Chapter 282: Silver Chariot—

Dojo, time training chamber.

Rifan held his cheek with one hand, his eyes were tightly fixed on Ain in front of him.

"What's wrong, Teacher Rifan, is there anything wrong with me?"

After being curious about the world here after entering, Ain has accepted the setting here.

Seeing Rifan keep looking at her, Ain couldn't help but wonder.

"Ain, you know Domino right?" Rifan asked.

"Miss Domino is the one in the Impel Down, right?" Ain nodded, "Of course, I know her. She used her ability to stop time to repel the powerful Descendants Of The Devil-Bullet. She is a very powerful Marine no, powerful woman."

Just after speaking, Ain realized that neither she nor Domino was part of the Marine anymore, so she quickly changed her words.

"Since you know her, then it's going to be easy to understand." Rifan said with a slight smile, "The blue brawny man who followed Domino is called the Platinum Star, a force called [Stand] The ability to stop time is also derived from the Platinum Star."

"A person who has a stand is called a stand-in user."

"Originally, Stand is an ability that only a stand-user can see, but it seems that the golden list has characteristics that allow them to be seen by ordinary people."

Listening to Rifan's explanation, Ain nodded very seriously.

"The reason I will tell you this is because I plan to make you a stand-user, Ain."

"Really? Teacher Rifan, can I also have the ability to stop time like Miss Domino?!"

"Well, basically every stand-in has different abilities. My stand[World] and Domino's stand [Platinum Star] are extremely rare stands of the same type, so they have similar special abilities. In short, let's see what kind of ability you will awaken first."

With that said, Rifan took out some Stand arrows from his Babylon Treasury and explained the role and characteristics of the Stand arrows to Ain.

After understanding, Ain readily agreed to the use of Stand arrows.

As the Stand arrow merged into Ain's body, a wave of fluctuations that belonged solely to the stand-user unfolded from Ain's body.

At the same time, a silver figure gradually appeared beside Ain.

"This is…silver chariot?"

Rifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Ain's stand with interest.

"Wait, if it's a silver chariot, maybe, I can take out my treasure and use it."

'The power of the Silver Chariot Soul Manipulation, I don't know how much effect it will have for people in this world."

Thinking of the characteristics of the Silver Chariot Requiem, and the special Stand arrow buried deep in the Babylon Treasury by him, which can stimulate the Stand to evolve, the corners of Rifan's mouth rose involuntarily.

"Teacher Rifan, is this my stand-in?" Ain opened her eyes again and looked curiously at the silver chariot beside her.

"Well, it is indeed your stand-in, named [Silver Chariot]." Rifan nodded,

"If my guess is correct, it should have the ability to become the [Chariot Requiem]."

"[Chariot Requiem]?" Ain tilted her head and looked at Rifan with a puzzled look.

"In short, you should treat it as an extremely powerful second-form." Rifan smiled, "Although the Chariot Requiem does not have the ability to stop time, its ability is more exaggerated than time stop. And I'll tell you when you get to that point."

"Now, let your own strength increase first, because if you can't control the Chariot Requiem, that would be terrible."

Rifan raised his hand and patted Ain on the shoulder, and raised his thumb: "Although you have experienced Zephyr training before, I also believe that his training will never be easy."

"But here, you'd better be mentally prepared to experience several or even dozens of more painful experiences than your previous training."

"Because the ability of the Stand is related to the mental ability of the Stand-user, I will focus on training your Observation Haki."

"You know that you need to avoid other people's attacks to exercise your observation haki, so you should try to defend from my Stand now."

As soon as the voice fell, Rifan's Stand [World] and [Crazy Diamond] suddenly flew out of Rifan and surrounded Ain in a triangle with Rifan in the middle.

"Then the training begins!"






"Miss Kozuki, how long will it take for Mr. Rifan to take Ain to the room for training?" Binz asked with a puzzled face in the dojo hall.

Hiyori smiled and raised her finger in the direction of the time training chamber.

Binz tilted his head and followed Hiyori's hand.

"Ain, are you out? Wait, are you Ain?!"

Looking at Ain, who seemed to grow a little taller and exuded a strong aura, Binz's eyes were even more puzzled.

"Binz, Shuzo, it's been two years." Ain smiled and nodded at Binz and Shuzo.

"Two years?" Shuzo frowned. "What does this mean?"

Ain smiled and explained: "The room of Teacher Rifan has the ability to compress time. Although the outside world has only passed for a moment, I have been training in it for two years."

"Thanks to teacher Rifan's teaching, my current Observation Haki has reached the top state."

"Moreover, my Devil Fruit's abilities have also grown a lot stronger, although the armament haki is still in its primary state."

With that, Ain looked at Rifan with embarrassment.

It seems that not training her Armament Haki to a higher level made her feel a little sorry for Rifan.

"No need to show that expression, In the first place I didn't think about how high your armament haki should be trained."

"As long as your mental and physical abilities can reach the standard, you can proceed to the next step of training."

"Let's go, now is not the time to rest, since you have reached the bottleneck, then you will go directly to the next step of training."

As he said that, Rifan put his hand on Ain's shoulder, half-pushing and half pulling her to the epiphany room.

Rifan was quite curious about whether Ain could evolve her [Silver Chariot] to [Chariot Requiem].

But once she successfully mastered the[Chariot Requiem], Ain's strength will directly skyrocket, and may even directly surpass her Senpai, Domino.

However, if she can't master the [Chariot Requiem], Ain will be the weakest one among Rifan's official disciples.

At that time, Rifan will have to consider other ways to improve Ain's strength.

Seeing Rifan and Ain disappear behind the door of the Epiphany Room, Binz and Shuzo looked at each other.

"Miss Hiyori, that…Ain, will she spend another two years in that room again?"

Shuzo looked at Hiyori, who was calm.

"That's not necessary. If Miss Ain is lucky, she may only need to spend a short time in it and she will come out." Hiyori shook her head, "Of course, it may also take a full month. "

"You two don't need to worry too much. When Miss Ain comes out again, her strength will definitely rise qualitatively."

"If you two feel bored, how about taking a look at the golden list?"

"It seems that Miss Reiju is about to win the battle with Togemon."

Upon hearing Hiyori's words, Shuzo and Binz looked up at the golden list.

Sure enough, after Reiju's powerful kick, the cactus beast fell to the ground.