Chapter 286: Shiki in trouble—

-[Battle Clothes List] Ranked 2nd, congratulations to Rifan, Kozuki Hiyori and Yamato for obtaining the[Designated Ability Advanced Card].

-Once you use the [Designated Ability Advanced Card], you can specify one of your own abilities to enter the next level.

[Red-haired Shanks: What!? This reward is quite overbearing. It can even specify a certain ability to evolve. If a certain ability has reached the top level, I don't know if this reward can still be used.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It seems that even the golden list does not intend to see Rifan lose strength. He just lost a little strength due to the resurrection, and now the golden list will return this ability to him, hahaha~]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Rifan's power is already strong enough, and now he is rewarded like this again. Tsk, people watching can only sigh.]

[Charlotte Smoothie: The stronger the person, the more terrifying he gets when he receives a reward. It is hard to imagine what level Rifan, who used this reward before resurrecting others, will reach. ]

"Will Teacher Rifan's strength become stronger?" Bonny who saw the reward twitched her mouth. She had witnessed Rifan using his own power to explode the moon.

That kind of terrifying power can no longer be regarded as human power, but the power of true God!

Thinking of this kind of strength continuing to strengthen, Bonny's mood can no longer be described as surprised, it is completely horror.

"Teacher Rifan, shouldn't he become a monster that can burst the world by accident." Bonnie sighed.

What she didn't know was that Rifan was already such a monster in her mouth now.

'Can specify your own abilities to advance?" Looking at the reward in his hand, Rifan raised an eyebrow, "There should be some restrictions on this thing."

Others don't know, but Rifan has a certain concept of his own power.

Needless to say, he can easily destroy the planet under his feet with a single blow to disperse a continent.

Let's not talk about Rifan himself, even the Number 18 beside Rifan has this ability.

If the [Designated Ability Advanced Card] can make Rifan and No. 18 powerful players to the next level, then this reward would be too terrifying.

Settling down, Rifan connected to the golden list in his heart, trying to use the reward to make his "qi" one step closer to true God.

At the next moment, a reminder that only Rifan could feel came into his eyes.

--[Designated Ability Advanced Card] The highest limit is "to the continental plate level". It is detected that the user's Rifan "qi" ability has exceeded the upper limit, please re-select the ability to strengthen.

'Sure enough, there is an upper limit. Rifan touched his chin, "In this way, Hiyori may not be able to use this reward to let herself enter the seventh sense of the Saint Seiya. "

Shaking his head, Rifan looked at Ain who was looking at him curiously not far away.

"Ain, this is for you."

"Using this should be safer than using my "Special Stand Arrow" to evolve your Stand."

While talking, Rifan threw the [Designated Ability Advanced Card] at Ain.

Ain caught the card in a hurry, and asked Rifan in surprise:

"Teacher Rifan, are you really going to give me such a precious item?!"

"Your strength has been lost due to the resurrection item just now, right? Isn't it appropriate to use this [Designated Ability Advanced Card]?"

Rifan smiled and walked to Ain and patted her on the shoulder:

"You really care about my strength."

"Don't worry, I know myself well."

"Compared to this, I want to see your own strength grow."

"Hurry up, I can't wait to see how your Stand will grow into a Chariot Requiem."

Since the[Designated Ability Advanced Card] can only make one person's strength reach the level of breaking the continents, Rifan is not entangled with who among his disciples will use it.

Based on the principle of proximity, Rifan naturally chose Ain.

[Shemale Bentham: What! Rifan chose to give the reward to his disciple?!]

[Issho: Sire Rifan really loves his disciple, even precious rewards can also be given to his disciples to use. Obviously, Rifan himself needs this kind of reward. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Is it because of his invincible power that he has not pursued greater strength? Rather than pursuing greater strength, he is more willing to train his disciples into powerful fighters?]

[Redhead Shanks: Hawkeye, when you say that, I really think this explanation is quite reasonable. ]

[Bone Brook: Yohohoho~Before being defeated by Rifan, presumably Hawkeye, as a great swordsman in the world, didn't have much pursuit of his own power. Is that why he can infer Rifan's intention?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara, Rifan is really a good 'parent' to his 'children'!]

[Golden Lion Shiki: If Rifan is really so selfless, shouldn't he give out Zanpakutō, golden saint clothing, hundred years of life, etc. to his disciples? I think Rifan simply wants to make this woman Ain listen to his own words more. You see that, this Ain is moved to tears. ]

[Princess Vivi: Golden Lion, if you don't have anything good to say, just shut your mouth!]

[Nico Robin: Teacher Rifan's character and thoughts are by no means what you Golden Lion Shiki can understand. ]

[Nami: Vivi, why don't you let me kill Golden Lion on your behalf. ]

[Yamato: Let me do it. I just learned about the Lushan Rising Dragon Lord recently. I will try if I can kill Golden Lion with one punch. ]

[Kozuki Hiyori: Speaking of which, I can fly. It should be very convenient to solve Golden Lion. ]

A word from Shiki suddenly caused all the disciples of Rifan who could leave a message on the golden list to leave a message claiming to kill Shiki.

Seeing so many extremely threatening speeches, Shiki decisively chose to hide, and did not dare to say any more words on the golden list.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha~ Shiki, aren't you proud that Rifan's disciples are looking for you now?]

[Beast Kaido: Worororo~, even if I saw the news of Golden Lion's sudden death the next day, I wouldn't be surprised. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: I don't know, after Shiki dies, can I get the digital egg in his hand? ]

Although nothing has really happened yet, many people are already discussing which disciple of Rifan will kill Shiki and the issue of the ownership of the Digital Egg after Shiki's death.

Seeing this scene, Shiki twitched the corners of his mouth fiercely.

However, thinking that Rifan's disciples were all looking at the golden list at the moment, he could only swallow the words in his heart in the end.