Chapter 291: Cooking can evolve Digimon—!?

"Don't say that, both of you are Digimon I summoned from the digital world."

"Whether it is me and you, or between you, being able to get together with each other is also a kind of fate."

"So it is not necessary to fight each other."

"And this is no longer the digital world you used to have. If you can, I hope you two can consider peaceful coexistence."

"After playing for so long, I know you're hungry. So it's better to eat something first."

As he said that, Rifan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the ability of his Stand, [World] was instantly activated. Except for the golden list, everything in the world was suspended by Rifan's ability.

Taking advantage of the ability of World to pause time, Rifan walked to the front of Angewomon and LadyDevimon, took out a dining table, and took them to sit on both sides of the dining table.

After that, the world's time flows again.

Feeling the change in position, Angewomon and LadyDevimon were taken aback. They didn't understand Rifan's abilities, and they didn't know why they were sitting at the same table with their hostile opponents.

Just when they were about to get up, Rifan was in the middle of the two and put down the snacks he had just taken out of the Babylon Treasury.

"This is my special pastry, please try it, you two." Rifan smiled.

Angewomon looked at the opposite LadyDevimon and then looked at Rifan.

Angewomon felt that it was a bit bad that she had been rejecting Rifan, who was her summoner, so she picked up the knife and fork that Rifan had placed on the table and tasted the snack.

"It's delicious." Angewomon whispered.

Although her voice was flat, Rifan could hear that she was very satisfied with the snack.

Rifan smiled and looked at LadyDevimon on the side.

"Hump! I'll let you go this time." LadyDevimon smacked her lips, took a snack and took a big bite. "Hey, this is so delicious!"

LadyDevimon exclaimed and quickly wiped out the remaining snacks.

"Are there any more, give me another one." LadyDevimon wiped her mouth and said to Rifan.

"Of course, I have a lot of reserves, so you can eat until you're satisfied." Rifan smiled, two huge golden ripples appeared beside him, and a series of delicate desserts flew out of it.

"Ain, MetalTyrannomon, don't just look at it, come and taste it together."

Hearing Rifan's words, MetalTyrannomon, who had already shaken his nose, immediately walked over, picked up a huge cake and tasted it.

Because of the sweetness of the food, Angewomon and LadyDevimon even forgot to quarrel for a while.

Seeing the effect achieved, Rifan couldn't help but click a compliment for his wit.

'Teacher Rifan is really amazing!' Ain glanced at Rifan and sighed in her heart.

'And Teacher Rifan uses the ingredients in the dojo kitchen and with his superb skills to make cakes. I'm afraid not many women would dislike it.'


[Lillymon: He was actually able to stop LadyDevimon and Angewomon from relying on the cakes. How delicious these cakes are!?]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It looks so delicious! I want to eat it too!]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Does it mean that Rifan is still considered an excellent pastry chef?]

[Blackfoot Sanji: Although I don't know how it tastes, it's already a perfect score in terms of styling, and it can make the three ladies show such a satisfied expression. This guy, Rifan, did a good job. Damn it, I also want to cook for ladies!]

[Whitebeard Newgate: So, are we watching someone else eat now?]

[Red Hair Shanks: Haha, anyway, this is the last image of this [ Battle Cloth List]. If there is no "Warrior List" that corresponds to the "Swordsman List", the golden list will disappear. So it's better to take advantage of this time, let's have a good chat, haha. ]

"One more!" LadyDevimon put down the dinner plate in her hand and stretched out her hand to Rifan.

"Please give me some too, Contractor!" Angewomon also looked at Rifan.

"Rifan, please give me a portion too, I can still eat it!" MetalTyrannomon put down the plate that was bigger than himself and said to Rifan with a happy face.

At this time, whether it was MetalTyrannomon, Angewomon, or LadyDevimons, there was a thought of fortunately being summoned by Rifan'.

In the beginning, everyone simply ate some snacks, but later, it was no longer limited to snacks.

A variety of dishes such as Eastern and Western dishes have been on the table for several people.

Seeing the appearance of the three Digimon, Rifan touched the back of his head a little embarrassed.

"The reserves in my treasury have been eaten up by you all."

"If you want to continue eating, I can go to the restaurant in the dojo to continue cooking for you." Rifan said.

"Then what are you waiting for, go now." LadyDevimon stood up impatiently and walked quickly to Rifan's side.

"I won't give up!"

Having said that, LadyDevimon licked the corner of her mouth with an aftertaste.

"Contractor, your food has a lot of energy. I think if I can eat such food all the time, maybe in a few years, I will be able to evolve and become a Mega Digimon."

"At that time, I will be able to defeat this woman easily."

With that said, LadyDevimon glanced provocatively at Angewomon.

"In this respect, I am the same as you." Angewomon walked to the other side of Rifan, "Since you can get energy from the food of my Contractor, I can naturally too."

[Red-haired Shanks: Just now, what did I hear? Angewomon and LadyDevimon said that the food Rifan made can help them evolve into Mega Digimon?]

[Beast Kaido: Rifan's food still has such power? Can the Digimon I hatched also evolve by eating Rifan's food?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hey, Kaido, have you hatched a Digimon? By the way, did you hatch on an egg by yourself?]

[Beast Kaido: Rayleigh, if you don't speak, no one treats you as dumb. Why are you still alive, don't you think your retirement life is too leisurely?]

Originally, because the screen was full of images of MetalTyrannomon and other Digimon eating, Im, the Four Elders, Sengoku, Shiki, Kaido and others all lost the thought of watching the live broadcast.

But when they heard that Rifan's cooking had the function of helping Digimon evolve, they couldn't sit still anymore.

After all, the evolution mentioned by LadyDevimon and Angewomon is not just a simple evolution, but a high-level evolution that evolves completely into the Mega body!

If Rifan's food has the effect of helping the Digimon to evolve from the mature stage, let alone help the Digimon to evolve from the mature stage to the Ultimate Digimon.

Even if the consumption of Devil Fruit can help the Digimon that hatched from the Digimon Egg to evolve, the effect it can achieve is still unknown.

Perhaps the effect is far inferior to Rifan's cooking.

At this moment, Kaido and other Digimon egg-holders once again focused their attention on Rifan.

But the next moment, whether it was the Marine World government, Golden Lion, or Kaido, they suddenly realized that their relationship with Rifan was not very good.

This situation caused Kaido and others to sigh again.

"It's that great!? If I can eat those things, will I also be able to evolve into a Mega Digimon after a few years?!" Lillymon eyes beamed excitedly, "Reiju, let's go to Rifan's dojo!"