I am now a growing Gabumon." Gabumon shook his head.

"Gabumon? And not an Ultimate Digimon?" Gion tilted her head. "But, I chose an Ultimate Digimon as an opponent. Could it be that there was a mistake in the golden list?"

Those who watched the live broadcast were equally puzzled, after all, the challenge object is clearly written on the golden list just now as the Ultimate WereGarurumon.

"There is nothing wrong with the golden list, I just haven't evolved yet."

Gabumon grinned, his body shining intensely, "Then, I will evolve into your opponent now."

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the Gabumon was quickly shrouded in light, and its figure began to grow rapidly in this burst of white light.

In the end, he became a standing werewolf with a height of about three meters.

"Okay, I'm fully physically now, let's start fighting now." The WereGarurumon nodded to Gion who looked a little surprised, "Tighten your nerves, I'm going to attack."

Hearing this, Gion quickly recovered, and the famous sword in her hand was out of the sheath and blocked in front of her.

"That, take the liberty to ask if I kill you, will you really die?" Gion asked.

"Even if you kill me, the golden list will use its power to resurrect me. However, you have to be careful. If you die, the golden list will not resurrect you." The werewolf, WereGarurumon muttered. "And if you never admit defeat, I will definitely kill you."

"Also, the delay has been long enough, let's get started."


The moment the werewolf WereGarurumon's voice fell, the ground under his feet shattered suddenly, and his figure disappeared in front of Gion in an instant.

"So Fast!!" Gion's eyes condensed, and Observation Haki instantly caught the location of WereGarurumon. She raised her head to look higher, where there was a figure of the WereGarurumon.

"Did you find me so fast? It seems you are not weak." WereGarurumon beast gave Gion an unexpected glance.

After a little surprise, it raised its right foot and slammed a powerful kick at Gion, and a silver energy blade rushed towards Gion quickly.

"Garuru Kick!"