Chapter 274: Who knows how to hatch eggs?!

"Damn it, those guys, come and walk at will, in our Naval Headquarters at that?!"

"Digimon Egg, what's the situation with the digimon eggs now!"

"Oh, no, my Digimon is gone!"

Marines' angry or panicked voices resounded throughout the Naval Headquarters square.

"Hurry up and help the wounded, there must never be another dead person." Sengoku commanded the medical soldiers loudly, and his frown showed his extremely bad mood.

Marine finally failed to stop Shiki and others and Beast Pirates.

Under the combined impact of the two large pirate groups, Marine, who was unable to fight with all its strength due to the challenge, was already struggling to deal with the pirates.

Let alone stop them from leaving.

"Sengoku, are you not going to arrange troops to pursue Golden Lion and Kaido?"

At this time, the cp0 agent wearing a mask walked up to Sengoku and asked.

Upon hearing the sound, Sengoku turned his head and glanced at Agent cp0.

"You have also seen that now we do not have the conditions to pursue them."

"If we attack at will, it will only make us suffer more losses."

Regarding Sengoku's explanation, the cp0 agent obviously did not buy it.

"That's your business, Sengoku." Agent cp0 snorted coldly. "After all, this incident was caused by your improper arrangements."

"I don't care about the others. You must provide the digimon egg that the world government needs."

"Having said that, the digimon egg with the Mega potential in your hand is still there, right?"

Sengoku frowned and reached out to touch the digimon egg on his waist. The next moment, Sengoku's eyes widened in shock!

"Hey, Sengoku, don't tell me that your Digimon was also robbed?!"

Seeing Sengoku's expression, agent cp0's face hidden under the mask suddenly became serious.

"It turns out that this is what Shiki meant when he said he achieved his goal."

Sengoku sighed, "That guy, when did he take my Digimon away?"

In order to prevent the Mega Digimon from being snatched away, Sengoku deliberately left it on his body.

What he didn't expect was that even so, in the end, this extremely powerful Digimon could not be kept.

"Could it be that time?" Sengoku's eyes condensed, recalling that when he was fighting with Shiki, he passed by an invisible figure beside him. "That guy, while I was fighting with Shiki, stole the Digimon?!"

Aside, listening to Sengoku's whisper, agent cp0 shook his head and said:

"Marshal Sengoku, it seems that this time, you need to make a good report to Lord Four Elders."

"Sengoku, have you seen Zephyr?" At this time, Tsuru's voice came into Sengoku's ears.

"Zephyr? Is he not there?" Sengoku asked quickly, turning his head.

"No." Tsuru shook her head, "I have been helping to count Marine's casualties since just now, and I have also asked people to find Zephyr.

But some people said that they saw Zephyr heading towards the dock."

"F%$#!" Sengoku only felt his chest tight.

At the same time, on the other side, on a floating ship.

"Is this the Digimon of the Mega Digimon?" Shiki held the Digimon with golden light in his hand. "If this thing can be cultivated into the Digimon of the Mega level, I can easily handle it even if Vivi comes over. Jiehaha~"

"Just, how should this thing be hatched?'

Shiki scratched his head and turned to look at a table of 36 digimon eggs in total.

"It doesn't matter, just do it like hatching an egg."

"Speaking of which, how do you get hatched eggs?"

Beasts Pirates, like Shiki, Kaido looked at the 30 digimon eggs in front of him and felt underestimated in his heart.

"Who has the experience of incubating eggs?" After hesitating for a long time, Kaido looked at the Beast's Pirates members behind him and asked.

The crew looked at each other with blank faces.

"That, captain, we are all pirates, we have no experience in hatching eggs."

"Yes, Captain, how about we go to a town and ask ordinary people how to incubate eggs?"

"Captain, let's go back to Wanokuni and ask someone there for help."

The crew of Beasts Pirates put forward their opinions.

"Wanokuni" Kaido frowned, thinking of Kozuki Hiyori, who was ranked at the top of the [Battle Clothes List] and shook his head.

"We won't go back to Wanokuni, go to other places."

Although he doesn't know where Kozuki Hiyori is now, Kaido always feels that Kozuki Hiyori will return to Wanokuni.

Kaido, who was defeated by Yamato not long ago, now doesn't want to face Rifan's disciple again, and she is a disciple who holds the saint's cloth.

[Dark King Rayleigh: The reward for the tenth place was finally finished, although the reward was not all distributed to Marine in the end. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, this time I really want to thank you, Marine. Thanks to you, I can easily take down the digimon egg. In exchange, I will hand over the bodies of those guys Ochoku and Silver Axe to you without giving me their bounty, Jiehahahaha~ ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Bastard Shiki, I will never let you go!]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, you should deal with your mess first. However, since Golden Lion thanked you all, then I have to say thank you to you. Although, I don't have any corpses of big pirates for you. ]

[Sengoku: Shiki, Kaido, you should know this is not the end of this. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Are you scaring me? Sengoku, should worry about yourself. If I was not in a hurry to leave, I would have to make you a puppet. After all, it's rare to see you in such a weak condition. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Kaido, let's make a deal, and divide me some of the digimon eggs you have gained from Marine.]

[Beast Kaido: Forget it, Linlin. If you want a digimon egg, go to Naval Headquarters to grab it. They should still have a digimon egg in their hands. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Speaking of which, how many digimon eggs does Marine still have?]

[Jinbei: I have a question. The digimon eggs are distributed according to the standard of one for each Marine. If one person holds multiple Digimon Eggs, will the hatched Digimon recognize one person as the master?]

[Redhead Shanks: As long as Golden Lion, Kaido, and Marine are not towards monopoly, there is nothing to worry about. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: At this point, if you touch the digimon egg, you may be able to get a hint. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: Speaking of speaking, Zangetsu of Hawkeye also has some information that was not published on the golden list, but only conveyed to Hawkeye. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's probably a little bit of protection for the winners of the golden list. In this way, I'm really curious whether digimon eggs will have any information that the Gold List does not provide. Are you interested, Shiki?]

Shiki, who was worrying about how to incubate the digimon egg, looked up at Rayleigh's message on the golden list, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

After coming into contact with Digimon, Golden Lion certainly got the relevant prompt, but he didn't intend to tell others about this prompt.

"Using high-energy food can speed up evolution, and even Devil Fruit can speed up evolution, which is really amazing. "

Looking at the golden digimon egg in his hand, Shiki thought to himself.

"Although they can't get Devil Fruit's abilities after they eat the Devil Fruit, it can at least speed up their evolution after repeatedly eating Devil Fruits. "

"It seems that I have to collect Devil Fruit a lot, at least I have to evolve you into a Digimon of the Mega body, my buddy."

"It's a pity, if there are no special circumstances, they can only become my own pet."

"But fortunately, if you evolve into a Mega Digimon, you may be able to command other Digimon."

"Otherwise, I can only try to make other digimons in my Doll or Zombies."


Unlike Shiki's plan to monopolize the ownership of Digimon, after Kaido chose a Digimon with Ultimate potential, he distributed the remaining Digimon to his trusted subordinates.

"Hold the digimon egg well, and when it is hatched, I will sign a contract with them as soon as possible."

"After signing the contract, cultivate them well."

"Also, you shouldn't die first before your Digimon."

"I don't want to see that after you die, causing the contract to expire, and let the Digimon become other people's contract Digimon."

Hearing Kaido's words, King and others nodded heavily.

They understand that even if the owner dies, Digimon generally will not enter into a contract with the person who killed the owner.

But even so, it is possible to conclude contracts with other enemies of Beasts Pirates.

Not for the Pirates, but for themselves, King and others will not let the Digimon contract be transferred to others.