Chapter 273: End of the battle—

'Master Rifan, who is surrounded by only female disciples, it shouldn't be just a coincidence right?'

Hearing Rifan's question, Hiyori began to think about this question she had never thought of before.

'If it's just a coincidence, maybe my brother still has a chance to become Master Rifan's disciple.'

'When the time comes, when my brother becomes stronger, I can safely hand over Wanokuni to his management, and I can stay with the master. '

'It's just that my brother's character is indeed a problem. If he still maintains his previous character, Master will definitely not like it.'

'Furthermore, it's difficult for my senpais to accept that there is a man among the disciples.'

Although Hiyori was still young at the time, she was fully aware that Momonosuke relied at his young age to spy on female crew members bathing, etc.

During the period, some people naturally accepted Momonosuke, but some female crew members who did not like Momonosuke gave him a severe lesson.

At that time, Hiyori was not yet mature but thought Momonosuke was very naughty.

But when she grew up and recalled Momonosuke's past, Hiyori always felt that it was not simply being naughty, but a real personality defect.

Hiyori felt that unless the current Momonosuke had changed, her Master would never accept such a person as his disciple.

'If it's not a coincidence, then Teacher Rifan should only like to accept female disciples, so the brother will be even more hopeless.'

Hiyori sighed in her heart.

"What's wrong, Hiyori?" Suddenly, Rifan's voice came to Hiyori's ears.

"Sorry, Master, I just thought of something about my brother." Hiyori smiled apologetically.

Rifan slightly foreheaded and said: "If your brother has such a personality as you said, he will not be able to enter my door, even if he finds my dojo.

"Respect the teacher, can he complete this standard?!

"Care for fellow disciples, can he do it?"

"Also, I don't have so much patience to train a child with an awkward personality."

"The disciple I'm looking for is one who can make me feel comfortable, and I didn't plan to find a disciple who would be angry with me."

"Furthermore, your senior sisters have become extremely sensitive to the things around them as they become stronger."

"If your brother approached them with bad intentions, they would be disgusted directly."

"If you change to Bonney, I think your brother might still be in danger of life."

Rifan spoke slowly, thinking both in and out of what he wanted to convey.

"I understand, Master Rifan, I won't mention this again.

Hiyori nodded, and then left behind Momonosuke's affairs, and cast her sights on the golden list in the sky.

The battle continues. Naval Headquarters, cp0, Beasts Pirates, plus the well-prepared Golden Lion, all three are the top forces on the sea.

After being caught in a melee, everything seemed to be out of control.

"Master Rifan, didn't you have a deal with a Marine before?"

"If the Digimon is snatched by Golden Lion and Kaido, then your Digimon will also be affected."

After watching for a while, Hiyori asked Rifan.

"Well, the Marine shouldn't be robbed of all the Digimon by that guy Shiki and Kaido." Rifan touched his chin, "If they are all taken away, maybe I should arrange for someone to find Kaido or Golden Lion for a good talk."

"After all, to a certain extent, they are robbing me of the trophy."

"Speaking of which, these guys are fighting really hard."

"Obviously, the evolution of Digimon is not so easy."

"Even the Digimon of the Ultimate Digimon, the probability of wanting to truly evolve into the Digimon of the Ultimate Digimon is very small and pitiful.

"Maybe after the Digimon is hatched, a decade later, the Digimon is still growing."

Hearing what Rifan said, Hiyori chuckled and said:

"After all, not everyone knows Digimon like you, Master."

"But even if they know how difficult it is for Digimon to evolve, they will still want to rob it.

"If they let the Marine and World Government hold those Digimon, even if they are difficult to evolve, it will make the pirates feel uneasy."

Rifan smiled and couldn't say anything, his eyes stayed on a figure on the golden list screen that people hadn't noticed.

To be precise, it was an invisible figure.

Because of the fierce battle, it seemed that everyone in the battle ignored this figure.

'This guy, I remember that it should be the invisible devil fruit user under Moria.'

'I didn't expect that guy Shiki to turn this guy into a doll.'

'However, it seems that this guy can be of great use on such an occasion.'

Seeing this invisible ability of the doll Absalom interspersed among the crowd, harvesting the fallen Digimon Eggs, Rifan thought in his heart.


"It's done!'

Time slowly passed, and Shiki, who was controlling his Teigu the March of the Dead: Yatsufusa, had a blooming smile on his face as he took a big step back, and avoided Marine's attack.

The next moment, Shiki opened his hands, and the land of Naval Headquarters began to shake violently. Between flying sand and rocks, the Marines who were fighting with the dolls were blown away.

At the same time, the ground under the feet of some powerful puppets bulged out, forming a piece of rubble and drove them to fly towards the sky.

"what happened!?"

"Do these guys want to escape?!"

"Golden Lion you bastard! You came to Naval Headquarters to make trouble, and want to escape?!"

The Marines yelled and broke free from the bondage of the gravel and rushed towards the doll zombies.

"Shiki, do you want to escape?!"

Sengoku roared angrily.

"Jiehahaha, Sengoku, let's stop here this time."

"But I want to remind you that when I come to Naval Headquarters next time, it will be the day when Naval Headquarters is truly destroyed! Jiehahaha~"

Shiki laughed, and after taking a look at Kaido, who was fighting Garp, his figure suddenly speeded up and flew towards the sky.

"Don't think you can leave!" Kizaru frowned slightly, and wanted to put aside his opponent and stop Shiki.

"Humph." But Shiki just snorted coldly. The dolls guarding around him, except Moria and Absalom, pounced on Marines such as Kizaru and Sengoku who were rushing toward him.

"Is this guy planning to give up Ochoku and his dolls?" Sengoku frowned slightly, feeling very anxious.

Shiki wants to leave Naval Headquarters, and he has definitely achieved his goal.

Letting Shiki leave now will definitely bring greater risks to Marines in the future.

However, even if he wanted to stop Shiki from leaving, with so many corpse dolls attacking him, Sengoku felt weak. He could only watch Shiki fly farther and farther after dropping most of the dolls and a large number of zombie troops at them.

"Shiki is gone." Kaido, who was fighting not far away, glanced at Golden Lion, "Then, we should also leave."

"Kaido, are you planning to run away?" Feeling Kaido's movement, Garp hit Kaido's head with a blow.


Kaido raised his mace to block Garp's blow, and the huge wind and waves blew the weaker Marine and pirates directly around him.

"Garp, you should be thankful that we are leaving now."

"If we continue to fight, although you can bear it, your Naval Headquarters can't."

Kaido grinned and suddenly turned into a dragon, flying towards the sky.

The other members of Beasts Pirates glanced at each other, and one after another left their opponents and rushed towards the Marine Port.