Chapter 280: The 10th Dojo—

[Black Arm Zephyr: Teach, this guy, is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know what kind of reward he will get next. Having said that, Sire Rifan, just now you said that I and your concern will get closer. What does this mean? ]

Just now, when Rifan mentioned this, Zephyr wanted to ask this question.

It was just because of the Golden List sudden reminder that interrupted his thoughts.

Now after Teach rewards were issued by the golden list, Zephyr once again entered the stagnation period, and Zephyr asked his doubts.

[Sword Saint Rifan: Nothing, but I promised your students and subordinates not long ago that if they can find my dojo, I will accept one of them and become my disciple. And now, they happen to be standing outside my new dojo. ]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Huh?! My students found your new dojo? Could it be that it was Binz and Ain?!]

After leaving a message, Zephyr immediately took out his den-den mushi and dialed the number of Shuzo and Ain of the New Marine Guerrilla.

[Empress Hancock: Damn it, someone found Rifan's dojo again!]

[Redhead Shanks: Wow~ this is really good luck. With that said, Zephyr's escape from Naval Headquarters is good for the Marine. Otherwise, after the students of Zephyr gain strength from Rifan and go to Naval Headquarters in person, the Marine will suffer a great loss again. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: It's really enviable. It's more tempting to find his excellency Rifan's dojo than to get the reward from the golden list. ]

[Flower Sword Vista: The premise is that you can win Rifan's favor and become his disciple. If I can learn the swordsmanship of Sword Saint Rifan, I also want to be a disciple of Rifan. ]

"Students of Zephyr, did they find Rifan's dojo?"

In the Naval Headquarters, Sengoku stopped his work, frowned and looked at the golden list.

"The one who supports Zephyr and can make Rifan a disciple can only be the new Marine guerrilla led by Zephyr." Tsuru sighed and said.

On the other side, in the land of Wano.

"Someone has found Master Rifan dojo again, does that mean that I have a junior sister or junior brother?" Hiyori smiled and said while watching Rifan sitting up from her lap.

"Well! After all, I promised them before that if they find my dojo, I will give one of them strength and use this strength to save Zephyr." Rifan stood up and rubbed his neck." But I didn't expect that they would be able to find my dojo on a certain desert island so quickly."

"Although Zephyr doesn't need them to rescue him, the promise that should be fulfilled still has to be fulfilled."

"Hiyori, do you want to come with me to meet them?"

Speaking of this, even Rifan had to admire the luck of Ain and others.

This tenth dojo was put out not long ago after Hiyori obtained the sovereignty of the country of Wano.

In this short period of time, Ain and others found this dojo.

This could not help but once again reminded Rifan of his ninth dojo, which is located in the water of one of the Four Emperors and has not been cared about so far.

Hearing Rifan's words, Hiyori smiled and nodded.

"Of course, I don't want to miss this opportunity."

"Master Rifan, please wait a while, I'll explain to Denjiro, and I'll be back right away."

When the words fell, Hiyori's figure flashed, and her figure appeared in front of Denjiro for a few moments.

After a while, Hiyori and Rifan came to the tenth dojo, which had just been set up, through the teleportation function inside the dojo.

"Yes, Zephyr Instructor, I'm sure, there was no dojo of Rifan here before."

"When we came here before, we had been to the depths of the forest on this deserted island. At that time, it was full of dense vegetation and trees, and there was no trace of Rifan dojo at all."

"But after a while, we planned to leave this deserted island. When we passed by here, there was already an additional dojo marked " 10".

"Well, we have all seen Rifan's message on the golden list, and we know that this must be Rifan's dojo."

"Don't worry, Zephyr Instructor, we will respect His Excellency Rifan very much, and we will definitely let him accept one of us as his disciple."

After a while, Shuzo hung up the call with Zephyr.

"Let's go, Binz, Ain." Putting away the den-den mushi, Shuzo glanced at Ain and Binz next to him.

"No matter who of us becomes Rifan's disciple, we should not have any jealousy with each other, we must bless each other, understand?"

Hearing Shuzo's words, Ain and Binz nodded heavily.

Zephyr is not here, and Ain and Binz respect Shuzo.

Naturally, they are also willing to listen to Shuzo.

Seeing the two agree, Shuzo turned and led them to the gate of Rifan's new dojo.