Chapter 293: Warrior List—

"This Ivankov actually wants to turn me into a woman. If I meet him, I must let him know why the flowers are so red." After Rifan muttered a little, he turned to look at the Digimons waiting for him to cook something for them.

"Cough, cough!" Rifan pretended to cough twice, and solemnly said to Angewomon and LadyDevimon, "You are my partners, since you requested it, I am naturally willing to cook for you."

"But, since you all talked about the Mega body, I actually really want to see the evolution of the two of you together."

"As long as you two can cooperate and evolve together, once, no matter what you two want to eat later, I can prepare it for you."

Others don't know, but Rifan is quite aware that it is possible for Angewomon and LadyDevimon to merge and evolve into the Mastemon!

And Mastemon, although it is only the ultimate body, but in terms of hard power, it is not weaker than some Mega Digimon!

The moment when he saw LadyDevimon and Angewomon appear at the same time, Rifan had the idea of seeing them merged together.

Moreover, Rifan feels that their combination is very likely to succeed.

After all, even if Angewomon and LadyDevimon can't understand each other, after signing the only contract with Rifan, they already have a common connection.

With this connection as the basic point, as long as they are willing and strong enough, they can evolve into the Mastemon.

LadyDevimon: "Merged?"

Angewomon: "Evolution?"

"Me and her?" Angewomon and LadyDevimon pointed at each other, looking at Rifan in surprise.

"Yeah!" Rifan held the palm of Angewomon with one hand with a smile on his face, and the palm of LadyDevimon with the other hand.

"Let me show you…"

While talking, a faint "qi" erupted from Rifan's body, and the gentle "qi" flowed into the bodies of the LadyDevimon and Angewomon, supplementing their lack of energy.

Within a few seconds, LadyDevimon and Angewomon felt that their own strength was more than twice as high as usual.

And through the power of Rifan, Angewomon and LadyDevimon felt that the inexplicable connection between them due to their contract with Rifan had been strengthened.

Angewomon: "Contractor, your power is amazing!"

LadyDevimon: "I really thought it was a very special existence that summoned us. Forget it, since you said that you will cook me some delicious food, I'll just give it a try. Moreover, this huge energy is not applicable, and it's pretty troublesome."

LadyDevimon and Angewomon looked at each other, and gradually, the connection between the two became stronger and stronger.

A few seconds later, the two bodies quickly merged with the light of white glitter.

After the light dissipated, a powerful Digimon wearing black and white armor with white and black wings appeared in front of Rifan and the world.

"As you wish, I am here!" The new Digimon hovered in the air and stretched out her right hand towards Rifan.

"Wow! It's nice to see you, Mastemon!" Rifan gently held Mosty's hand with a smile on his face.


[Redhead Shanks: Mastemon?! Isn't this the Mega Digimon that Rifan mentioned before and needs special attention?!]

[Beast Kaido: It turns out that the Mastemon is a co-evolution of an Ultimate Celestial Beast and an Evil Beast!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The evolution of Digimon actually has this way. If Rifan is not showing it here, I'm afraid we can't think of it this way even if we want to break our heads. Having said that, in the body of the Mastemon, is there the consciousness of both the Evil Beast and the Celestial Beast?]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Mastemon, a Digimon in charge of darkness and light at the same time, according to Rifan, the power of Mastemon can even reach the strength of Mega Digimon. In other words, this one has the ability to crush Marine Admiral, Four Emperors, etc. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: It's terrible! I just don't know, what are the conditions for the co-evolution of the celestial beast and the evil beast. What are the special conditions for two Digimon with such strong contradictions to evolve together? ]

With the emergence of Mastemon, the live broadcast screen that has not been closed for a long time finally ushered in the end.

However, what is surprising is that the golden list didn't disappear.

Like the announcement of the [Swordsman List], a list that excites martial artists has appeared on the golden list.

- [Warrior List] After the rewards are distributed, one hour later, the[Warrior List] will be announced.

- [Warrior Ranking] The strength of the warriors and the battle clothes they hold are ranked.

[Jinbei: There really is a list of martial artists, and the situation is so similar to the swordsman list. The last time it was based on the strength of the swordsman and the swords held by the swordsman. This time it was replaced by the strength and battle clothes of the warrior!]

[Red hair Shanks: Jinbei, right? After all, your Fish-men Karate is pretty good. I just don't know, Rifan has already topped the list of swordsmen, this time how the Warrior List will continue to rank him.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: If Rifan can be on the list, I am afraid that he will also be at the top of the Warrior List. Moreover, this List may have a ranking corresponding to the Juggernaut. Remember that when Rifan got the name of Juggernaut, he directly obtained eternal life. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: If the top spot this time is the reward of immortality, doesn't it mean that Rifan can choose a trusted person to live forever with him!]

[Dark King Rayleigh: It would be too lonely to live forever alone. If I were Rifan, I am afraid I would choose a woman who can go on with me and give her the reward of eternal life, haha. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: You are not married, how come you think of this? In addition, this time the Warrior list, what is going on, is still uncertain, and it is meaningless for us to speculate here. ]

On the other side, inside Rifan's dojo.

"Warrior List?" Rifan touched his chin and fell into thinking. "For the Warrior List, Yamato and Bonnet should appear on the ranking list. If it is No.18, I just don't know if the golden list will rank her."

Although the strength of No.18 is super strong, it has far exceeded the cognition of people in this world.

However, because No. 18 was cultivated by him using science and technology, Rifan is not sure whether No. 18, born in this way, will be included in the human category by the Golden List.

Shaking his head, Rifan cast aside his happy thoughts, turned his head and looked at Angewomon and LadyDevimon that had only evolved for a while and then separated.

"Let's go, I will take you to meet my other disciples."

"By the way, we should hold a welcome ceremony for our new Nakama, and of course my new disciples."

While talking, Rifan put his hand on Ain's shoulder:

"Ain, now that you have successfully evolved the Silver Chariot into a Chariot Requiem, you can't make much progress if you continue to stay here."

"So you can follow me to meet your senpais. As for strength, I will give you special training afterwards."

Rifan is also looking forward to Ain going to Naval Headquarters to finish her mission, so naturally, he intends to train her to be stronger.

Then, according to what Rifan said, Ain bid farewell to Shuzo and others, and came to Dressrosa with Rifan and others using the authority of the dojo.

As for other formal disciples, they also gathered in Dressrosa's dojo under Rifan's reminder.

And almost half an hour after the welcoming ceremony for the newcomers, Rifan alone called Hiyori and Yamato to the corner.

"What's the matter, Teacher Rifan?" Yamato wiped the grease on her mouth and looked at Rifan suspiciously.

Aside, Hiyori is also looking at Rifan curiously.

"Didn't you two get the [Designated Ability Advanced Card] just now, you haven't used it yet right?"

While talking, Rifan glanced at Yamato in surprise.

Originally, Rifan thought it would take a while for Yamato to awaken the sixth sense, but when he came back to take a look.

Yamato unexpectedly, like Hiyori, also entered the sixth sense, and officially entered the ranks of qualified saints.

"That's right, I want to ask Teacher Rifan for your opinion, so I haven't used it." Hiyori took out her [Designated Ability Advanced Card], "Teacher Rifan, do you think I should use this card? What ability should I use this card to increase?"

"Me, me!" Yamato also took out her [Designated Ability Advancement Card], "Teacher Rifan, should I use this card to take my physical ability to the next level, or simply Awakening the seventh sense!?"

"Well, I suggest you two upgrade your physical abilities to the next stage first." Rifan replied, "For you Yamato, since you have the Eight Inner Gates, upgrading your Physical Ability is an advantage for you."

"And although the power of the small universe is relatively peaceful, it still needs a powerful system to accommodate more small universe energy."

"The Saint Seiya enters the seventh sense from the sixth sense, which means that it is close to the domain of the Golden Saint Seiya. Such a powerful small universe is not something your current body can bear."

"Furthermore, the [Designated Ability Advanced Card] I am afraid that it will not really awaken your seventh sense."

With that said, Rifan explained the limitations he encountered when he used the [Designated Ability Advanced Card].

Saint Seiya, after reaching the cosmos level of the Golden Saint Seiya, it is definitely easier to break the continents.

And this level of power has already surpassed the limit that the Designated Ability Advanced Card can surpass.

Hearing that the [Designated Ability Advanced Card] didn't work for Rifan, Hiyori and Yamato couldn't help admiring Rifan even more.

"Okay, don't look at me like that." Rifan raised his hands and put them on Hiyori and Yamato's heads. "Use your rewards. If there is any accident, I can use my energy to help you."

"And Yamato, you will definitely be in the ranking of the Warrior List. So after using the rewards, I will help you familiarize yourself with your power. Otherwise, if there is any challenge or the like, it would be bad if you accidentally killed your opponents."

That's right, at the current level of Yamato, Rifan is no longer worried about someone in the current world who can defeat Yamato.

At least in one-on-one situations, even that Im, Rifan didn't think she was capable of defeating Yamato who was wearing the blue dragon saint.

The only thing Rifan worries about is that Yamato will accidentally kill someone because of her skyrocketing power.

It's okay if it is someone Rifan didn't like, but if it's someone with a good temperament, Rifan doesn't want to see them being killed by Yamato.

After Rifan finished speaking, the two girls nodded one after another and used the reward they got.

Soon, visible to the naked eye, the bodies of Hiyori and Yamato began to exude powerful vitality.

"Huh?!" Suddenly, Rifan's eyes widened, staring at Yamato's body.

'Good girl, if this goes on, is she going to become King Kong Barbie?!'

In Rifan's perception, Hiyori is simply strengthening her physical abilities, and her physical appearance has not changed much.

Yamato on the other hand is different, perhaps because she practiced domineering martial arts such as Eight Inner Gates and Lushan Rising Dragon Lord.

Therefore, during the strengthening process, Yamato's muscles were rapidly bulging.

Thinking that in the future, he will face a Yamato who has a muscular body except a woman with a face like a woman. Rifan decisively makes a move, he regulates his small universe energy to a gentle state and enters Yamato's body, and gradually her muscles that are beginning to bulge Pressed back abruptly.


After retracting his hand, Rifan nodded in satisfaction.