Chapter 285: Reunion—

"It's okay, Ma'am." Rifan said gently in the hall of the dojo while supporting the resurrected Nico Olvia who had fallen from the sky.

"I'm alright…" Olvia took Rifan's hand and tried to use her strength to stand up, but found that her body was abnormally weak, and it was difficult to even stand up intact.

Seeing Olvia's posture, Rifan smiled, he used his Chakra to cure her body as it entered Olvia's body, moisturizing her body.

Olvia gave Rifan a surprised look. Under this mysterious and warm energy, she was finally able to stand up.

"Are you okay?" Rifan asked Olvia to sit down in a chair.

"Although I'm still a bit weak, it's better than before." Olvia nodded to Rifan with a smile, "What happened just now, why did I suddenly feel a whirlwind, and then I got here."

"Also, I know I'm dead. But why do I appear in this place?"

With that said, Olvia looked at the surrounding environment.

Whether it was before or after death, the environment in front of her was not the one she was familiar with.

"The place where you were just now is the epiphany room I set up specifically for disciples, and informal disciples cannot enter."

"Because of your sudden resurrection, although you appeared in the epiphany room, you were quickly bounced out.

"This is my negligence. I shouldn't resurrect you in that environment."

Rifan said with a smile.

"Wait, you say resurrection?!" Olvia was taken aback, and then stood up from her seat in surprise.

"You heard it right, it is indeed a resurrection." Rifan smiled and said that he had obtained the [Elementary Random Resurrection Scroll] from the golden list.

After listening, Olvia looked at Rifan suspiciously, frowning and said:

"According to you, I should be someone related to you, right."

"But in my impression, I don't seem to know you."

Hearing that, Rifan shrugged: "Although you don't know me, your daughter and I are very close."

"Daughter? You mean Robin?! Wait, what age is it now?!"

"Well, it should be 20 years after you die now."

"20 years? So Robin is 28 years old now?"

"To be precise, it should be 30 years old." Rifan smiled.

Although Robin was originally 28 years old, after two years of training, Robin is indeed 30 years old in terms of physical age.

Thinking back to Robin's changes in the past two years, Rifan couldn't help but sigh that she has changed a lot. If they were not quite familiar with her, I am afraid that she would not be recognized.

Of course, whether it is Robin two years ago or Robin two years later, Rifan has to admit that they all have a different kind of charm.

"30 years old?!" A light flashed in Olvia's eyes, "Isn't that older than my age?"

"Robin, is she married now?"

"Are there any kids?"

"Are you Robin's husband?"

Looking at Rifan next to her, Olvia's eyes were full of searching.

"Um, husband?" Rifan twitched his mouth. "No wonder you think so. After all, you were married and had children before Robin's age."

"But if you want to hold your grandson, I'm afraid it will take a while."

"Robin is not married now. As for the relationship between me and her, you should ask her yourself."

Olvia was stunned, just about to say something, suddenly the picture changed, and a woman who looked very similar to herself appeared in front of her.

"It's over." After sending Olvia to Dressrosa's dojo, Rifan clapped his hands and walked back to the epiphany room under Shuzo and Binz's stunned eyes.

On the other side, Dressrosa Dojo.

"Great, it's really you, mother!" Robin hugged Olvia, tears of excitement were left on her face.

"You are Robin!" Olvia carefully looked at Robin's cheek in front of her, "It's really you, so I really was resurrected by that man?"

"Yeah!" Robin nodded heavily, "It's great to be able to see you again."

Vivi looked at the two people who were embracing and crying, smiled, walked out of the dojo, and closed the gate of the dojo for the two of them.

After a little chat, Olvia finally asked the doubts in her heart.

"Robin, what is the relationship between that man and you?"

"I thought he was your husband, but he doesn't seem to be?"

"Could it be that you are just in a relationship with benefits with that man?"

Hearing what her mother said, Robin was taken aback for a moment, with a little more blush on her face.

Looking at the expressions of her daughter, Olvia's eyes lit up, and she became more curious about the relationship between Rifan and Robin.

Robin: "Actually, Rifan is my teacher."

Olvia: "Is it really just a teacher?!"


[Red Hair Shanks: Rifan really used the resurrection scroll. The red light just now was absorbing Rifan's power. I don't know how much power Rifan has lost now. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: With the power of His Majesty Rifan, even if there is a loss, I am afraid he is still the strongest man in the world. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: This may be true. Perhaps the moment just now made Rifan lose the slightest strength. Jiehaha. ]

[Sabo: Even if Rifan sacrifices a lot of strength, Rifan's disciples can protect him. Having said that, although it was only a glimpse, the person whom Rifan resurrected always felt familiar. ]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Looks a lot like Nico Robin. It should be Nico Robin's mother. Because of the relationship between Robin and Rifan, Robin's mother is also a figure related to Rifan. ]

[Dragon: Speaking of which, Zephyr, you are also related to Rifan. If Rifan gets such an item again one day, maybe even your wife and children will survive. ]

Seeing Dragon's message, Zephyr's eyes lit up while sailing alone on the ocean.

Of course, Zephyr knew this. When Rifan was about to resurrect others, Zephyr had already thought of this.

After seeing Rifan resurrecting Nico Olvia, Zephyr confirmed this even more.

'Resurrection items, will such items appear in the future?'

'No, it will appear!'

Zephyr kept his eyes fixed, accelerated his sailing speed, and drove towards Sabaody Archipelago.

He is going to meet Rifan!