Chapter 294: Confession—

[Tl/n: I'm thankfull for all the suggestions. As my appreciation, i will post 5 chapters today.]


"Teacher Rifan!"

A crisp voice sounded behind Rifan.

"It's you, Robin." Rifan, who was sitting outside the door of the dojo and looking at the Golden List with a leisurely look and smiled, "What's wrong? Aren't you going to eat like the rest?"

"My appetite is not as good as Bonney and the others." Robin smiled and walked behind Rifan, "Teacher Rifan, I haven't thanked you yet."

"Thanks?" Rifan turned his head and glanced at Robin, and at the same time saw Olvia walking beside Robin, who was like a sister to Robin. "If you are talking about your mother then you don't have to thank me for that, I just brought her back to life by chance."

"Even so, I would like to say thank you." Robin sat down beside Rifan, leaning her head slightly on Rifan's shoulder, "Since you use the resurrection scroll, you must also want to resurrect our…your disciples' relatives."

"Although it seemed that my luck had prevailed in the end, but I could feel your care for us, your disciples.

"What's more, you have lost your strength."

Behind Rifan and Robin, Olvia looked at Robin who was resting her head on Rifan's shoulder, and a meaningful smile was drawn at the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, the sound of opening the door of the restaurant in the dojo was heard.

Olvia looked back, and Rifan's disciple Rebecca was walking over.

'At this time, let Robin and Rifan spend more time together.'

Thinking of this, Olvia walked toward Rebecca and started talking with Rebecca.

"If you're worried about my loss of strength from using it." Rifan shook his head slightly, "It actually doesn't matter to me at all. This resurrection scroll of the golden list has limited absorption power, and I can bear it completely."

"Let's talk about your mother, what do you plan to do now?"

"If you want, you can actually take her back to your hometown to take a look."

"Of course, if you want to take your mother out to find the text of history, I won't object."

"With your strength and mastery of Sage Mode, Even if the Marine and World Government plan to hunt you down, it is quite difficult to catch you."

"As long as you want to escape, even if Garp and Sengoku come in person, they can't stop you."

Hearing this, Robin's mouth curled up slightly and said, "If possible, I would rather find the historical text with you, Teacher Rifan."

"This is a bit difficult." Rifan touched his chin, "I'm still busy teaching my disciples."

Hearing Rifan's words, Robin couldn't help looking at Rifan with a grimace.

After a long time with Rifan, Robin knew that Rifan was a very smart person.

Rifan will never fail to understand the meaning of her words.

She doesn't just want to find the historical text with Rifan, she hopes to be by Rifan's side.

"Teacher Rifan, can I ask you a question...?" Robin asked Rifan, looking straight into his eyes.

"If it is convenient to answer the question, I can tell you."

"Teacher Rifan, do you have a partner?"

"Well, it is indeed a serious question, but the answer is a secret~"

"Uh, really, Teacher Rifan, can you be more serious?"

"I have always been serious."

"Hmm, then teacher Rifan, do you mind if your partner only has a short life?"

Robin took a deep breath. At this moment, her tone was more serious than ever before.

No way, Robin still remembers what No.18 said to her.

Rifan can live forever. For this reason, No.18 does not want them to break into Rifan's life too much.

But after experiencing the event of Rifan resurrecting her Mother.

While Robin was moved, her affection for Rifan had almost reached the point where it could not be restrained.

It is precisely because of this that Robin will come to Rifan's side to ask her doubts when the [Warrior List] is about to be released.

Even though this may cause unhappiness for No.18.

Rifan turned his head and took a serious look at Robin.

A few seconds later, Rifan got up from the bench and patted Robin on her head.

"If I can, who wouldn't want to spend more time with their partner?

"Robin, look, the golden list has already begun to be released, do you think the golden list will let me in the ranking?"

Just when Robin wanted to say something, Rifan pointed to the golden list and said.

Above the golden list, a big character shining with golden light slowly appeared, announcing the official release of the[Warrior List].

"Since it's Teacher Rifan, you will definitely be on the list." Robin smiled and got up from her seat.

She knew that Rifan was changing the subject.

Moreover, Rifan's answer of "I hope to live long with my partner" seems to be rejecting her.

However, looking at Rifan's back in the sun, Robin couldn't help but feel no sadness.

Instead, she felt that it was so natural.

'Even so, in my short life, I will always be by your side, Teacher Rifan No, Rifan.'

Robin's eyes exuded a firm look, and she stepped forward, leaning against Rifan's back tightly.

Rifan, who was smiling at the golden list, pursed his lips, and finally chose to stand quietly.

It wasn't until nearly a minute later that the sound of the Dojo door opening was heard one after another. Robin let go of Rifan's back, and at the same time changed her previous expressions as she looked at Nami, Vivi, etc. who came out of the dojo.

"Ah, really, Teacher Rifan, why can't we eat the dishes made with the ingredients in the dojo!"

"I really want to eat that kind of food, it looks so delicious!"

As soon as she walked out of the dojo, Sadi quickly came to Rifan.

"There is nothing we can do. We are not teachers Rifan's formal disciples after all." Nojiko patted Sadi on the shoulder and said, "This is the rule set by Teacher Rifan from the beginning."

"But, obviously No. 18, Angewomon, LadyDevimon, they are not disciples of Teacher Rifan, why can they eat it?" Sadi pouted, and the next moment she raised her hand and pointed at MetalTyrannomon who was eating a big bun happily. "Look, even MetalTyrannomon."

"Although it is not the dishes made with the ingredients in the dojo, the dishes made by Rifan with the ingredients prepared by Dressrosa are also quite delicious." Violet smiled and walked over.

When she heard Rifan summon Rebecca for a banquet, Violet happened to be shopping with Rebecca, so she came to the dojo together.

"Although I also want to eat Rifan's dishes made with ingredients from the Dojo, but the taste of other dishes is also very delicious, I have nothing to complain about."

Belle-mère said casually with a toothpick in her mouth.

"But I still want to eat—" Suddenly, Sadi's eyes lit up, and she cupped Rifan's hand in both hands, "Teacher Rifan, how about I become your woman!"

"Since the official apprentice candidate can't consume the resources of the dojo, then your woman should be able to right!?"

As soon as her voice fell, the scene was silent, and everyone turned their eyes to Sadi.

Except for MetalTyrannomon still squinting and enjoying the food at hand.

"Huh?! What's the matter? Why are you looking at me with such a look, everyone?"

Sadi was taken aback by the silent scene. And when she turned to look at the others, she found that Nami, Nojiko and others were looking at her seriously.

Even Yamato looked at Sadi with a very serious look at this moment.

"Hehe, Sadi, what you said just now must be a joke."

Robin, who is closer to Sadi, raised her mouth and looked at Sadi m with a "harmonious" face.

"Well, yes, it must be a joke." No.18 walked out of the crowd and put her hand on Sadi's shoulder. "Did you just say that you want to experience the feeling of flying? Then I will help you realize it."

Sadi: "Wait, I...ah!"

Rifan: "..."

Robin: ".. "

"Huh?! What's going on?" MetalTyrannomon, who wiped out the food in his hand, looked strangely at No.18, who disappeared into the sky very quickly. "Rifan, is No.18 taking Sadi to play?"

"Hmm, it should be to train Sadis' state of mind." Rifan said with a serious expression with his hand on his cheek.

"Oh~" MetalTyrannomon nodded earnestly, "It turns out that Sadi wants to exercise her courage by experiencing rapid flight. In this case, I can actually help Sadi, although I don't have the method to fly so fast like No.18."

"Do you really believe Rifan's words?" LadyDevimon glanced back at MetalTyrannomon somewhat speechlessly, "It seems that what you have grown is only strength, and your intelligence is much worse."

MetalTyrannomon scratched his head and did not understand what LadyDevimon meant.

But soon, MetalTyrannomon shook his head and cast his gaze on the golden list in the sky.

"The golden list that signed a contract with us is about to announce the new list again. I don't know if more Digimon will come to this world."