Chapter 283: 4th and 3rd place rewards—

"I lost, congratulations, woman, you won this challenge.'

The cactus beast struggled to prop up its body and said as he looked at Reiju in front of him.

"According to the agreement, I will be your partner from now on, please take care of me a lot in the future."

While talking, the Cactus Beast stretched out his right hand with gloves towards Reiju.

"Yeah! Please take care of me too." Reiju smiled and nodded, putting her hand on the cactus beast's glove.

Although in the battle with the cactus beast, Reiju learned that the cactus beast's strength is not very strong.

But according to the rewards given by the gold list, after the conclusion of the contract, the cactus monster will evolve into an Ultimate Digimon.

Reiju is quite curious about what her partner will look like.


When Reiju's hand was placed on the cactus beast's glove, a strong white light suddenly enveloped both Reiju and the cactus beast.

In the eyes of all those who watched the golden list, a red flower suddenly appeared on the head of the cactus beast.

The petals of the flower opened, and a Digimon that looked like a fairy appeared in front of everyone.

In Reiju's somewhat dazed sight, the Flower Fairy flew in front of Reiju.

"Reiju, I am Lillymon, your Ultimate Digimon."

"I am much stronger now, and I will definitely be able to help you."

Seeing the charming and lovely flower fairy in front of her, Reiju couldn't help but smile happily.

"After you have evolved into an Ultimate body, you turned out to be a flower fairy?" Reiju looked at the partner in front of her in surprise.

Reiju naturally knows Lillymon, after all, when Marine Vice-Admiral Tsuru is facing the challenges related to the Digimon, her opponent was Lillymon.

For Reiju, having a powerful Digimon is great.

But if it is Lillymon with both strength and beauty, Reiju will be more willing to accept it.

"How about it, I'm beautiful right?." Lillymon circled Reiju.

"Hmm, so beautiful." Reiju nodded, and stretched out her hand to caress the body of Lillymon.

At the next moment, Reiju and Lillymon disappeared in the scene provided by the golden list, and returned to the Germa 66 Castle.

[Beast Kaido: Flower Fairy beast, not as good as the previous cactus beast. ]

[Red hair Shanks: Kaido, you prefer the appearance of the cactus beast. Although the cactus beast has become cute, its power has become stronger. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Indeed, the Flower Fairy Beast before, if it weren't Tsuru, she might be able to beat some other Marine Vice Admiral. ]

[Shemale Bentham: Speaking of which, the specifically mentioned that if Miss Reiju dies, the flower fairy will disappear together. Does that mean that the Digimon hatched from the Digimon Egg is the same? As long as they sign a contract with humans, they will become someone's partner forever, and other people can't snatch it. ]

[Sabo: If this is the case, then when the digital egg is released, the golden list should directly show this reminder. But the golden list did not do this, which can only show that the Digimon obtained by the Marine and Miss Reiju are not the same. Perhaps, the Digimon hatched from the Digimon Eggs will not sign a contract with humans, but will follow a respected person like ordinary people. Or, the contract signed is not as special as Reiju's contract. ]

[Issho: Maybe the Digimon hatched from the Digimon Egg will not disappear even if the owner dies?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: If this is the case, maybe Kaido, Golden Lion, and Marine's Digimon can still be snatched?]

Although it is only speculation, such comments in the eyes of Marine, The World government, Kaido and Golden Lion made the Quartet immediately alert.

[Teach: If you want to snatch the Digimon in the hands of the Marine and from Kaido and Golden Lion, not many people are willing to do it. Unless the opponent is also a powerful Four Emperors level. ]

[Redhead Shanks: In terms of strength, Teach, yours is not bad now. Maybe, your next reward will make you stronger.]

--[Battle Clothes List] 4th place, congratulations to Marshall D. Teach for winning the[Devil Fruit Self-Selected Volume]

--After using the[Devil Fruit Self-Selected Volume], you will be able to choose any Devil Fruit without weakness.

[Teach: Zehahaha~, RedHair, thank you so much for your kind words, I didn't expect that one day, I will still be able to own Dark Fruit! ]

Seeing his reward, Teach chose Dark Devil Fruit without hesitation.

Before his eyes, two Dark Fruits appeared in the illusory form.

One is the Dark Fruit in nature that was eaten by Thatch.

The other one is the Dark Devil Fruit which has no weakness that Rifan got from the gold list by killing the future Blackbeard.

And this one was eaten by Sadi of Impel down.

Although he has imagined that with the golden list he still has a chance to get Dark Fruit.

But Teach did not expect that happiness would come so suddenly!

With a thought, the lottery ticket disappeared, and a purple fruit appeared in his hand.

Looking at the devil fruit in his hand, Teach was so excited that he even ate it whole.

Even if the taste of Devil Fruit is so unpalatable. But he still likes it!

"Zehahaha~, this is the power of darkness!"

"It's great, it's really great!"

"In this way, many plans can be carried out!"

Teach opened his hands, and the black mist he was looking at rose into the air and spread to the surroundings.

In a blink of an eye, half of the sky where Teach was located was shrouded in black fog.

"Teach, this guy actually got Dark Fruit." Whitebeard Pirates, Thatch frowned, and looked at Whitebeard with some worry. "Father, according to the image provided by the golden list, after that guy got Dark Fruit, he aimed his attention at you."

"Do we need to do some preparation?"

Whitebeard frowned and looked at Teach's posture, he hadn't thought of it anyway.

Teach, who he couldn't bear to kill and let go of, went through two robberies, and his strength reached the current level.

Even if it is not as good as himself, I am afraid that his strength has surpassed all the other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Even the first division captain Marco, Whitebeard doesn't think he is the opponent of Teach.

"That Teach, let everyone pay attention to him."

"His power has undoubtedly become very strong. In the future, unless I am here, no one on board is allowed to come into contact with him privately.

"Ace, especially you, you understand?"

Whitebeard turned his head to look at Ace, he didn't want to see the war on top actually appearing in reality.

"Yes, Ace, I don't allow you to find that Teach!" Rouge looked at Ace with her hands on her hips.

Many days after the resurrection, Rouge fully understood Ace's past and the future of Ace revealed in the golden list.

After finally seeing his child, Rouge didn't want Ace to go to Teach.

"Um, that, I didn't say I'm going to find Teach." Ace looked at Rouge, embarrassingly, and then at Whitebeard."

"No matter what, you must stay away from that guy." Rouge was still a little worried. "That man, who is so active to gain strength, must want to do something.

"He may be more dangerous than that guy Golden Lion that attacked Naval Headquarters."

Hearing Rouge's words, Whitebeard's expression was a little complicated.

After all, it is such a dangerous figure who walked out of his hands.

If the Whitebeard Pirates really had a crew injured because of Teach, then everything will be his responsibility.

Thinking of this, Whitebeard's eyes gradually became firmer.

'Teach, you better not do anything to my family. '

'Otherwise, I will definitely make you regret coming to this world.' Whitebeard thought to himself.

"Okay, I know, so you don't have to nag me about it." Under Rouge's offensive, Ace sighed deeply.

Although there is a mother's care, Ace is very happy.

But Rouge's desire to make up for 20 years of maternal love in a short period of time made Ace a little bit overwhelmed.

"!!" Rouge's face was startled when she heard Ace's words.

In the next moment, she gradually showed sadness, an expression about to cry.

"Roger, our son has grown up, but he seems to despise me."

"Am I not supposed to be resurrected?Sob~"

"Sure enough, you should be resurrected. You can teach Ace well."


Seeing Rouge with a sorrowful look on her face, Marco and the others on the side, immediately couldn't stand it anymore.

Marco: "Hey, Ace, how can you talk to your mother like this?

Jozu: "Yes, Ace, she is your mother anyway."

Vista: "Apologize, Ace, she is doing it all for your good."

Listening to what his companion said, Ace twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely, and finally could only sigh, preparing to apologize to Rouge.

However, when he looked at Rouge, he found that Rouge was staring at the golden list in the sky.

Rouge: "Roger is going back?"

"Huh?! What are you talking about, mom?" Hearing Rouge's voice like a mosquito, Ace frowned and followed Rouge's eyes to look at the golden list.

"What's wrong—That is a resurrection card?!"

Listening to Ace's surprised words, everyone on the scene turned their attention to the golden list.

There, the reward belonging to the third place is displayed at the moment.

--[Battle Clothes List] 3rd place, congratulations to Rifan for obtaining the [Elementary Random Resurrection Scroll].

--After using the [Elementary Random Resurrection Scroll], at the expense of part of the user's own power, people who are related to the user will be randomly resurrected.

--Note: The strength of the resurrected person will drop by one level.