Chapter 284: Resurrecting someone—

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Is it the resurrection scroll? It's been a long time since I saw this reward. I didn't expect to see such a reward on the "Battle Clothes List". ]

[Redhead Shanks: Remember the first time such a reward appeared, it was the time when Hawkeye challenged Zangetsu. It's just that you gave up the resurrection scroll and chose Zangetsu. Speaking of which, you still have a perfect resurrection prop on hand at that time.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Random resurrection scrolls, will this thing resurrect Roger? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: There are so many dead people in the world, who knows who will be resurrected. Not only is there a high probability of resurrecting ordinary people, but there is also a probability of resurrecting the enemy. Who would bear to deduct their own strength to use such props? Even if this thing is given to me, I won't want it. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: This reward is indeed unsatisfactory. At the level of Rifan, he wouldn't give up his power at will. ]

[Jinbei: Even so, for some people who want to resurrect certain people, this is an extremely valuable reward. ]

[Female Emperor Hancock: On the screen, is the woman standing next to Rifan the new disciple of Rifan? I'm so envious!]

"It really is Zephyr's disciple." Sengoku glanced at Ain on the screen and sighed in his heart.

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: What is around this woman is the power similar to that of someone who can't be seen beside the woman in Domino?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Although the shape is different, there are indeed many similarities. Is it possible that this new disciple of Rifan also gains the ability to pause time?]

Seeing the silver chariot next to Ain on the screen, people suddenly lost a lot of attention to [Elementary Random Resurrection Scroll].

Originally, the final training was going underway and Rifan was going to use the Special Stand Arrow on Ain's Silver Chariot, but when they saw the reward that suddenly appeared in Rifan's hands, the two stopped what they were doing.

"Teacher Rifan, do you want to use this resurrection scroll?" Ain looked at Rifan with some worry, "The golden list said that using this scroll will reduce the user's strength."

Ain wanted to say, let herself use it instead of Rifan.

After all, she doesn't really need strength now.

However, after thinking that Rifan might have a certain person who wants to be resurrected, Ain retracted her thought when it reached her lips.

At the same time, The Four Elders, Im and others who were on the opposite side of Rifan were expecting Rifan to use the random resurrection scrolls.

After all, Rifan's power is too strong. If Rifan's power can be reduced, the Four Elders and others are in favor of it.

"Of course I'll use it. Now that I get it, I have to use it to see who will appear." Rifan touched his chin and continued "And this thing is not suitable for collection."

"Although I don't have a specific person to be resurrected, I may be able to resurrect the dead relatives and friends of my disciples."

"As for the loss of some strength, it doesn't matter."

Although he will lose a part of his power, in Rifan's view, using this scroll by himself will definitely not lose too much of his own power.

In other words, even if there is a loss, as long as his realm is still there, Rifan will soon reach his current height.

Hearing Rifan's words, Ain couldn't help feeling warm.

Rifan did not intend to resurrect people related to him, but to resurrect relatives and friends related to his disciples.

This is true for Ain, and even more so for Robin and others who have a good impression of Rifan.

Soon, under the eyes of the world, Rifan's resurrection scroll was opened by him.

A crimson halo floated out of the scroll and hovered over Rifan's head.

At the same time, a force of suction was just directed at Rifan from the golden list.

However, after waiting for a long time, no energy flowed from Rifan.

'This thing seems to have not reached the strength to absorb power from me?' Rifan squinted his eyes and suddenly burst into blue "qi" on his body.

After relaxing the control of "qi", the red light was finally able to absorb Rifan's power.

After a few seconds, as if enough energy had been absorbed, the red light began to deform and finally built a blood-red magic circle in front of Rifan.

"Is this all right?" Rifan twitched his mouth, feeling a little speechless.

Although the energy absorbed by the red light just now can't be considered small, even if it is replaced by Hiyori and others, this amount of absorption may make her small universe regress.

It's just that when it happened to Rifan, even the "qi" accumulated in Rifan's body was not absorbed completely, let alone lowering Rifan's realm.

Just eat a meal prepared with high-energy food in the dojo, and Rifan can fully recover.

'Good fellow, it seems that I can resurrect a person after just one meal.'

Rifan shook his head mockingly.

What he didn't know was that his speechless expression at the moment, placed among outsiders, was indeed understood as Rifan regretting the lost power.

"This Rifan seems to regret it a bit."

"Could it be that the lost power exceeded Rifan's expectations?" Im whispered.

Not only Im, at this moment, quite a few people in the world have the same idea as Im.

Even the resurrected person who appeared in front of Rifan lost a little attention.

"Here is?" The resurrected person slowly opened her eyes and gave Rifan a strange look who was in front of her.

Just when she was about to say something, a sudden turn of the sky enveloped her body.

"Uh!" Looking at the woman who suddenly disappeared in the epiphany room, Rifan's face froze.

The next moment, Rifan's figure also disappeared in the epiphany room. Because of Rifan's disappearance, the Golden List stopped the live broadcast of Rifan.

On the other side, in Dressrosa, Robin, who was playing chess with Vivi, suddenly stood up, keeping her eyes on the golden list.

"What's the matter, Robin?" Vivi gave Robin a strange look.

"Vivi, you know what. I saw my mother!" Robin looked at Vivi excitedly.

"Mother? Wait, you mean, the person Rifan has just resurrected is your mother?!" Vivi stood up and took Robin's hand with the same excitement, "Great, Robin, congratulations!"