Chapter 290: Taking action—

[Tl/n: The Celestial Beast is named Angewomon while the Evil Beast is named LadyDevimon.]

In the Dojo, epiphany room.

"Teacher Rifan, is it okay to let them go like this?" Seeing that they were just summoned by Rifan and they start a fight before they had time to say a complete sentence with Rifan, Ain couldn't help but worry.

"Yes, Rifan, do you need me to stop them?" MetalTyrannomon walked to Rifan's side, looking at LadyDevimon and Angewomon fighting all out with some worry.

"This…" Rifan's mouth twitches, and he is also speechless.

To be honest, even if it is him, he still doesn't know what to do now.

He didn't expect that he would summon Angewomon and LadyDevimon at the same time.

Angewomon and LadyDevimon belong to the light, and the other belongs to the darkness. Their natural attributes are mutually restrained and stand on the opposite side.

When he saw the two, Rifan had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, after realizing the existence of each other, LadyDevimon and Angewomon didn't even have time to introduce themselves to Rifan, as they fought in this epiphany room.

"Forget it, let them get a good fight first." Rifan shook his head,

"When they are tired, I'll be talking to them."

What makes Rifan feel fortunate is that Angewomon and LadyDevimon at present do not know each other, they are only arguing with each other because of their attributes and personalities.

As long as there is no deep hatred like in the original digital world, Rifan feels that he can still mediate the two.

'Should be able to make two get along well.' Rifan touched his chin, and simply took out a chair from his Babylonian treasury, and focused on watching the battle between the Angewomon and LadyDevimon.


"Lillymon, do you know why there is a fight between Celestial Beast and Evil Beast?" Reiju asked her partner.

"Well, the Celestial Beast is the kind and bright attribute camp, and the Evil Beast is the evil dark attribute camp. It is normal when the two opposing camps meet each other to be uncomfortable." Lillymon smiled, "But it seems that the fighting on the MetalTyrannomon side is a bit embarrassing."

"By the way, Reiju, do I need to answer those human questions? They seem to be curious as to why Angewomon and LadyDevimon fight?"

Reiju raised her head and looked in the direction of Lillymon's fingers.

There, people from the Four Emperors and Marines are asking related questions.

"Forget it." Reiju shook her head, "This is Rifan's secret, and we will go to see Rifan later, so we can't do anything that might cause Rifan's discomfort."

"Lillymon, haven't told you yet, Rifan is actually the strongest person in this world."

"I think his power is even stronger than the Mega Digimon on your side."

Although she hasn't really seen the Mega Digimon taking action, and she doesn't know their true power.

But after seeing Rifan's show of power from the demonstration, it's hard to imagine someone surpassing Rifan in strength, even the Mega Digimon that has never been masked.

"That's really amazing!" Lillymon glanced at Rifan unexpectedly,

"If this is the case, then MetalTyrannomon really found a powerful partner."


[Red-haired Shanks: I seem to underestimate the power of the Evil Beast and the Celestial Beast. When fighting with Marine ViceAdmiral, it seems neither of them used their full strength.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Indeed, the strength of the two of them is probably not much better than that of Momousagi Gion.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: If you let the two of them evolve into the Mega body, I don't know how powerful they are. ]


Above the clouds, in the Floating Island.

'That Rifan, he was able to sign a contract with three Digimon. Why can I only sign one when signing a contract with a Digimon?"

Looking at the golden Digimon egg in his hand, Shiki frowned tightly.

He was targeted by almost all the disciples of Rifan, even Shiki felt quite uneasy.

Especially among Rifan's disciples, so far, Shiki knows that at least three have the ability to fly.

Therefore, the current Shiki needs more power.

'If I can sign a contract with all Digimon and let them evolve to the highest level as soon as possible, maybe they can even compete with Rifan's disciples!

Thinking of this, Shiki couldn't help but laugh at himself.

He understands that if Rifan's disciples come one or two, maybe he can still deal with it with the power of Digimon.

But if there are more than three, I am afraid he will really die in the air.

'Sure enough, I can't just rely on the power of Digimon!'

'I should rely more on the power of my Yatsufusa."

'Next, who should become my doll?'

Looking at the Teigu in his hand, Shiki's mind kept flashing to the powerful pirates who could be made into his dolls.

"Ain, how long have they been fighting?" Looking at the Angewomon and LadyDevimon, who are gradually getting tired due to over-fighting, Rifan asked Ain next to him.

"Half an hour, Teacher Rifan."

"That's it." Rifan frowned and got up from his seat. "Their battle should end here. If they continue to fight, it will be bad.

[Redhead Shanks: Oh, Rifan finally can't stand it anymore, is he going to stop his Digimon?]

[Whitebeard Newgate: With the power of Rifan, it can be easily done, huh?! What is Rifan doing?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It seems to be a delicious cake?!]

As everyone watched, Rifan took out his own pastries made with rare ingredients from his Babylonian treasury and approached Angewomon and LadyDevimon who were in battle.

Those violent winds aroused by the battle between the two were automatically blocked by Rifan's power after reaching Rifan.

Noting that Rifan was approaching, Angewomon and LadyDevimon stopped one after another and opened the distance between them.

LadyDevimon: "Contractor, you should stay away. After I solve this woman, I will come to talk to you about the contract."

Angewomon: "Contractor, please be careful, the one opposite me is a very evil existence. For your safety, please don't get close anymore!"