Chapter 277: Issho decision—

[Golden Lion Shiki: Deprivation Card, I still remember the last time the person who used this card was killed. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: That guy will be killed, it's completely self-inflicted. If he is not so arrogant and aggressive, Rifan will not kill him. In the end, Rifan also gave him a chance, but he didn't step out of the "Deep Forest Emergence". ]

[Flower Sword Vista: "Deep Forest Emergence" I always feel that no matter who walks into that obstacle, it is not so easy to come out.]

[Red Hair Shanks: Speaking of which, Marine, World Government and Rifan are in an embarrassing situation now because of the reward of deprivation of cards. ]

[ Charlotte Smoothie: It's ironic, if it wasn't for that incident, maybe there are already a few Marine disciples in Rifan's place.]

While everyone was discussing it, Judge, the party concerned, looked at the [Deprivation Card] in his hand in a daze.

Although he was in a coma, he regained consciousness with the help of Reiju after the golden list handed out the rewards.

"Father, do you really want to use this card?" Reiju looked at his father worriedly, "With your current injury, if you encounter a strong enemy, I'm afraid…"

Reiju didn't finish speaking, but Judge had fully understood what Reiju meant.

"Sigh, Reiju, you can use it." Judge sighed and passed the [Deprivation Card] in his hand to Reiju's hand. "This card can only be used when the golden list exists."

"The injury on my body cannot be healed in a short time, and now you are the only one in the family who still has combat power. It is best for you to use it."

"But you have to remember that if you encounter an opponent you can't beat, you must surrender in time and return."

"I don't want to see you have an accident right now."

"Moreover, if something happens to you, your reward will be a pity."

Judge was not worried about the safety of his daughter, but worried that if Reiju had an accident, the strength of the Vinsmoke family would be hit again.

On the other hand, Judge also hopes to take Reiju's reward as his own.

From this point alone, Judge does not want Reiju to have trouble because of this.

"I understand, father."

"Then, please allow me to leave for a while."

Reiju stood up, and used the[Deprivation Card] in her hand.

—Vinsmoke Reiju uses the[Deprivation Card], time is determined, future; location is determined, Mariejois; the opponent is determined, Im.

"Im, is that woman?! Damn it, don't die, Reiju." Seeing Reiju's figure disappear with a golden light, Judge whispered.

On the other side, Mariejois Central Garden.

"Did it choose me?" Im frowned. "It's terrible."

[Charlotte Smoothie: A poor guy, even if he gets a reward, it can only be used by others. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: There is no other way. After all, that guy Judge was seriously injured. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: His luck is too bad. If you change to other rewards, it will have some effect on him. The result is a reward with a very high-risk factor. ]

[Beast Kaido: Not only his luck, but it seems his daughter is also bad. The power of the Im is obviously very strong. This time challenge, she will definitely lose. ]

[Sabo: By the way, the challenge location this time is Mariejois. So, this Im really, as Rifan said last time, is a high-ranking person in the world government?]

[Dragon: It should not be wrong. Sire Rifan will never say something unfounded. This time the challenge has further confirmed the truth of what Sire Rifan said. I think the Golden List will help us reveal the identity of this Im soon.]

As soon as Dragon's message fell, a new screen was projected on the golden list.

On the screen, the unnamed Five Elders knelt on one knee, and in front of them, there was a towering throne.

[Whitebeard Newgate: The nameless Five Elders, are kneeling down to someone?]

[Dragon: The person on the throne is Im, right? Oh, it's really ridiculous. The World Government advertises that this throne is a symbol of peace, and no one will sit on this throne. As a result, there are now people sitting on the throne, and as the apex of the power of the World Government, the Five Elders not only does not intend to drive Im down, but they are even kneeling down to her!]

[Sabo: Sitting on this throne, does it mean that Im intends to dominate the world?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, interesting, really interesting. I don't know what the world government's participating countries will feel when they see this scene. ]

[Issho: There is such a pattern behind the world government. It seems that joining the Marine is the wrong choice. ]

[Teach: Zehahaha~, Marine, have you seen it? Even your future Marine Admiral is disappointed with you. No, I don't think he will become your Marine Admiral in the future. ]

[Zephyr: Issho-san, I plan to once again form a new Marine guerrilla team that specializes in catching pirates. If possible, I hope Issho-san can join my new Marine guerrilla team. ]

[Dragon: Wait, Zephyr, you are not the only one who wants to invite Issho-san. Issho-san, since you have seen through the nature of the World Government, it is better to join our revolutionary ranks. ]

[Issho: Sorry, Zephyr. I have been thinking about it for a while, and I have made a decision in my heart. This time I saw that the essence of World Government was a scam, and it confirmed my decision. I want to join the Revolutionary Army and join the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the World Government. ]




[Tl/n: Want to read a romance fanfiction? No Harem? And in the world of Marvel? Try this one; Marvel: My girlfriend is Spider-Woman?!]