Chapter 295: War God!

—[Warrior Ranking List], based on the current strength data of the warriors, the actual combat may change.

—Therefore, set up a challenge mechanism.

—All warriors can challenge the warriors on the[Warriors List], and the winners will be rewarded.

—After the challenge is over, the winner will hold the ranking, and the remaining rankings will decline successively. The winner's injury will automatically recover immediately in order to accept the next challenge.

—The loser will not be given healing services. But if the loser is still on the list, when faced with a new challenge, the golden list will use healing on those challenge warriors who have an injury.

—[Warriors on the Rank List] Low-ranking players can challenge high-ranking players.

—In Duels, you are only allowed to use martial arts-related abilities.

—The duration of the challenge, is one month.

— After the list is fully announced, the challenge will commence.


With the appearance of golden characters on the golden list, almost everyone in the world cast their sights on it.

At the same time, a screen appeared in the golden list, and a luxurious throne marked with "one" to "ten" and a "god" appeared on the screen.

Seeing this scene, everyone can't help but feel a sense of sight.

[Red-haired Shanks: From "one" to "ten", so this time there will only be ten people on the list. The seat that says "God" should be given to a warrior who can defeat the nine on the throne at the same time. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: "God", so to say, the person who sits on that throne will be named "War God"?]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: "War God"? Really a good title. If I can win this title, I can prove that I am the strongest!]

[Beast Kaido: Hmph, do you think you can beat me, Bullet? Or do you think you are already on the same line as the top pirates? What a joke!]

[Descendants of the Devil Bullet: Kaido? Hmp! You're just a guy who has been beaten by his daughter. The real joke here is you!]

[Jinbei: Is there only ten? I don't know if I can be on the list. But it should be very difficult. Even if Rifan can't be on the list because he already has the title of Juggernaut, he still has disciples who can be on the list, plus those strong people on the sea.]

Speaking of this, even Jinbei himself has little confidence in himself.

Even though he is very confident in his own Fish-man karate, there are indeed many powerful warriors in this sea.

Kaido of Four Emperors, Garp of Marine, former Pirate King Crew Bullet, etc., are all-powerful warriors with hard power.

Even if Kaido and others can't use Devil Fruit, their power is not something that Jinbei dares to compare.

[Blackbeard Teach: The list of warriors, this thing seems to have no relationship with me, it's a pity. ]

Although Teach thinks that his current Haki level is strong enough, in terms of combat, when Devil Fruit is not applicable, and only completely relies on brute force to fight. Teach didn't think that the golden list would put him on the[Warrior Rankings List], after all, he did not even have a name on the [Martial Skills List].

Even Teach felt that even Whitebeard himself might not be able to be named on the Warrior List.

'Maybe, there will be lists related to those who are devil fruit users in the future.'

'If there is such a list, my Dark Fruit will definitely be among the best.'

"It's just that I might be tied with that woman.'

As Teach thought, he glanced at Shiryu.

The woman in Teach's thoughts is naturally Sadi who has a grudge against Shiryu, Sadi is like him, the user of Dark Fruit without weakness.

As for Thatch, although he also holds Dark Fruit, it is Devil Fruit with a weakness like fear of seawater. Teach doesn't think it can compare with the Dark Fruit he currently holds.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Last time, during the Swordsman List, there were resurrection items. I don't know if it will appear this time. ]

[Red hair Shanks: There should be, after all, the Warrior list should be the same as the Swordsman list, and it should be an advanced list. There is no reason not to have some excellent items. It's just a pity, this time, I may not be able to challenge the list as a warrior, haha~]

At this moment, in the office of Mariejois, The Four Elders.

The four elders are sitting in tension, looking at the golden list with serious faces. They are all looking forward to the release of the warrior ranking list.

"Only ten can be on the list, and one of them will definitely be Im-sama."

After a long silence, the curly-bearded elder spoke:

"And among us, except for the one who died, all of us are good at Six-Power."

"At the same time, our strengths are similar, I don't know what rank the golden list will rank us."

The Curly Beard Elder is extremely confident in their strength, in the [Martial Skills List], although their Marine Six-Power did not get a high ranking.

But the Curly Beard Elder is quite confident about the progress and strength of the four of them.

The one announced in the [Warrior List], even if there are countless powerful warriors in the world, he is sure that they can occupy a place in it.

"Our strength can't be said to be strong or weak. Perhaps the golden list will put us at the same ranking." The Long Beard Elder stroked his long beard.

The same ranking, such a thing has happened before, so the Long Beard Elder thinks this is a very likely thing to happen.

"This is an opportunity. If all four of us can get rewards, it will be able to consolidate the regime of the World Government."

"Even if it will expose our strength, it can once again let those kings who are clamoring to withdraw from the World Government know what kind of organization they are facing."

"With the Digimon Egg that will be sent to Naval Headquarters, those bastards will definitely accept the fact that Im-sama is the only one worth sitting on the Throne of the Void."

"If they still don't accept it, then there is no need for these countries to continue to exist.

The Curly Beard Elder said gloomily.

On the other side of the office, the blonde elder frowned slightly.

Even though the other three elders are almost certain about being on the ranking, he has different ideas.

'Will it really be so easy to be on the list?

Thinking of Garp, thinking of Kong, thinking of Redfield who had escaped from Impel Down before, etc., the blonde elder had a bad feeling in his heart.

"It's starting! [Warrior List] is now on the list." Suddenly, the Curly Beard's extremely solemn voice came into the ears of the blonde elder.

—[Warrior Ranking List] officially began to be released.

—[Warrior List] 10th place, Monkey D. Dragon; scheduled reward, [Random Resurrection Scroll]

--After using [Random Resurrection Scroll], characters who are related to the user will be randomly resurrected, and the resurrected person will have the peak power in his lifetime.