Chapter 308: Fight—!

"Wait What! Zephyr! That guy is back?"

Garp stood up and looked at the messenger in an incredible way, then Garp quickly rushed out of the marshal's office and rushed towards the Naval Headquarters square.

"Oh? Zephyr-sensei came back. However, I don't want to come and have a look but..." Kizaru rubbed his chin and turned to look at Sengoku. "Marshal Sengoku, then, What to do, do I need to arrest Zephyr-sensei?"

"Hmp, of course, he must be arrested!" Akainu snorted coldly. "Although he used to be Marine's hero, he has threatened the Marines now.

"Coming here this time, he definitely doesn't have a good intention!"

"Don't forget, Ain, the disciple of Zephyr, has become a disciple of Rifan."

"This time, it is hard to guarantee that it is not intended to deal with us like how Rebecca drove away the Donquixote family and Nami killed the Arlong Pirates."

"Marshal Sengoku, you have also analyzed before that every disciple of Rifan is born, almost all of them have to plant Rifan's banner somewhere. This time I am afraid that they have chosen Naval Headquarters."

Speaking of it, Akainu has already stood up fiercely.

He is just waiting for Sengoku's order to arrest Zephyr.

Hearing this, Sengoku frowned tightly. After a little thought, he held his hand for a while and said:

"Go and see first, if Zephyr really intends to do something bad to Naval Headquarters, arrest him."

After saying this, Sengoku looked like an old teenager. He had to hold his desk with his hands to prevent himself from sitting in a chair.

"Yes!" Hearing Sengoku's order, the Hawk Marine headed by Akainu immediately left the office.

"Then, I'll go take a look too." Kizaru stood up, "I hope nothing bad will happen."

After Kizaru's figure disappeared by the door, Aokiji also stood up without saying a word and left the room.

"It's hard for you, Sengoku." Tsuru said in a low voice, "Anyway, go and see, maybe things won't be as bad as you and I think."

Sengoku nodded and headed towards the Naval Headquarters square with Tsuru.


"So, if you have doubts about the Marine's justice and plan to start again."

"I, Zephyr, former Marine Admiral, former Marine Instructor, I welcome you all to join the new Marine."

"Join me to fight against the vicious pirates. I am not accepting orders from the World Government to defend the Five Elders and to defend Im's sinister ambitions!"

"And you don't have to work hard for the trash of Celestial Dragons!"

Before reaching the square, far away, Sengoku and Tsuru could hear Zephyr's passionate voice.

"Zephyr, actually planning to dig at Naval Headquarters!" At this moment, even Tsuru, who was extremely calm, was stunned with surprise.

"This is bad. If Zephyr did this. The minds of the Marines who have just calmed down are about to float again." Sengoku gritted his teeth and rushed towards where Zephyr was.

"Nonsense!" Akainu looked at Zephyr standing in front of him with an angry look. Behind Zephyr, there were Ain, Sadi, Belle-mère, and Nojiko.

It was precisely because of the presence of Ain and others that Akainu suppressed his anger and did not act on Zephyr the moment he heard his word.

"Zephyr, do you know what you are doing now?"

"Do you still have justice in your heart?!"

"Now the sea is surging, and pirates appear more frequently than before."

"You still want to split Marine?!"

"Even if you have made a lot of contributions to the Marine, you are now a dangerous person who doesn't want to stop.

Hearing Akainu's words, Zephyr took off his sunglasses and glanced at him very quietly. Then he looked at Aokiji, Kizaru and Sengoku who came over.

"If I am a dangerous person, so what is the World Government?"

"I have been a Marine for so many years, don't you say that you don't know, what kind of people we Marine are protecting the interests of."

"Even in the name of maintaining the balance of the world, we cannot deny that we were really helping a group of scumbags to stabilize their regime."

"I'm tired, old, and don't want to continue like this."

"Perhaps, reworking Marine will bring chaos to the sea for a short time, but I believe that after many years, the sea will usher in a more stable future!"

"Everyone, this is an opportunity! Because of the World Government, we have lost the opportunity to stand with Rifan!"

"However, as long as we establish a new Marine and get out of the control of the World Government, we will be able to regain the opportunity to get along with Rifan!"

With that, Zephyr looked at Tsuru not far away.

"Before, Gion had the opportunity to become a disciple of Rifan."

"Originally, a Marine could have a powerful Marine that could rival the Four Emperors.

"Even after Gion, there will be more such characters."

"Later, you know what happened."

"Tsuru, join the new Marine, if possible, I don't want to fight with you."

Hearing this, Tsuru frowned and looked at Sengoku, who was already extremely gloomy.

"Zephyr, I have been working as a Marine for my whole life, and I don't want to be any new Marine."

"I'll just ask you, Zephyr. You brought Rifan's disciples, is Rifan planning to start a war against Naval Headquarters?"

As soon as the voice fell, every Marine on the scene hardened their ears.

Unlike Golden Lion and Kaido, the two pirates who attacked Marine Headquarters they can withstand.

If it is Rifan who intends to launch a war against Naval Headquarters, perhaps they will have to consider whether to escape.

"Don't worry, Teacher Rifan won't attack you." Sadi stood up and said, "Not only will Teacher Rifan won't attack your HQ, but apart from Sister Ain, neither will other formal disciples of Teacher Rifan."

"As for us, we are just here to help Sister Ain, so it should be fair to you, Marine."

"To be honest, I really feel disgusted with my identity as a former Marine. I didn't expect that you Marine is only a dog for those scumbags!"

Sengoku and others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the first half of Sadi's words, but when they heard the second half, some impatient Marines only felt a wave of unnamed anger begin to burn violently in their chests.

"Humph! Regardless of whether Rifan intends to take action, you come to Naval Headquarters without authorization and want to split the Marine, which is unforgivable!"

"Ain, Rifan's disciple, right? Let me see how much you learned from Rifan!"

"Great Eruption!"

Anxious Akainu ignited angry magma with his right hand, forming a huge magma fist and slamming it towards Ain.

Using Akainu's actions as a signal, some Marines also drew their swords and planned to start fighting.

However, the next moment, a fiery flame soaring into the sky interrupted their movements.
