Chapter 279: 6th Place reward—

Naval Headquarters, Marshal's Office.

The Marine Chief Staff Tsuru and Marine Hero Garp both looked at the den-den mushi because of a sentence from the curly hair elder.

At this moment, everyone's expressions became extremely serious.

Sengoku, the same is true.

"You want me to abdicate?" Sengoku nodded, "Indeed, I should take responsibility for this incident. It is also what I should do as the Marshal of the Marine."

"Then, I would like to ask you Four Elders, do you have a suitable Marshal candidate?"

As soon as Sengoku's voice fell, the voice of the blond hair elder came from the den-den mushi.

"Sengoku, you are too conservative."

"Let Akainu be the Marshal, he is more suitable than you."

The Four Elders can hear dissatisfaction of Im from Sengoku's words, and this is absolutely intolerable by the Four Elders.

Therefore, letting Sengoku abdicate is already their same idea.

"Sakazuki? Sengoku's face was solemn, and Aokiji's figure flashed in his mind. "Four Elders, you want to recommend Sakazuki as the Marshal at this time? Did you forget the future? Or do you want the battle between Sakazuki and Kuzan to become a reality?"

"In other words, even if the two did not fight because of the position of the Marshal."

"Kuzan, can he agree with Sakazuki and stay in the Marine?"

"Now, there is no Issho to fill the missing Marine Admiral position."

Because the Naval Headquarters has been greatly damaged, Aokiji and Kizaru are doing their best to wrap up the scene, while Akainu is still lying in the infirmary.

At this time, Sengoku couldn't help but feel a little grateful that no one else heard the words of the Four Elders.

Sengoku is not greedy for the rights of Marshal of Marine, but in the current situation of Marine and the World Government, Sengoku does not feel that leaving the position of Marshal is a good choice.

"Respected Elders, I think it is definitely not a proper decision to replace Sengoku at this time." Tsuru stepped to the side of the den-den mushi.

At this time, even she couldn't stand the decision made by the Four Elders.

"Marine Chief Staff Officer, what? Do you have an opinion on our decision?"

The Curly Beard Elder said gloomily.

"Although the Marshal should be responsible for the Naval Headquarters attack, it's really not the time to let Sengoku abdicate."

Tsuru said calmly, "Zephyr matter has made many people in the Marine think differently."

"If Sengoku is abdicating at this time, I am afraid there will be even more panic."

"Sakazuki is naturally supported by many people, but there are also many people who don't like him."

"A change of leader at this time may cause a considerable number of people to leave the Marine.'

"As Sengoku said, even Marine Admiral Kuzan, maybe he will leave Marine because he is disappointed with Marine and the World Government."

"Now that the sea is surging, the Marine and World Government should keep our eyes on the outside world."

"At the same time, we have to curb Rifan."

"If the Marine loses a lot of manpower due to internal problems at this time, it will also be a huge loss for the World Government."

Hearing Tsuru's words, the den-den mushi fell silent again.

Tsuru did not continue to say anything but chose to wait quietly.

A few minutes later, the calmer Blond Elder's voice came from the den-den mushi.

"Sengoku, the position of Marshal, you should keep it for now."

"I hope that in the future, you, the marshal, can be more competent."

"In addition, all the remaining digital eggs will be handed over to the cp0 agent."

Hearing that, Sengoku frowned, he wanted some digital eggs for the Marine. However, thinking that his situation was also very bad, he could only sigh and accept the Four Elders' decision.

"Understood, I will arrange for the Marine to hand over the digital egg to cp0."

"However, we need to keep the Digimon of Rifan and let Gion go to him."

Although there was a loss, Sengoku didn't dare not give him the Digimon that belonged to Rifan.

Similarly, the Four Elders did not dare.

"In this case, leave a digital egg with mature potential to Rifan."

"Others, immediately organize manpower and hand it over to cp0."

"I hope these digital eggs will reach Mariejois today."

After speaking, the blonde elder hung up the call and didn't give Sengoku any opportunity to negotiate with them.


Putting down the speaker in his hand, Sengoku sighed deeply.

--[Battle Clothes List] 6th place, congratulations to Marshall.D-Teach for getting [Conqueror's Haki Random Advance Card].

-Once the[Conqueror's Haki Random Advanced Card] is used, the user's own Conqueror's Haki will randomly advance to a level.

--Note: Those who have not activated Conqueror's Haki will automatically activate the primary Conqueror's Haki after using the reward.

[Redhead Shanks: Let Teach get something troublesome. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: First, it was Shiryu who got advanced armament haki, and now Teach will obtain Conqueror Haki, and the strength of these two guys is gradually approaching the four emperors.]

[Flower Sword Vista: Teach, this guy, should not have Conqueror's Haki right. So he can only awaken the most basic Conqueror's Haki. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Even if it's primary, just awakening Conqueror's Haki is already very valuable. After awakening, there will be the possibility of strengthening it. Whitebeard, you have to be careful. The crew you are reluctant to kill is becoming more and more threatening to you. Mamamama~]

[Whitebeard Newgate: You should take care of your own business, Linlin.]

"Zehahaha~, Conqueror Haki? This is a good thing." On the other side, Teach looked at the card that suddenly appeared in his hand, and immediately used the reward. Although Shiryu next to him did not show the idea of taking a shot to win the reward, after all, he was a temporary crew member. For him, Teach could not talk about complete trust.

Only if his strength is stronger than Shiryu, Teach can truly feel at ease.

[Conqueror's Haki Random Advanced Card] It turns into a golden light and blends into Teach's body. In the next second, an invisible wave spreads around Teach. Shiryu tightened his hat and looked around.

He saw fishes with white eyes suddenly appear on the smooth sea surface, obviously because of the shock from Teach Conqueror's Haki and they fainted.

"Conqueror's, it's really convenient." Shiryu picked a fish on the boat casually, "Congratulations, Captain. In this way, you are also a pirate with the King qualifications."