Chapter 278: Abdicate—!?

[Issho: There is such a pattern behind the world government. It seems that joining the Marine is the wrong choice. ]

[Teach: Zehahaha~, Marine, have you seen it? Even your future Marine Admiral is disappointed with you. No, I don't think he will become your Marine Admiral in the future. ]

[Zephyr: Issho-san, I plan to once again form a new Marine guerrilla team that specializes in catching pirates. If possible, I hope Issho-san can join my new Marine guerrilla team. ]

[Dragon: Wait, Zephyr, you are not the only one who wants to invite Issho-san. Issho-san, since you have seen through the nature of the World Government, it is better to join our revolutionary ranks. ]

[Smile: Sorry, Zephyr. I have been thinking about it for a while, and I have made a decision in my heart. This time I saw that the essence of World Government was a scam, and it confirmed my decision. I want to join the Revolutionary Army and join the Revolutionary Army to overthrow the World Government. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Puff hahaha~ Look, Marine. Issho who was supposed to be a Marine Admiral in the future now is completely disappointed because of your Marine and World Government's several gaffes. Now he even plans to turn around to deal with your World Government. The changes in the world are really unpredictable. Jiehahahaha~]

[Dragon: Our Revolutionary Army welcomes Issho-san very much. Later, I will actively arrange for people to meet with you Issho-san. Because the information of the Golden List will be disclosed to everyone, so please forgive us for not being able to tell the station of the revolutionary army. ]

[Sabo: It's great that you are coming to our revolutionary army Issho-san. With your joining, our strength will be greatly increased. ]

[Zephyr: It is almost inevitable that things will have such a turning point. The awake actions of the World Government exposed by the golden list is enough to make many justice-minded people retreat. Although you have chosen the Revolutionary Army, I believe that with your sense of justice, you will definitely do the right thing. ]

[Issho: Zephyr is a truly righteous person. If there were no Shichibukai, I know you would definitely stick to Marine's justice for life. But maybe quitting Marine is a better choice for you, but I hope you will not let your future happen. After all, the civilians of the New World are innocent. ]

[Zephyr: Peace of mind, although I am angry, I have not been dazzled by anger, and I will not do anything like that in the future. As I said earlier, I will devote myself to catching pirates and criminals who endanger this sea. Sire Rifan has accepted Impel Down, but I hope he won't mind if I put the pirate in his place. ]

[Sword Saint Rifan: Do you want to imprison the pirate in Impel Down? By the way, can't you just execute the pirate directly? Forget it, if they are indeed a heinous pirate or criminal, you can hand it over to Domino and Sadi who are now in charge of Impel Down. After all, to some extent, we may soon become closer. ]

[Zephyr: It's really reassuring. With the Impel Down stationed by you Sire Rifan, it is impossible for criminals to escape. I hope that in the days to come, we can start more cooperation. I just don't know what you mean by becoming closer.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: "Become closer" is not such a simple thing to say from Rifan. Even if Zephyr would have some contact with Rifan because of Impel Down, it shouldn't be enough for Rifan to say such things. It's really strange. By the way, I'm retired, Zephyr, you shouldn't come to arrest me and put me to Impel Down right? Hahaha~]

Seeing Rifan and Zephyr's comments on the golden list, all the strong who followed Rifan immediately thought about it.

And some big pirates in the sea suddenly became quite alert.

For a long time, although Rifan took over Impel Down, he did not take the initiative to catch the pirates.

If Rifan intends to take the initiative to deal with pirates because of the cooperation with Zephyr, then these pirates who dominate the sea may not have so many good days.


—Vinsmoke Reiju gives up the challenge and is judged as a failed challenge, Vinsmoke Reiju will not be able to get rewards.

Just as everyone laughed and discussed Zephyr's affairs, a line of golden characters on the golden list caught people's attention.

[Issho: Ms. Reiju would admit defeat right away, but this choice is quite correct!]

[Zephyr: Indeed, if she delayed it even a second, she would already be in a different place, right? This aloof Im is really ruthless. The moment she saw Ms. Reiju, she attack her with the intent to kill.]

[Red Shanks: The interaction between Im and the Five Elders has just ended, and this Im who can move freely, directly attacked Reiju. To a certain extent, this also reflects Im's character, the kind of resolute and ruthless character. ]

On the other hand, watching Reiju disappear unharmed in the scene provided by the golden list, Sanji and Judge were deeply relieved.

At the same time, Naval Headquarters.

In the marshal's office, a fierce debate is unfolding.

The object of controversy is Sengoku and Four Elders opposite the den-den mushi.

"Sengoku, you messed up again. Originally, I had great expectations for the reward you received this time. I didn't expect that you would let Kaido and Shiki snatch most of the digital eggs, even the digimon egg that has a Mega potential is also lost!"

"Also, you let Zephyr leave Naval Headquarters!"

"Even Issho, who can become a Marine Admiral in the future, also intends to transfer to the Revolutionary Army!"

"Sengoku, how do you think you should take up this responsibility?!"

Talking from the side of the call, there was an extremely low voice of the blonde elder.

"I admit that the matter of Digimon Eggs this time is my responsibility."

"It's because I didn't arrange the means to prevent Shiki and Kaido attacks."

"However, before leaving Naval Headquarters, Zephyr made great efforts to resist Kaido and Shiki."

"What's more, he has never done anything harmful to the Marine or World Government. Even if there are incidents in which Zephyr intends to blow up the endpoint in the future video, Zephyr does not have this intention."

"For such a person who has devoted almost his entire life to the Marine, I really can't think of a reason to keep him imprisoned in Naval Headquarters."

"As for Issho, several elders, do you think this is just the cause of our Marine?"

"Isn't it because the world saw you five elders calling someone respectfully while kneeling down!"

"I really didn't expect that there are people in the World Government who are more powerful than a few Five Elders."

Having said that, Sengoku sighed deeply.

Although from the position of the marshal, he shouldn't question the World Government but facing the sudden airborne Im, even Sengoku was quite surprised and helpless.

Sengoku feels that no matter what he says, he can no longer make Issho give up the idea of becoming a revolutionary army.

After all, even he is quite dissatisfied with the current situation of the World Government. Hearing Sengoku's words, the opposite side of the phone worm fell into a pause for a few seconds, after which the voice of the curly hair Elder came from the phone.

"Sengoku, you abdicate, the Marine didn't need a Marshall like you!"